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445 · Sep 2018
Through My Eyes 1/24/18 #1
Bad is good but good is bad.
Only what you have lost
Is what you realized you had.
Thinking about it now
The price, no...the cost
It make you sad.
I've felt the pain
It hurts to much
And do to my mistakes
Ive lost my crutch.
Friends will come
Friends will go
Memorys melt away like sun on snow.
My mind is soil
I feel very drop of cold water rush in
It seems I'll never feel a warm thought ever again.
Is god a guild or goal.
This game we play with our soul
Must have an end.
The game always has a winner and a loser.
Yet some lose more than the rest.
To me the losers are the ones that wait.
Those who suffer through this pain and hate.
But if you leave the game you win that's my fate.
So look through my eyes and you will see.
Your mind will pivot.
And you'll realize the goal of life
Isn't to live it.
226 · Sep 2018
I Can Fell Her 9/16/18 #2
My friend is a friend, is the friend to befriend.
Never did she put on a false face to pretend.
There to care threw your suffering and despair.
Is the only thing on your side when life feels unfair.
If you need a heart to lean on she always has hers to send.
As a man of faith you are forever tempted by the arch demons snair.
That nine knotted whisper always seems to be there.
But with her love your ears she will defend.
She is forever your friend my friend the friend to befriend.
Thank you for being such a good friend to me Arevalo.
Tired Writings Of An In Love Man. 10/23/18

I lay here in bed so sleepless tonight. I think of a girl, my love, my light. I say I love her everyday but my true deep feelings I just don't know how to say. I wish I could look her in the eyes right now and just say what I feel but I'm scared that from me my words this relationship they would steal. I would tell her I've seen girls come and go from me in every way, but when I befriended her she was the only one I wished to stay. I don't know what It is it's not here physical appeal I mean of course that is there. With her eye, her lips, her curly cloud of hair. It's something deep inside her heart it rakes at me with it she stole mine from the start. Now I'm just lost in my own love for her with no sign of a cure. All I know is how it feels so warming, pleasant, and pure. Tomorrow I'm going to see her and while our bodies are close the feeling so nice. I will tell her that she is my world and that there is no way enough love to her I could send, that I'm in love with her and will always be until my end.
Just tring to continue to badly right poetry about a girl that means so much to me.
Forget that friend of a friend and whatever type of friend.
I got the girl I GOT THE GIRL!!!!!
And I'll cherish her till my end.
you would not believe it I don't believe it
To her, all my love I will send.
I've climbed out of this pit of hell and now my life's a twirl.
Oh my goodness oh my grace.
You would not believe the beauty of her face.
And behind that face lays a soul of gold
And just think of our future.
That story to unfold
You will hear about it.
You will hear I say.
The story of a girl and guy unbelievably gay
A few months ago I would have never thought.
I was in that pit of which I knew I would always stay.
But her light was found and now I pray
To let us enjoy this never ending day.
It's a mystery, the truth unable to see
A girl approaches a guy to find out whom he might be
I guess you could say they hit it off
He loved her eyes, her skin, her hair so soft
But in the beginning, for him she did not feel the same way
He kept the feelings to himself, the truth he could not say
But as they talked the love had formed
She started to like him this opportunity he stormed
She loved his humor, his smile, and his heart was in the right place
He loved her beauty, her laugh, her grace
but there was a problem only she would know
They could not be together and he would have to let her go
She tried to tell him he just could not understand
Her explanation, her doubt he would not except
She told him after that year he could not take her hand
And all night that Thursday he lied up and wept
She knows she hurt him she felt so bad
But they talked about the opportunities they had
All he wanted was to belong to her
To be given a chance
In the end that relationship she would ensure
Then so begun there amazing romance
She is unbelievably great
I love her so much
Being with her is my fate
And my heart she has truly touched
I posted this one a little late thats my bad ive been busy with life and spending time with the girl of my dreams

— The End —