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810 · Feb 2024
Funny how
girlrinth Feb 2024
I used to think chastity
was a five year old who
knew nothing about ***.
The kind of innocence
I longed for as an adult too much.
Now a ****** who knows everything.
I still hate that to this day.
Yet what’s wrong  with
a tiger striped dove?
Fight in the flight or visa versa.
A lot of people in our culture
view purity as something *****.
Yet a lot of people in our culture
view the ****** as way too cool.
Where is the balance?
There has got to be one.
Chastity to me is staying
true to the one you love.
There is so much more!
this is one of my extremely rare good days. I’m fighting something extremely difficult right now. I’m seriously trying to stay off social media BUT… this post hit me.
616 · Jun 2020
Camping out
girlrinth Jun 2020
was a house.

Knitted by
knowing you.

It was made
of sticky notes.

aching for actions.

is the fuel.

Hearts only
in its windows.

Looks didn’t
really matter.

A firm foundation

Gates of wisdom
walk to it.

laughed at it.

Gossip galloped
away from it.

The golden rule
knew better.
436 · Jan 15
square flower
girlrinth Jan 15
Tattoos and dyed hair.
They collect dust in your dreams.
Popularity plays a duet with loneliness.
Isolation surfs on sighs and smiles.
You pull out the car breaks of your bitterness.
There’s always one more wire that you missed.
Your castles fold into a cardboard box then it all collapses.
Popularity is an antique that’s broken.
You no longer want it fixed.
Where is the syringe of cringe when you need it?
Why do you not want attention anymore?
So now you know why your younger
self doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
I tried to do Roger’s writing prompt:
Your younger self assessing the older self like this poem but roles reversed,maybe young you looking into a crystal ball
384 · Feb 12
Tongue tied
girlrinth Feb 12
A skeleton pets a pterodactyl.
Clusters of dragonflies.
Hear the stasis calling.
Ocean waves flying.
Bones are stomping.
Clouds are falling.
Poems rot at dawn.
There are words I’ll never say.
There’s bitterness I need to slay.
Shorter is always better.
195 · Feb 5
the right race
girlrinth Feb 5
I'm running along the tracks.
The geese fly against the climate in arrow packs.
My meandering thoughts won't hit the brake.
The river beside me seems to understand my
thoughts because its rhythm is roaring.
The tears fall down on the window of my face.

The train is moving fast.
I'm running on this stammering
track to escape my past.
My head is steaming.
This heart of mine is
desperately chugging along.
My mind cries full speed ahead.
The soul would helplessly
rather rest instead.

I hum a song to keep my body strong.
These legs are burning coals but
the train sounds its final warning.
The engine sings run a long, run a long or
this may be your final song.

My running dilemma derails before
the train screeches to a stop.
Dreams of glee are worth having in a
lonely tree house.
Money only paves the streets
of emptiness.
After all there isn't grass
on the other side.
Where the famous always try to hide.

Triumph is already stressed in
the lines of my face.
Rewards are traced in Gods grace.
Do you hear the blood running
through my veins?
It congratulates me for winning
my life's deadly race.
A poem I wrote and posted at a site called poet freak long ago. The rough estimation is 2016 but it could have been earlier than that…
171 · Jan 8
Pink & Green Dye
girlrinth Jan 8
She dyed her hair pink & green.
Most people want her not to be heard or seen.
A girl too ignored to be a normal teen.
A syringe has collapsed the
creativity in her soul.
Everyone criticizes this rebel Queen.
Yet they all wonder why she can't behave.
They don't see her trying to be brave.
The taunting has made tradition seem foolish.

She shouldn't find peace in cutting.
God needs to heal the scars in her soul.
Everyone should pray for her and not
give her sour advice.
People give her warm stares that turn into ice.
This could freeze her dreams.
She stands in blue jeans with ripped up seams.
Hardships muffle her screams.
An Orphan needs a home without
moving boards or beams.
Everythings make believe in her
mind because no one ever takes the time.

