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Phoenix93 Apr 2013
Where can I run? Where can I hide?
When everything's wrong, and everything dies.

Why do I come second? Why do I feel?
Why can't I just die? Everything's too real.

Where is the darkness for me to escape?
I need to run away before it's too late.

Will I ever stop falling? Ever just break apart?
I could pick myself up and completely restart.

Will I ever find grace? Will I ever truly live?
Or just suffer in the darkness; death looming within.

What do I do now? How do I go on?
When everything tears me apart. Everything is wrong.

I don't know what to do. Can't remember how to feel.
Will I ever be okay? Will I ever feel real?
Phoenix93 Mar 2013
Days fly by and the years just keep rolling.
Months as moments in time that we all try holding.

The stories, the scars, the pain, the tears.
Triumphs and victories stolen away over the years.

We find ourselves unsure. Always looking back, always asking why.
Why there was so much pain, and happiness would always die.

Relax and roll with the punches as life keeps dragging on.
Embrace all the scars, which have worked to make us strong.

Every tear and every cut; all were gifts from Him.
And every fracture of the heart, brought by human whim.

But we're still here, we still keep moving on.
Even when our heart says that everything is wrong.

Right now, that's all I have. Everything is wrong.
So I'll wait for life to get better. I'll just keep moving on.
Phoenix93 Mar 2013
I can't shake these feelings; you should be mine.
But I'm running out of emotion, and out of time.

He's controlling, possessive; a piece of trash.
Yet, still, you just want for it to last.

He's no better than I was, in fact he's actually worse.
But you're stuck on this love, as if it quenches thirst.

I'll never understand. Never figure out why.
You asked me if he was right, and I surely didn't lie.

He's no good. He's worse than my darkness.
But for some stupid reason, HE passes your test?

What should pain me turns to rage. I don't know what to do.
Nothing heals me in the slightest, compared to everything from you.

I wish everything was as broken as my heart... As my soul.
Maybe I wouldn't feel destroyed. Maybe I wouldn't feel alone...
Phoenix93 Mar 2013
Each new day hurts different from the last.
I don't want our future to end up like our past.

When you're here, everything's right. I feel so strong.
But when you leave, it goes with you. My strength is gone.

My love grows by the day, and I just keep forcing it down.
But what also grows each day, is this forevermore frown.

Your hands fit so perfectly, like a puzzle piece in it's place.
And my lips felt so at home, perched aside your face.

My heart raced frantically, and I finally felt some hope.
Am I finally done suffering? Or just hanging by more rope?

I feel like I'll never know. Like I'll never feel so right.
But it feels like I've done too little. Like I should stand up and fight.

And do what? Take you from him? I can't, it's just not me...
I know you belong in my arms.... But I have to set you free.....
Phoenix93 Mar 2013
You open your eyes, and what do you see?
Life passed by? Your world breaking free?

Think back to the memories of a world full of heart.
Imagine all the scattered pieces before they fell apart.

The enemy looms over and you feel all is lost.
So use the words he cannot hear. Give God your thoughts.

The bonds fall away and your skin feels the light.
Your soul begins to rise; it's time for you to fight.

Hellish eyes look away and instead comes His grace.
His enduring love, eternal and free, always takes your place.

Be free, reborn, in all you do! For He is by your side.
He was right there with you every time you cried.

The chains were never there. They were all just in your mind.
So give it all to God. He'll show it to you in time.

— The End —