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 Dec 2013 Tayyibah Aziz
The girl curled up in her chair
Scribbling away in her purple notebook
3/4 of the paper filled
Scars deeper than I though possible
Neatly lined up her arm

The youngest kid
Destined for paleontology
Sits in the back playing solitaire and fusball
His reading of being here
Completely unknown

Her high bun in her blonde hair
Match perfectly
With her soft-spoken tone
A complete shock
To learn of her purging past

The average girl
Moved here from New Jersey
Her foot tapping anxiously
Due to her parents misunderstandings
And from all of the Tylenol she swallowed

Her hand aimlessly writes
Pages and pages written
To her boyfriend of who-knows-how-long
Who supports her
And does t care about the scars

She sleeps all day
Except for when the therapists torment her
Trying anything
To get her to eat
Or even say a single word

The oldest one here
To everyone, her happiness seems more than just a bluff
But she's here for a reason
Clearly, her rocket scientist dream
Hasn't worked out yet

He was out in two days
His feelings more if a passing thought
For his puns
And love for horror
Prove his happiness

I sit and listen, alone
My suicidal-ness a shock to most
Still misunderstood
I can't wrap my head around it
I just.
Being stuck in the hospital for five days, I've written a lot of poetry. Here comes a wave of sad hospital poems
The wind blows amongst the trees,
It pushes her down to her knees,
She hasn’t been having the urge to live,
Cant let the pain go like flour in a sieve,
But every night the wind returns,
No one knows or has concerns.

They forgot about her once she left,
He stole her heart like a petty
But he is just a simple boy,
After all the easy and simple girls,
He turned her heart to a plastic toy,
Breaking her down behind innocent curls.

Broken barriers expose her heart,
He has mastered this psychotic art,
And left her laying out in the rain,
Soaked and drench in her sorrow and pain.

— The End —