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he flies like the wind he soars like a bird
only his breathing can just be heard
his powerful body shines in the light
swiftly he moves, a wondrous sight
freedom he feels as he races the sun
running forever as the end there is none
the wind in his tail and love in his heart
he covers the ground as fast as a dart
nothing can stop him him my steed my joy
the kindest horse the most beautiful boy
you are my muse, my eyes love to see
your amazing beauty captured in me
your aura your presence it blows me away
you're in my head every minute of every day
you are the sunshine that keeps me so warm
you are in my dreams from dusk til its dawn
your safe embrace your sweet smell your kiss
you and only you can make me feel like this
your beautiful face the picture you make
your ever flowing love that makes my heart ache
you are the one thing that i want to see
you are my muse imprinted on me
you are my heart my joy my inspiration
you are my today my tomorrow my one true salvation
 Apr 2012 Phil Wiggins
Bill Peel
I peer into a crowd,
though I see all these smiling faces,
not a soul can be seen
through the clouds, only the traces
of their haunting past.
But a change of mind is coming, fast.

Though the days are dark now
there’s sunshine close behind.
I see the dawn of a new day,
their happiness is nothing more…
Than a leap away.
Before anything else, I just want to say that this is not about suicide. I was rereading it, and the last line struck me as suicidal for some reason.
Anyway, what did you think?
This man, he is free.
These are lies he’d deny,
Days he would replace,
Lines he’ll use again and again.
Smoke he does drag,
Dragons he has chased ,
Tears he has felt,
Rage he has purged
No colours brand new.

What has he done?
Does he deserve?

This man, he is free.
But cage means key,
Sealed inside a murky mind
Body old and spent.
So he does repeat
The same words he is free to speak,
Numb are my ears to his sound
All his pain is taken within me.

This man, he is free.
He feels not of constraint
Suffocation and spills are his life.
He chooses and does not think
At forty five he would never deny,
The strains of a colourful life.

This man, he is free.
For inside he has locked me,
A reflection for a heart,
I am silenced by his grief.
He does displaced onto me
The fact he is free.

My father is not free.
Nor never will be.
But in his mind
Acres of time
Have let him have his way.
When will he be free?
He says to me
Never, the tip of my tongue.
I will be free
When you so easily
Will lie in the earth,
Freedom with the dirt
My father, he will be free.

— The End —