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Phoebe Caitlin Aug 2015
Girl things

An old friend ; a common alias
A time worn facade
A mask, protection
A lie, deflection

Boy things

Alien ; foreign
Bad tasting, falseĀ 
Fear , persecution

Girl things? Boy things?
My things

Girls like boys they say
Boys like girls the same way

But girls like girls like I do
And boys like boys too

Girls are girls they say
Boys are boys in the same way

But I am neither
Not girl things
Not boys things either

Boy? Girl? Me

He? She?

Phoebe Caitlin Apr 2015
Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No! It's the kid with the gender neutral name!
They'll catch bad guys
With a flick of their eyes
But we still don't know
What's between their thighs
Save kittens from trees and babies from homes
But who knows their ***? their chromosomes?
They'll steal your girl
Then steal away
It's the Gender Pretender
who'll save the day
Phoebe Caitlin Mar 2015
you promised to pluck the stars from the sky
to place between our hearts
but oh my, you already held galaxies in your fingertips
when your hand touched mine
grasped it tight and we thought of home
among the shining, shimmering embers
i loved you more than all the stars in the sky
oh god
if you ever came back
i would open my heart
and the stars would stream out
and I could love you again
when my stories stop ending in tragedies, maybe then I could love you again
Phoebe Caitlin Mar 2015
No one loves the night like I do
Darkness, pours through my skin
Stars, pool inbetween my bones
Worry - cease
My aching bones, cease
The galaxies held in the skies
Are held in my eyes now

And know that I never loved you
It wasn't a kiss
When I tore at your throat
Light - cease
Darkness overcame me
I will love you no more
The moon blinks
And I - cease
Phoebe Caitlin Feb 2015
I know you hate yourself
I know that you don't eat
I know that you self harm
I can see it

I know that you're depressed
I know you've tried before
To end your life
Because there's nothing to live for

But there's just so much
And I'm only young
So I'll hide my insecurites
Bundle up my problems
And be your ray of sun

"She's always so carefree
Ever the optimist
I wish I could be like her"

But I don't mind
I'll do it without fail
Because the only other option
Is I let you fall
Phoebe Caitlin Dec 2014
Of course I'm proud
I always have been
Of everything you are
Through everything you did
Maybe you've felt better
But right now you're doing fine
And that's all I could ever ask
Phoebe Caitlin Oct 2014
i'm not okay

just for a few hours
when the world doesn't sit right
and everything is wrong
and i am wrong
and i can't do anything

when there's no future
no purpose
no reason for me to exist

not die
just stop
and blink out

it's just for a few hours
then i'll be fine
i'll smile at your jokes
and read my lines precisely

it doesn't change the fact that for a few hours
all i wanted
was to grasp a shard of glass in my hand
feel the cold
and squeeze
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