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Poe Reimer Nov 2016
I fear that something is amiss;
no ape should reach such age as this.
Mere common sense will tell you so;
an ape should do his job and go.
An ape of substance surely ought
to do what's right and linger not,
so I've adopted gin and such
and undertake to drink too much.
Poe Reimer Nov 2016
What went wrong?  Well, let's review.
We thought experience would do,
and those who liked her didn't think
of thirty years of Clinton stink,
and thus we chose the only one
prepared to leave the job undone,
and forty years of downhill slide
appealed to our darker side,
and her weird suits and her wide-eyed stare
put the lizard-king in the power chair.
Poe Reimer Nov 2016
Life should be simple, seems like to me,
women and feelings and things you can be,
perhaps a few interesting things you can see,
but sit yourself back and switch on the TV;
little too interesting, seems like to me.
Poe Reimer Oct 2016
I'm half asleep and here's my goal.
I think I'm gonna take a poll.
One leg doesn't say a peep;
the other says it's half asleep.
One arm says "I'm folded, bud,
and I could use a little blood."
One ear wouldn't mind a hat;
the other feels pretty flat.
My Mohawk still won't look that great
with one side flat, the other straight,
One side is hot, the other cold.
The poll is done. Okay I rolled.
Poe Reimer Oct 2016
Some people living with purpose un-rife
seek to discover the meaning of life,
but I'm pretty sure having meaning assures
there has to be something to which it refers,
and it quickly occurs to a person who thinks
to get to the meaning you follow the links
'til finally you get to the stuff with the fizz
where nothing has meaning and stuff simply is,
where simple existence is fully enough
and things don't need meaning like second-class stuff,
and finding no reference despite looking far
just might mean the end's where you already are.
Poe Reimer Oct 2016
Do you find that there's something your life seems to lack?
Does it seem like a merciless boring-thing stack?
Well, blessings can flow when a world's declined;
the quest for survival can focus the mind.
When trapped in a corner, head under a boot,
the value of life isn't up for dispute.
The boredom will lift and your interest will peak
when life is a trial and chances are bleak.
Your jackhammer heart will course blood through your veins
when life is like riding a horse with no reins.
It gives you the insight to savor life's juice
when your heart's in your throat and your bowels cut loose.
One might have expected our lives would be dashed
with our lives upside down and economies crashed,
but the meaning of life will approach the divine
with Earth in the balance and lives on the line.
Poe Reimer Oct 2016
We have a judge who seems to see
himself a little deity.
His little mind has always deemed
himself most rightfully esteemed
and when he tries a little case
of mercy there is little trace;
of course his little mind won't sway
for little things like DNA.
Looking at the ballot shows
his name and box and none oppose;
unless you've heard this little rap
you won't avoid this little trap
and when you scratch your little X
help turn more little lives to wrecks.
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