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Phobial Oct 2014
If you fall in love with someone and you're just falling in love, you're doing it wrong. You need to fall into them in every way possible. Fall into every crevice of their soul, every nook and cranny of their skin. Fall into every thought as if they were your own. Sink into their hadal zone and realize that their darkness is different than yours. Don't swim back out. If the pressure is too much for you, you're doing it wrong. Fall into their ****** up mind and maybe, just maybe, they'll fall into yours too.
Phobial Sep 2014
It's not my fault that you're a catastrophe that outshines entire galaxies,
and that the remnants from your explosion lies within my own body
and the bodies of everyone who has the privilege to experience your beautiful tragedy.
Felt from light-years away,
you exceed the amount of love the sun provides everything in its wake,
and you're a burst of color who's shades travel at record speed
impaling everything in your path in a flash so blinding
that even my heart can't see straight.
You're the most violent event ever known
but I'm anything but destroyed.
You  can blow yourself apart as many times as you want
but I'll never see you as simply the death of something beautiful.
Instead I see you as the puzzle pieces that create universes you'd never imagine when put back together.
Long story short,
you're cataclysmic to life as we know it,
but you're everything I need to feel together again.
Jul 2014 · 429
You, As The World
Phobial Jul 2014
Being in a large dark room with nothing but rows of emptiness was the least lonely I've felt in such a long time,
with the ends of your hair poking at my temple and my eyelashes fluttering against your cheek, I caught a glimpse of the entire world without ever setting foot outside of that room.
It probably wasn't the world you're thinking of, though.
In you, I saw streams for veins and earth for eyes and entire ecosystems in your pores.
I want to rip each of the hairs out of my head one by one because my hands don't know what else do to when you're not around
and when your fingertips lightly trace my jawline you tell me I'm the most beautiful work of art you've ever seen in your entire existence.
Your existence is such an important thing though and my brain can't wrap around how it possibly came to be considering so many flaws were thrown together so perfectly that something astonishing was created,
but what's even more astonishing is the fact that I love every bit of it and being so ******* happy is about to drive me insane (in the best way possible).
Jun 2014 · 401
Phobial Jun 2014
The first thing I do each morning is wonder if you had a better night's seep than I did.
I don't sleep much these days, and I know you don't either, even though you don't want to admit it sometimes.
I know, though.
And each morning when I lay there in a daze I think about how strongly I long to know that you were finally able to experience the "sweet dreams" I told you to have the night before.
**I've never longed for anything as much as this.
Jan 2014 · 2.8k
atoms don't exist
Phobial Jan 2014
They teach you in school that the building blocks of life and matter are atoms filled with subatomic particles
But believe me when I tell you that they're lying.
"They" are claiming to be your saviors from what is actually fueling your bloodstream.
Protectors of your sanity
But believe me when I tell you it's fraud, a scheme of words that are meant to prevent you from discovering the actual monsters buried beneath your fingernails and hidden in the cracks of your bones.
You see, what the evildoers trains the neurons in your brain to understand is that the demons in your skin cells are atoms filled with subatomic particles.
This is what you know and you know it for a fact until the time comes for the poltergeists within you to attack.
They line up and pluck away at the petals of your once "protected" sanity one by one until you're convinced he loves you not.
Your defense has been destroyed and the demons flood in with no intention to come back out.
The swarms of beasts taking over every aspect of your being is what is now going to cause a new feeling called "numbness."
Your last memory of peace is permanently shattered.
This is called growing up, kids.
Dec 2013 · 992
The Cure
Phobial Dec 2013
In that moment, every neuron in my brain was perfectly aligned.
They knew something I didn't, and I don’t think they wanted to tell me, either.
I had to figure it out on my own, hoping to not be mislead.
You whispered to me that you enjoyed stealing the moisture from my lips
and I whispered back that you took the oxygen from my lungs in the process
but I liked the crushed, suffocating feeling in the pit of my chest as I secretly long to feel it again.
I tolerated the bags under my eyes as my face buried in your neck became more and more important to me (it started to feel like home)
and told me not to be ashamed of them because they were proof that you had gotten the attention you deserved.
My sleepless nights resulted in page after page of the notes I took so I would eventually know your soul like the back of my hand.
I only like to write when I’m suffering from insomnia anyways, because that’s when things start to make sense. (Like you, you made sense to me)
Just like things only make sense to you when your breath reeks of intoxication.
I studied the veins on your wrists until I knew them well enough to see the picture with my eyes closed