Will God give someone the courage
to look at her ignored heart.
She doesnt want to be on a statistics chart.
Her appearance begs for filial love to start.
Change her but don't tear her apart.
Her creativity shouldn't be choked
like kudzu in a flower garden.
Tattooing is her preferred art.
She needs to learn to use it
in other ways besides tearing
out the car breaks.
Love turns into tragedy because
everyone leaves.

Shes been ignored.
Her feelings have been stored.
Tears have not been answered.
Smiles are forced.
Permanent homes are highly priced.
God needs to change their hearts.
Please don't judge her
by the rebal Facade.
Someday she will be loved because
theres more to her than just pink and
green dye.
Written in 2013 by me of course
159 · Jan 22
My invisible man
girlrinth Jan 22
My rain is turning into hail.
You stand next to me.
Yet I can't see you.

You always inspire me.
Yet I can't hear you.

You break the heart in me.
Yet I can't feel you.

You have no name.
Yet I look for it.

Some how you always comfort me.
Yet I still need you.

You’re my invisible man.
Only God can make you appear.
Love should evaporate my fear.

Until I meet you my mind
will be on  repeat.
My heart is a drum
that can hardly beat.

Please say my hopes will
rise from concrete.
Or I shall be alive but
gradually forgotton.
I shall be an
invisible woman.
Written back in 2012 when I first started writing on the site called poem hunters.
159 · Apr 2020
silverstein's secret
girlrinth Apr 2020
raindrops of stars
asked the sun what
it was laughing about.

The sun says
nah you’ll think it’s
way too ridiculous.

If I told you
the impossibility of it
would possess you.

You’d never
see me in the same
light again.

Oh just tell them
before you spit out the
ocean from laughing.

The stars surrounded
the sun so close.

The sun began
to say the giraffe walks
In the woods everyday.

If you look
close enough you’ll see
that she is wearing
cowboy boots.

If you look long
enough you’ll see
they’re slithering
up her ankles.

She knocks
down trees like
they’re domino’s.

Her heart is like
a jellyfish trying to escape as
she looks all around.

She does not
know about me but she’s
trying not to be found.

They lost their
crowns and
became just pins.
152 · Jan 29
Waif who wonders
girlrinth Jan 29
Desperation *****
more than anyone knows.
Yet It feels like NO one ever
experiences it except you.
Depression high fives
it as it dives down.
Desperation makes me feel
like never needing friends.
Which isn’t true.
Yet it also makes me feel like
I have too many friends.
Which also isn’t true.
It makes me feel like
blocking myself.
If only there was a vacation
to factory reset.
Probably too many people would
jump on that ride.
Everyone has desperation though
even if they don’t know it.
They might know it but
they don’t care to admit it.
148 · Jan 1
Kentucky Rainbows
girlrinth Jan 1
I'm going to wrap a herd of
Kentucky Rainbows together.
I won't let them fly from
my arms like gauzed  gazelles.

The man who butchers
butterflies sold full ears to me.
He planted them when he
thought he was a heirloom.

These bushels of corn were
wrapped in rainbow when born.
Now if I go on vacation Im torn
because I need to plant soon

Now he wants to plant rotten
rose gardens in bloom.
He won't get married  in a
field of Kentucky  Rainbows.

I can't wait to pull kernals
of Rainbows like teeth.
I can plant them out side
my barn the size of an ark.

I sit by the door feeling
rich shucking my Rainbows.
I'll feel safe if I can plant rows
of corn able to resist a flood.
Posted for national poetry
month in 2016

Prompt# 5 Heirloom plants

If you want to try the prompt
give it a go.
145 · 3d
Layback Spin
Theres a icy moon out tonight.
So this figure skater will take flight.

She will land doing a layback spin in illumination.
This snow angel will be a sensation.

A spin with snowflake grace.
Her hands move up like a lovers embrace.

The lines of her back are arching.
Free leg goes out with a life all its own by slanting.
While the others in a glittering scene of scratching.

People see her moving in fast circles but
to her it feels like the world is spinning.
Summer crickets are constantly cheering.
There are clouds above the trees clearing.

