Ring. I know I shouldn’t but there is no other way. I have used up all my options; this is it. I am a failure; nobody likes me; nobody should like me; I’m a terrible influence. Why me? Ring. God it’s starting to hurt. Should I clean this up? No. I’ll leave it. It doesn’t make a difference to me. It won’t last much longer until all the pain goes away. Ring. What if it doesn’t work? I can’t see anymore. Just one more time. Ring. Why are my parents so ignorant that they can’t even hear me? Can’t they tell what I’m doing? ***** them; ***** the world; I wasn’t meant for this life. Ring. SOMEONE PICK UP THE **** PHONE PLEASE. I really can’t see now; my face is black and my body, red. Ring. … Hello? Hello?* *Is someone there?