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Dec 2016 · 435
Eliana Michelle Dec 2016
Hey, my beautiful boy
You hold the ocean in your eyes
So deep blue, I got lost in you

You loved me like no other
And I cannot replace you
Nor can I erase your touch  

It's always beckoned me
Demanding of me
And I, craving of it

Our love was intimate
The *** wasn't just one and done
It was different

We held each other
Made sure the other was ok
Eye contact and shared the same breath

We moved as one, not two looking for simple pleasure
Pleasure came from your hand on my face alone
I didn't need your body to ****** into love

The image of your handsome face
It's forever lovely stuck on my mind
Your name tastes sweet rolling off my tongue

Forever is how long I will long for you
Forever is how long I will cherish you
Forever is how long I will love you

Forever could never be long enough for me
Forever could never be enough for me
Forever is a small amount of time

My love, you've got a grip on me
It will not let me go
And I'm ok with being a sweet prisioner
I still love you and you know this, this poem could've been a novel with all the things I love about you
Nov 2016 · 242
Eliana Michelle Nov 2016
I have an addition
I love the company you bring
I love how your cold hands feel against my warm ones
How soft the back of your hand is
How smooth your palms are

You are beautiful
You are art

If I were blessed enough to be in a room surrounded by amazing things, my eyes would be locked on you

My first love, I swear I'm over you but every time you call, I come running

I'll take care of you so long as you stay by my side

I dream of you,
I dream of the things you once told me
I dream of the dreams we had together

And I wake up saddened by what we could've had

Come back to me
I have an addition to you
I have an addition to your presence

I love you
I'm really sorry to anyone's heart I've ever broken because now I know, I know that pain and I'm very sorry I caused that upon you and wish you the very best dear friend(s)
Oct 2016 · 327
kiss me
Eliana Michelle Oct 2016
kiss me
kiss me so i know what your lips feel like
kiss me so i know how you taste

is your kiss what i thought it would be?
is it everything i wanted?


and that's what i was afraid of

im scared of getting used to you and loving you
love can be one sided and my darling, it was

kiss me
kiss me so i can miss your lips
kiss me so i can touch mine and remember yours
kiss me because i want you
kiss me to prove something

kiss me so i can spend my sleepless nights thinking of your lips
kiss me so i can cry
kiss me
let me down

it's what you do my love
and only you can hurt me so good

so kiss me
Late nights call for drafts what I'll never edit and just publish
Oct 2016 · 216
Confusion pt. 2
Eliana Michelle Oct 2016
Do I continue to let you play these games?
Should I stop you?

Why do you play these games with me like this?
You are the creator
Only you know what you're doing
And I,
I'm just a little pawn in your game.

You say one thing and mean another.
You're actions leave me guessing.
You're words,
They're like paper cuts on scarred skin
And your eyes,
They're the salt and lemon.

What will become of me if I should stay?
send help because i'm drowning in my own thoughts
Oct 2016 · 235
10 word poem
Eliana Michelle Oct 2016
I'm sorry but
                          Even the sunlight
  Has become
                                       So cold.
Oct 2016 · 227
Eliana Michelle Oct 2016
Was my life meant to be like this?
I have a beautful boy made of stars in front of me
I won't let him go

I hope he lets me stay

He's touching me
Touching my heart with his eyes
His voice is a melody
He is art.

Oh no
I should've known this would happen
This beautiful boy.....
He's breaking my heart

He's kissing me again
But he left me?
He's not mine but am I his?

This body, this mind, this heart, these veins in which pump my blood,
I'd give it all if he asked.

Is this love?
What is this?
Help me
I'm lost, and scared

— The End —