She is such a  sensation that the stars start skittering.
She shines so bright the moon might swallow her whole.
Snow angel must hurry or her moon might turn into a black hole.

The sun is sending her a flight warning.
She'll melt if she doesn't fly back to earth.
All the fire flys compete for a chance
to land on the moon.
There's a rush to fly because tomorrow
will be an exploding monsoon.
I can’t remember which year this was posted by me on Poet Freak website. Maybe 2014
131 · Mar 2020
Turn around
girlrinth Mar 2020
A rose in
a dandelion of water.

A fairy sleeping in
the handle of a tea cup.

Her straw hat casting
rain drop shadows.

She tosses and turns
like she’s in a hammock.

She frowns with her
aurora borealis hair.

Her dress of tv static
blows in the wind.

The tablecloth of armor
claps as you sit down.

Inspirational quotes written
in blue on the tea cup.

She has never read them.

You can’t read them either.
128 · Apr 2020
Don’t Disturb
girlrinth Apr 2020
She didn’t touch
her face.  

She keeps
her hands
on her books.

It’s been
many years.

She’s made
the world
book of records.

The girl who
will forever not
touch her face.

She’s too
busy reading.

She did not
have to
avoid her friends.

You can do a
google search.

Yet she’s not
there at all.

She existed
before the virus.

She sits by a butterfly
of bookcases.
122 · Apr 2020
Fresh Start
girlrinth Apr 2020
The Golden
Gate Bridge
is a harp.

It’s one
for a giant.

Yet the harp has
never been played.

If it would the
sound would shine.

Everyone would
hear it all
over the world.

The bridges ropes
turning to a line of
raindrops though.

Rush hour
would agree.

The fish long
to be free.

The butterflies
are blind.

Stars fly through
like sand.

Trees reaching
towards it.

Yet no one
hears the pulse
of a promise.
121 · Mar 2020
Crossing Over
girlrinth Mar 2020
She was doing
intricate footwork on her figure
skates behind bars.

Her whole
audience had their
eyes closed.

She conducted their
hearts with her hands.

Her hair flew
like music notes as
she did an axel.

Her figure skates
were like violins.

Her blades were
like the bow.

A lullaby sleep
walked on her tongue.

Her layback spin
was like a tuba scratching
roses into the ice.

Her spiral sailed
through the rink
like a guitar.

She gave you
a feeling like her program
was never ending.
118 · Mar 2020
Bizarre Warning
girlrinth Mar 2020
The Eiffel Tower
was like the
hilt of a sword.

There was
no blade.

Yet there was a
volcano underneath.

The little girl
warned everyone.

She said it might
not go off.

Yet maybe
someday it will.

She wanted peace
to increase.

Yet no one
believed her.

A tear on the spike
of an eyelash.

She pickled her
patience as she waited.

Everyday the Eiffel
Tower got taller.

She pillaged 
their apathy

Sooner or later
she shut her mouth.
116 · Apr 2020
Go ahead
girlrinth Apr 2020
Butterflies moving
the hands of a
grandfather clock.

They’re just
hoping they can
change times mind.

If time
could hug them
they’d love it.

They ache
for attention.

The grandfather
clock opens
his stomach.

He spits out
all the wrong

Letters without

Butterflies just
long for simplicity.

Yet they’re
stuck in beauty.

In their wings
are fences
locked forever.

The Victorian
house fell down around
them long ago.

If only spring
had influenced all
the other seasons.
111 · Mar 2020
girlrinth Mar 2020
Narcissus stared
at his reflection.

Everyone waited
for him to fall in.

He was bruised
all over but it
was internal.  

Everyone thought
he was handsome.

They thought this
is why he stared.  

Yet no one ever
cared to ask him.

He wasn’t content
because all that was
beautiful inside slept.

He was about
to fall but the water
turned to ice.

Yet he still
wouldn’t leave.

One day he
was old and gray
in the spring.

An axe flew up
from the water.

It tapped him
gently on the head.

