does anyone even know i'm still here? covered in every holiday imaginable - easter, christmas, halloween, even the last owner's menorah.
i'm full of dust and i'm not sure of the last time i saw light from under the collection of all things forgotten.
these curtains that hang over my edge have got psychedelic swirls of orange and brown. i can't tell if it's ***** or a design.
eyes peer up over my ledge periodically, but no one seems to see me buried beneath the mountainous memories that i've collected.
loan gloves call out for their partners and their voices go hoarse over the years, but they never quit. my ears grow tired of their low pleading groans.
prized possessions that once put human's eyes aglow now sit in sorrow and stew in the realization that they have truly been forgotten, much like myself.
i remember the hands that cut me from an old oak in mississippi. i wonder if those hands remember me.