as you studied my fingertips and made me believe that you could perfectly connect the dots of my pores and still know it was me even if you went blind.
You wanted to know me as well as my worn bed sheets, which gently caresses every part of my exhausted being each night, inch by inch.
I can’t help but smile as I write this, no one was as determined as you.
I was pretty **** determined as well, if I do say so myself.
I longed to know everything about your insanity.
You must have been pretty insane, smoking on the back porch with your friends and still making sure you didn't forget to ask me how my day was.
Again, it makes me smile realizing someone was so hell-bent on knowing me.
Tell me what you remember.
Every detail.
I want as many memories to flood back into my brain so that maybe in some way, I can feel it again.
I was used. Your back-up plan.
You were lost, and you wanted to feel loved temporarily until a better offer came along.
I was lost, and I wanted to feel loved permanently, so I fell for it.
The closest thing to what I had been searching for for so long slipped away like sand through the cracks between my fingers, not leaving a trace behind.
In a way, I should be thanking you.
You've gotten more poems out of me than anything else in the longest time
and now you’re good-for-nothing except curing writer’s block.
Dec 2013 · 532
Pretty Little Endings
Phobial Dec 2013
Welcome to the world, baby girl.
I can tell by how you’re wiggling your tiny fingers
that you won’t be able to keep them still in the future
no matter how hard you try.
A painter, a writer, perhaps?
I can tell by your big blue eyes
that you will be breaking hearts left and right
because those eyes are so deep
that all the boys will be so lost in them
that they won’t realize there is no way out until it’s too late.
You are giggling and smiling already.
You’re a happy one, aren’t you?
Mommy’s comforting arms around you will only go so far, my darling.
You’re going to have to find your own, and find ‘em quick
because your pretty little smile tells me
that you aren’t prepared to find out how ugly the world is.
Your pretty little hands
do not know the harm they will be capable of doing.
Your pretty little heart
doesn’t know how many times it will be broken.
Your pretty little mind
doesn’t know how far it will be from the breaking point.
And your pretty little lungs
don’t know that they will stop breathing by your 18th birthday.
Phobial Nov 2013
Well, it’s that time of year again.
Your dreams become longer
and the air seems to slice through your lungs like razor blades.
Sounds like a painful sensation when you think about it
but when you actually feel it,
your ravenous heart craves more.
You witness your newly visible breath
begin to form paintings in the air around you
that you swear a canvas could never be worth enough to display.
You walk across the grass and hear faint crunching sounds
as the soles of your shoes are flattening the small crystals
blanketing the backyard.
Those leaves over there?
They were green yesterday
Now all you see are shades of red, orange, and gold
conquering the green until it has all disappeared.
It’s all so breathtaking.
A few days pass and you see the first leaf fall.
The color has faded, its the color of death.
You see another begin to freefall.
Another. And another.
What is happening to the beauty that was present only hours ago?
It’s dying.
These leaves aren’t breathing anymore!
How’s that for breathtaking?
Isn’t it ironic how as everything is slowly becoming beautiful
it’s slowly dying as well?
Oct 2013 · 573
Phobial Oct 2013
I want to know if your eyes mimic the color of my favorite sweater
and if your embrace feels just as warm.
Maybe it's the kind of embrace
where you squeeze just a tad bit tighter
right before you let go.
The kind of embrace that coaxes the oxygen from my lungs for a few seconds.
I don't mind not breathing, if it means I get to stay in your arms just a few moments longer.
I want to know if the spaces between your fingers
are meant for mine to fill them
as if they are they are the last two puzzle pieces completing your greatest masterpiece,
Phobial Oct 2013
What if our paths never cross?
What would we do then?
I don't know exactly who or where you are,
or if you're even looking for me.
But what I do know is that I really, really
hope you're trying.
Oct 2013 · 337
Phobial Oct 2013
You don't know it
no one does
but I still think about you.
I don't know if the amount of time
I spend thinking about you
is even healthy or not.
But ****, if it isn't,
bring on the disease.
Because even if we both know it's not right,
I'd take on anything
Just to have the opportunity
to catch your gaze
when you pass by every morning.
Oct 2013 · 312
What if?
Phobial Oct 2013
Why do people
expect so much more
of you than
what you can actually deliver?
What if I say
I'm just done
trying to please you?
What happens then?
Oct 2013 · 597
Phobial Oct 2013
The air was crisp
my favorite kind
and with every breath I took
there was a new invigorating shiver
brought into my body.
It's been another sleepless night
but my soul is used to it
and the bags under my eyes
don't phase me anymore.
The creamy taste
and my hoodie tinted with the
scent of cigarette smoke
is the one thing
making my insomnia rather enjoyable
unlike the one thing keeping me up..
the thought of you.
Phobial Oct 2013
The sky transformed in a matter of seconds
From a bright powder blue
To a sickly gray that reminded me of my darkest days.