Suddenly he was
aware of all that
he was looking for.

The spell was broken.
109 · Mar 2020
Pond pathway
girlrinth Mar 2020
A figure skater
in a daffodil tutu
dipped in dawn!

She is on
top of big lily pad.

She tries to do
an axel off of it.

She sinks down
like an anchor.

Her figure skates
magically disappear.

Her hair
claws the water.

She dives to
the sun underneath
the pond.

She becomes
a snowflake trapped
beneath the surface.

Her eyes
are hummingbirds.

All the trees
fall since she left.
109 · Feb 19
Cloudy face
girlrinth Feb 19
Azure tears fall from her cloudy face.
Depression leaving an inky trace.
She feels thick eyebrows of despair.
Cherry lips are now no longer happy
but pout down in ****** flair.
Curls are now strait in her hair.
There's no illusion everyone
wants to leave her.
There is no shock leaving
a lemony after taste.
Yet no sugar for her ultimate despair.

Letters of revelry were coming from
a unknown knight.
Mortification singed his lies
in the untimely light.
She tested his love by saying
there was none.
No surprise that he left
her cloudy and alone.
The end came in the letter that left
dark dread all around.
Inky sadness makes a dreary sound.

She now hides in a golden cave.
Woodpeckers drill a sign saying
knights aren't able to save.
Waves are always billowing
over the sunny path that she is
trying to engrave.
Clouds hide and protect her from the world.
Her dreams are like cotton packing.
Someday the sun will rise in her cloudy face.
She will find a surprise king to take his place.
Written a long time ago at the poet freak website
108 · Apr 2020
5 pm
girlrinth Apr 2020
A mermaid with
a tail made of a lilac.

The largest
you’ve ever seen.

Her *******
made of two lilacs.

Her eyes have
fern sunglasses.

Her hair an
ocean of sun
as she floated
down the lake.

Her fingers
spinning the whirl
under the raindrops.

She sang softly
about how she
once saved ophelia.

All the people
screamed with horror
as they beheld her.

Yet it wasn’t her
that they feared.

It was the
flood rising up out of
the mist like a fist.

All the bees
trying to hold it back
did so in vain.
107 · Mar 2020
Meeting at Dawn
girlrinth Mar 2020
The giraffe walking
through the sand.

He’s trying not to sink.

He blows out  

bubblegum that
looks like jellyfish.

He caught
a dreadful sight.

A snake
strangling a starfish.

He wanted to
do something for it.

Instead he just
stood there like
a mast on a ship.

An ocean wave
swallowed the
starfish and snake
like a vitamin.

Later when the
giraffe was sleeping
the starfish crawled up
and down his back.
106 · Apr 2020
Solitary Confinement
girlrinth Apr 2020
The moon squeezed
through the door.  

Craters shooting
out at the fridge.  

Cheese was
not to be found.

So the moon
would growl around.

Grey concrete
falling off slowly
while going upstairs.  

Stairs trying
to bite with
each step.  

No one
found at home.  

Mice licking
off its glow while
contracting insomnia.

It didn’t taste
like lemon meringue.

Stars had
the moon.

This is what
we’ve found
out too soon.
104 · Apr 2020
Comfort Writing
girlrinth Apr 2020
A butterfly
sneaking up on
a conch shell.

They’re just
looking for a
safe space.

They begin to
just curl on in.

They feel like
pencil shavings.

The conch
shell begins to
grow icicles.

It’s from just
being stuck.

Empathy and
in a bind.

The conch
shell on
the edge.

Just poking up
out of a mountain.

A butterfly kissing
it’s ceiling.

Just trying
not to be peeling.
103 · Mar 2020
Don't Steal My Honey…
girlrinth Mar 2020
A hummingbird
flies from
a pelicans beak.

Wings going
faster than triggers
in madness.

She turns
her head to see
the fish scream.

The pelicans
feathers clicking
like fingers.

The hummingbird
dives down
into the water.

Some of her
feathers falling
out like glitter on
her way down.

She goes
to catch
the bumblebees.

