I saw her standing there dressed to the teeth
Every shiny hair in place
Yet her eyes did not match the smile beneath
Pasted perfectly on her face
His shoes were worn and his cuffs were frayed
He could certainly use a haircut
However the smile he gave, my morning made
Changed my mind, so much
You know the Smith’s down the street from here
Their big home is so beautiful
A lovely place to live on the outside it appears
So why are their eyes so dull?
Ms. Jackson’s roof is leaking and falling in
I know you have seen her place
I wonder how she could be happy living within
Keep that glorious light on her face
Realization dawned on me, this I must confide
Outside appearances fooled me again
What is important is not what is on the outside
Only that which is carried within
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010