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Poe Reimer May 2017
We are the humans; we are the gods;
we and the planet are slightly at odds.
The first point of business, to no one's surprise,
is tweak our genetics so nobody dies.
We'll mine all the clathrates from under the seas
and heat up the planet by thirty degrees.
You can't have a sink if you don't have a source;
we're gonna mine all of the asteroids, of course.
If our conservation continues so deft,
we might have a couple of animals left.
We'll savor the fruits of the trip that we're on.
The great southern pole will have excellent lawn,
and we'll tune or brains for perpetual bliss
and robots will whisper that's nothing's amiss.
Poe Reimer Apr 2017
Let's speak for a moment of Timmy McVeigh.
Clinton proclaimed him a coward. No way.
A coward ain't putting his life  on the line
'cause government ain't the ideal design.
Quite a courageous and capable sort,
he blew up a building and cut some lives short.
He wanted to get our attention. He did -
to hear his agenda and do as he bid.
It seems like we heard him; he's one of the ones
for trading assistance for freedom and guns.
Perhaps if I bombed you, you'd hear what I say,
but I ain't no hero like Timmy McVeigh.
Poe Reimer Mar 2017
Spoiled sick by doctor Spock,
the self-appointed baby doc -
psychology he just invented
decreed that they should be contented.
Did education, nearly free,
evoke some reciprocity?
Their children's education loan -
they'll get to pay it on their own.
The resource base that they'd inherit -
they chose to use it not to share it.
Their heads can't fathom simple facts -
what made us great was higher tax.
They know it's better not to share.
They won't be killing medicare.
They're satisfied with what they've got.
The infrastructure's left to rot.
The goal they're trying to fulfill:
to pass the kids their every bill.
Baby boomers, as you see,
have sociopathology.
Our ruination - all it took:
some good intentions and a book.
Poe Reimer Mar 2017
Livestock, we are all agreed,
are species changed to fill a need.
The rich folks live where living's great -
in giant homes behind a gate,
where folks are destined to succeed
and very seldom interbreed,
where media (they own it all)
pervades the thoughts beyond the wall,
bombarding us with words designed
to leave our interests undermined,
assuring that our minds are swerved
in ways that leave our betters served.
Some girls are told to take the reins
and have few kids if they have brains
'til little trace of brain remains
while women of another sort
are taught it's evil to abort.
One ought to ask what value's bought
when smart is culled and dumb is not;
we've simply moved to fill the niche
of being cattle for the rich.
Poe Reimer Feb 2017
When I saw you baby, my heart skipped a beat;
I thought that a clot caused a valve to unseat.
Though I felt lightheaded I didn't much care;
I just figured space didn't curve so much there.
My heart was aglow; my ***** were afire;
I thought I might need to adjust my attire.
My knees started buckling; my jaw line went slack
as if my nutrition had suffered a lack,
but then I felt blood was beginning to course
a message I took as a sign to endorse
the concept around was the way we should horse,
but I suffered whiplash from spinning about
and I looked too closely and you knocked me out
and though I've recovered, inspection reveals
something that day left me head over heels.
Poe Reimer Feb 2017
Let population grow too great
and morals have an awful fate.
When there's more value being dead
morality's turned on its head,
for then the moral thing to do
is **** the man who's just like you.
When is that dreadful day, you ask?
Today. Put on your killing mask.
The burden bears too great a curse?
Okay, we'll **** the planet first.
Poe Reimer Feb 2017
She should have stayed where she belonged;
the woman card just got her shlonged.
We're going to make this country great.
My daughter might be fun to date.
There's just no way that we can win
with all the rapists leaking in.
We'll build a wall and make them quit
and Mexico will pay for it.
I'm smart and that's a clever plan.
******* it, that's a normal hand.
You think that Mexico will pay?
Well that's absurd; there's just no way.
I think perhaps that you misheard;
to what did you think "it" referred?
I've had about all I can take;
the leaks are real; the new is fake,
and women love me, one and all.
Theses hands aren't small; these hands aren't small.
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