The teardrops from the sky came trickling down
bit by bit
Slowly picking up speed
As I could hear the pitter patter on the window sills.

I walked over to my window to watch the show.
To watch the raindrops maneuver its way
past the nooks and crannies of the trees
and soak up into the ground.

I noticed something odd.
Right outside my window, lied a spider web.
A huge one, about two feet in diameter
And in the center, sat a beautiful maroon colored spider,  curled into a ball to protect itself from the penetrating water droplets.

The web had to be one of the most
beautiful creations I'd ever seen.
How could something so minuscule
Create such a wonderful piece of art all on its own?

But as I was looking at this web
I was watching something devastating.
All of the spider's hard work
Was being battered by the rain.

The web was shaking violently back and forth.
Surprisingly, it was remaining mostly intact.
Unlike the fragile spider,
Clinging onto the strings of its creation for dear life.

The rain continued beating down
As I stood there admiring the web's strength.
The web was withstanding everything the storm threw it's way.
But its soul, the creator, didn't seem strong enough to.

The storm faded away.
The web, a little beaten down,
managed to stay strong enough to survive.
The spider, however, did not.

This reminds me of myself, you know.
Beaten down with words, mockeries
Beaten down by my past
My memories

I keep my outer shell perfectly intact
So that no one knows what is really going on inside me.
When in reality, my soul is dying.
My depths are shallowing, just like the spider.

I am not the only one like this.
I was oblivious to this fact
Until I watched this spider
Take his last breath before drowning.

Why couldn't the spider be as strong as its outer shell?
Why can't I be as strong
as I make myself out to be?
Maybe I'll find out one day.
Phobial Oct 2013
I was walking down a path unknown to most.
An old road that was once overused
Now full of cracks speckled with rocks
here and there.

This path was a favorite of mine.
A place where I could wander
And be myself
With only nature to judge me.

I was walking on a chilly October afternoon
as something caught my attention in the corner of my eye.
A little flower, just a sapling
Standing ***** in between the cracks of this old road.

"What are you doing here, flower?
Are you lost?"
"Nonsense," it replied to me.
"I've found just what I was looking for."

This flower was unlike any other I'd seen.
Its petals were soft, like bed sheets just out of the dryer.
How was it surviving here?
How was it surviving between the cracks of this old road, unknown to most?

I separated the flower from its roots and carried it with me.
We shared our secrets with each other
We conversed for hours
We developed the kind of friendship I had been seeking for longer than I can remember.

The flower had the sweetest scent
The smell of nature, the smell of dirt,
The smell of rain.
All composed into one scent erupting from the petals.

That scent died one day.
Slowly, it began to slip away.
The life of the poor sapling drained as if slipping through a funnel into an empty sink.

Why would God do this to me?
Why would he take my best friend
and all of my secrets and feelings
and thoughts with him?

I had something special
But I knew it was too good to be true
Why did I separate the flower from its roots, only for our love to die a few days later
Along with it's soul?

Why must I be so thoughtless..
Oct 2013 · 423
Phobial Oct 2013
It really upsets me how you can’t see stars where I live.
You get a few, but no more than what you can count on your fingers and toes.
A lot of people might think it’s ridiculous how much I think about this,
but I just think there is something so beautiful
about how you can look up at the same patch of sky every night
and always discover a new picture.
The sad thing is, where I live, people forget that stars even exist.
They dont take the time to look up at the sky or connect the dots
because they already know that there is such a lack of beauty in our skies.
Why must some parts of the country be deprived more than others?
People who appreciate what little things the world has to offer
should be allowed the full experience
of looking up into the sky at night
and being so mesmerized that you forget you are standing
upon the soil of planet Earth…
and you just float away.
You float away into the atmosphere
and you are so close to the little bundles of light
that you feel like you can reach out and grab one
and stick it in your pocket to keep forever.
You are at one with the stars.
And you are lost.
But you have no desire to find your way back home.

— The End —