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come let me lead you through my mind
where angels tremble in their sleep
for fear the waking makes them blind
within the darkness dank and deep
the shadows skulk and hiss and scream
and reach for me with outstretched hands
with greed they feast upon my dreams
and run amok in fallen sands
they know my name the one I keep
within a jar beside my bed
along with tears I've yet to weep
and words as yet I have not said
they'll come for me if er' I rest
and let my guard so foolish fall
but yet I have to pass the test
though mine own fear doth me appall
so walk my mind but be aware
to never stray from well worn path
for if you do your soul they'll snare
and you shall feel their pain and wrath
for broken minds ner' know no peace
no glue nor tape can ever mend
so run away my hand release
forsake me now I beg their friend.
Daemons is proper spelling of demons
 Sep 2013 Plain Jane Glory
I see you in the parking lot
Sitting in your car with your eyes shut, head bobbing
As your music rattles your windows
And you explore the cavern of your mind

I want so badly to offer you a light

You feel me watching, feel reality encompass you
You awake from your trance
And you put on your mask

You are so sure that this mask will keep away the pain
But I see your demons clawing at it, begging to be set free

I've seen you
The you behind the mask
You have shed it before me many times
But as soon as I glimpse your naked face
And you see it reflected in my eyes
You don your mask again and ask me never to speak of what I've seen
how prevalent and real the problems are
that we often on see on the reel.
there's a reason why movies are made
pure entertainment of course
but others are a source
an insight
made to bring to light
what often evades our sight
we best take heed
because when people look back on what we did
when the future looks back to the past
they will see that some lived
and some died
and few fought
and the few that did
they won something that could never be bought.

and you better believe that every muscle
every bone
in this man's body
will have felt what it means to fight
to struggle
to fail
to fall
to endure
and to crawl
until the skin on his knees
and the skin on his hands
have merged with the dirt
to the point where he will be forced to stand again.
to fight some more.
fight to change the course of history
for the better
even if he is not to be remembered
for the fight is not for glory
but for right.
for truth.

for light.

so it's up to you
what you're going to fight for.
or what you're going to continue
to ignore.
elegant master bedrooms
whimsical classic tunes
clean healing needles
almost as common as beetles
when your colors match their blues.

but if there's no color coordination
you might need some exploitation
followed by some red and blue
then some orange and white.
and happy times follow
with the vacant and hollow
bibles and books
presenting principles
far from the original examples

but you'll make an example.
it's all you've ever known
it's all you've ever known.
The first time I kissed you, you felt like home. I kissed you again and again, all over until we realized at the same time and much too late that you’d had too much to drink. I would have kissed you when you left, too, but I was shy and you were beautiful and sometimes it’s scary on your first night in a new house.

You started a fire and I got there too late to put it out, to tell you I’m sorry they don’t understand and I’m sorry I don’t know your every crevice quite yet. The second time I kissed you, you welcomed me home and said sorry, I’m sorry that you don’t know how it started or where I put the lighter after I lit our home ablaze. 

I spent my heart pouring water on the embers of a grease fire that I thought was wood-burning. You threw sparks at me when I tried to tame the heat of your coals because I didn’t know how. The third time I kissed you, I called the old tenant and asked her how because I didn’t want to light myself with your manic flame. 

The fire turned to ash and the house got cold when I let myself in to rooms I hadn’t seen before. I used bobby pins to unlock the door instead of asking for the key; I suppose I should have known the abandoned nooks would have chilled the whole house. The fourth time I kissed you, your lips were blue and your eyes were open and I knew the flames were gone and I wasn’t sure I was glad. 

I don’t know when our house fell down. I was wrapped up in your eyes and how they don’t change when you smile at me when I looked around to find the walls on the ground and the roof blown away. The last time I kissed you, you said goodbye instead of goodnight and left me at the bus stop to find another home.
the light drips through my window
a solemn moment wrapped
snuggly about me.
as a desert cactus
cradled in the losses of failed efforts.
i do try, you know
but alas here i am
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
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