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 Mar 2014 Sophie
Sometimes he let his eyes rest on hers, it needn't have been painful,
but it strangely was.
He broke a lifetime of avoiding eye contact to show her.
She was worth overcoming obstacles for.
 Nov 2013 Sophie
 Nov 2013 Sophie
it makes me want to cry
that a #10 is different in
Colorado in comparison
to Seattle.
(c) Brooke Otto
this is about more than just the restaurant.
 Sep 2013 Sophie
Madisen Kuhn
Don’t forget to get away every once in awhile,
To lose yourself in a book
Or in the woods behind your home
Ride your bike into the sunset,
Sit on your front steps and count the cars passing by,
Lay on your roof and gaze up at the night sky,
Drive along backroads with the windows rolled down
Listening to nothing but the sound of rushing wind

I hope you take the time to be alone,
To sort through the cluttered shelves of your heart

I hope you take the time to be silent,
To close your eyes and just listen

I hope you take the time to be still,
To quiet your mind and experience the beauty
Of simply Being

In a world that tells us we should always be
Connected, on the go, and doing something worth sharing,
I hope you know it’s okay to
Disconnect, slow down, and keep some memories
Between you and the moment you shared it with.
 Jun 2013 Sophie
There was a point
when i knew that i
was going to die.
And at that moment
i couldn’t help but
think of Hazel
and infinities
and breathing
and death.
I recalled the day
when hazel was sat
next to me and we
talked about
infinities. How
between one and
two there are many,
and even more
between zero and
two. Now, i can’t
help but think:
breathing is our
largest infinity. Like
the numbers between
one and two,
breathing never
ends. But like the
person who
eventually stops
counting the number
between one and
two, my lungs get
tired. And
eventually, they too,
 Jun 2013 Sophie
Madisen Kuhn
i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but when i think of him
and his incandescent smile,
my heart swells and beats in time
with the cadence of his alluring words

his mind is like no other,
filled with such deep
and captivating thoughts
that flutter from place to place
like a moth, and like a moth
i am drawn to his brilliance

i long to hold his face in my hands
and trace his lips with my fingertips
and when i close my eyes
all i see is the way he looks at me,
as if i’m the one who paints
the summer evening sky

i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but i think i could spend
the rest of my life searching
and never find anything
nearly as beautiful as
the way he loves me
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