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PJ Poesy Apr 2018
It was likely necessary to begin mowing the grass again last week, but today the day is most certainly here. Someone's been hinting at it. It's shin high in some patches, barren in others, and there's a certain something else, fluffy and purplish that I rather like, despite what others may say. It sets off the dandelion very well, so it shall stay. I know it disturbs that one guy with the more antiseptic looking lawn to see me mow around the dandelion, but yellow delights me. So, bring on sun and Spring, and fluffy yellow things, that go well with that purple stuff, and to you good neighbor, "Good day!" He may not like it this way but that rusty chain link between us has served us well these many years. And though he tears into any creeping vine I may let borders go to morning glorious blue, he cannot shoo this spirit of morning dew today, dripping in all its Spring glory, soaking the newly planted seeds of an upcoming soon to challenge his sterile, unpolluted world.
PJ Poesy Oct 2018
Lives inside me fierce fire *****
Which for most days, I do quell
Yet, for way I feel this day
I am about to release her spell

Yell and holler, release this collar
Blazing banshee is free to roam
When she begins that vile trial
Safe is no house or home

Intrinsic flame inside her brain
Igniting ****** compunction
Singeing fever about to leave her
Detonation now her function

Causing alarm, great ****** harm
This harridan does seek justice
For when this witch is released
Corrosive is she as rust is

Mincing mind, heeding to find
Unequivocal violent answer
Obey all fearing, all leering
Her eyes burn into you cancer

Armies can’t keep her
Dance with her Devil, I dare
Her powers cut deeper
Without ever giving a care
282 · Nov 2015
Kissing Holes
PJ Poesy Nov 2015
Divits achingly clipped

on plain of continuance

are recesses memorized,

places that trip up

nostalgic reminiscences.

Little cuts in our fields

where whimsy

kissed too deep. Lopped,

hacked, chopped,

chewed by each other's take

on it. Spit

or spewed charges

of what went wrong.

How it all went wrong.

Kissed out spaces

mangling perfection

of what we never were.
256 · Apr 2016
Joy To Confusion
PJ Poesy Apr 2016
Blurting out from the blue
Been so very long, since I heard from you
Time  not the matter; you cannot keep hold
It is minute measures, of pangs icy cold
Joy to confusion, just to hear your voice
Wouldn’t be much sooner, if I had a choice
Obvious to you, you have held the card
Obvious to me, as I have played the bard
Simply can’t get around it, distance what you need
Now that you are back, how shall this proceed?
Rhyming may not be, what ultimately so clever
But did I really say I needed you forever?
Since you’ve made a show, and you’re here and now
Woo the want I’ve wanted, then hurry up and go
249 · Apr 2016
Plugged into the Wind
PJ Poesy Apr 2016
Draft inside head today,
as if brains turned mush
and leaked out an ear last night.
Checked I did, pillow
and next to bed and under. Flash
then came (seemed to blow in)
from behind, that cat
had lapped and swallowed
remains of any intelligence
I’d once owned. Chilled were
my eyes in swirls surprised,
as I looked upon dresser
seeing innards of cranium
attached to chord
of cell-phone charger.
Pull of impression,
****** me
straight awake. But
was not dreaming,
as velocity of losing mind
be very apparent.
244 · Oct 2018
PJ Poesy Oct 2018
Many owls hoot around this house.
It goes on at full length the night.
Broken record hoots on a treadmill,
stirring sheets, I'm up at one window,
then another. Dog ugh's his dismay,
not with the owls, with me.

I ugh back.

Certainly, I'd prefer somnolence
as well. So roll over Rover, this
infectious restlessness has gone
epidemic. Now coyotes are cackling.
The ever out there is in here, again.

I begin my jotting in the one thumbed
way of our present day. Thank a
saturation of stars for our modern
cellular contraptions. We can all now
fiddle away the night and not disturb
our precious pet's rest.

Timeliness of nature and creative
spiritual awakenings align.
233 · Nov 2018
The Old Wooden Spoon
PJ Poesy Nov 2018
Trust me like a kitchen utensil passed down from your grandmother
I stir the same way she did
Either lightly or beaten to froth
Depends on the ingredients and what the recipe calls for
232 · Mar 2016
How She Weathered
PJ Poesy Mar 2016
She fell to earth
Droplet of rain
Turned to mist
And returned again

Sky did not want her
She clouded his view
Feeling inadequate
She turned into dew

She feebly whist
Dew found her slog
Twist 'midst a kiss
She enlisted the fog

Her soggy trepidation
Trembling motion
Precipitation is she
An agitated notion
205 · Mar 2016
PJ Poesy Mar 2016
Completely out of "I love you"'s
Shriveled lips never felt such parched forgotten
as if all saliva run dry
salted meat

My tongue

absent of wet
stale recollections crumbling
crystallized shard's reminiscences
little brittle impressions
blown away

Stare-away eyes
avoiding teardrops

Nothing left to shed
moisture gone
thirst hardening mouth
103 · Jun 2017
Manly Charm
PJ Poesy Jun 2017
Earliest primitive one
Who possesses man’s groin
Test of testosterone at hand
Your Neanderthal vitality
Must be suppressed
In this crucial hour of first date
Bring forth cerebral vexing
Make sure your touchy-feely-ness
Is of some place
Between intellectual and emotional
Not firstly physical
Yet not illogical to awareness
That within her lives
Somewhere past point a, b or c
A desire as well
Wait, know your moment
And try not to grunt too soon
Ability to pull this one off
Crucial in timing

— The End —