The water pattern
behind her is
a conch shell.

The bumblebees
attacked her.

Yet they all died.

They will
never drink from her
flowers ever again.
103 · Mar 2020
girlrinth Mar 2020
A woman walks
down the street as children
throw mud at her.

Her mouth a trench.

Her head shaved.

She’s hardly dressed.

No one dares look
in her eyes though.

There are dreams
there that children
are jealous of.

The houses are
round like thimbles.

Steam pours out
like coffee cups.  

The shutters stick
out like birds beaks.  

The wind shuffles
the houses about.

Some of the
houses tip over.

You’ll be guessing
in vain though.

There are no
souls underneath.

Only bodies in
dresses and tuxedos.
101 · Mar 2020
Bath water
girlrinth Mar 2020
The octopus with
rosebud eyes.
Sparklers shooting
through its pores.
A head with an
opening like an iris.
You move each
tentacle against the
wave like it’s a harp.
You threaten to
turn into fish scales.
You stand
on your head.
So when I fly by.
You look like a sea star.
The waves try
not to open you
like an umbrella.
I sit trying
not to throw out
my philosophy
with the bath water.
101 · Mar 2020
March 3rd
girlrinth Mar 2020
You should never
write at night.

The tunnel then
is often too tight.

You’ll experience
an awful fright.

You might have to
give up your sight.

It’s easier to be
positive in the light.

You taunt with
all your might.

No ones allowed to cut
up anyone out of spite

Your sighs fly
lower than a kite.

So no matter what time
you were right to write.
97 · Feb 2020
Attempt #1
girlrinth Feb 2020
She sold
her teeth.

She sold
her hair.

Now she’s
only a tunnel.

No one knows
what’s left.

She has only
one concern.

kindness there.

Buried six
feet deep.

She can’t
look anymore.

The streets
before her
seem to shuffle.

Are there
souls underneath
those roofs?

Can you guess
for just a buck?

All the
houses tip over.

There isn’t
a single soul underneath
but loads of bodies.
87 · Mar 2020
Night time
girlrinth Mar 2020
The back of a
turtle is a
dream catcher.

The biggest I’ve
ever seen.

There are no
holes in it.

So the dreams
cannot get out.

Cobweb carving
on his back.

The turtle walks
in its sleep.

His head and
legs like cactus.

He spins
through the sand.

He feels like
a skipped rock.

The wind
will not mock.
84 · Apr 2020
No way
girlrinth Apr 2020
The pond decided
to go mountain
climbing one day.

So out of
no where it just
wiggled away.

The swan
was sleeping
during that time.

So there
was mystery
mating with horror
in her eyes.

When she
saw that the pond
was gone.

Her eyes a
deep shade
of kiwi fruit.

The wind
about how the
pond drowned.

She fought
back a dam
of cuss words.

She felt
like there was
nothing she
could do.

She shoved
her head in
her feathers like
as if it was
a curtain.

The people
walking by were

After they
left the trees
bowed to her.

They held a
counsel as to how
long she’d last.
83 · Mar 2020
Inward Pondering
girlrinth Mar 2020
She was a little girl
with star prints all over her
long wavy hair.

The words
tattooed all over her skin
were nonsense.

Her storybook was
the size of her roof.

The only thing
holding everything together
was her imagination.

The older she
got everything faded
or became tiny.

Star prints turned
to ashes in her gray hair.

Her storybook
was as tiny as
a piece of rice.

Everyone could
read the words
tattooed on her skin.

So everything
became way too hidden.

Yet imagination
was still somewhere
deep inside.

She just has to
fight all the aura of
the horror harder.
78 · Feb 27
Psalm 86:1
girlrinth Feb 27
David had
the courage to
admit he was
poor and needy.
Something most
future kings
wouldn’t admit.
Yet he didn’t just
say it to just anyone.
He said it to
someone he knew
who would care.
He said it to God.
He was amazed!
So am I!
He probably
did it in private.
Yes it was
all a miracle.

I wonder if
he knew the
psalms would
be read by many.

— The End —