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girlrinth Jan 15
Tattoos and dyed hair.
They collect dust in your dreams.
Popularity plays a duet with loneliness.
Isolation surfs on sighs and smiles.
You pull out the car breaks of your bitterness.
There’s always one more wire that you missed.
Your castles fold into a cardboard box then it all collapses.
Popularity is an antique that’s broken.
You no longer want it fixed.
Where is the syringe of cringe when you need it?
Why do you not want attention anymore?
So now you know why your younger
self doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
I tried to do Roger’s writing prompt:
Your younger self assessing the older self like this poem but roles reversed,maybe young you looking into a crystal ball
girlrinth Jan 8
She dyed her hair pink & green.
Most people want her not to be heard or seen.
A girl too ignored to be a normal teen.
A syringe has collapsed the
creativity in her soul.
Everyone criticizes this rebel Queen.
Yet they all wonder why she can't behave.
They don't see her trying to be brave.
The taunting has made tradition seem foolish.

She shouldn't find peace in cutting.
God needs to heal the scars in her soul.
Everyone should pray for her and not
give her sour advice.
People give her warm stares that turn into ice.
This could freeze her dreams.
She stands in blue jeans with ripped up seams.
Hardships muffle her screams.
An Orphan needs a home without
moving boards or beams.
Everythings make believe in her
mind because no one ever takes the time.

Will God give someone the courage
to look at her ignored heart.
She doesnt want to be on a statistics chart.
Her appearance begs for filial love to start.
Change her but don't tear her apart.
Her creativity shouldn't be choked
like kudzu in a flower garden.
Tattooing is her preferred art.
She needs to learn to use it
in other ways besides tearing
out the car breaks.
Love turns into tragedy because
everyone leaves.

Shes been ignored.
Her feelings have been stored.
Tears have not been answered.
Smiles are forced.
Permanent homes are highly priced.
God needs to change their hearts.
Please don't judge her
by the rebal Facade.
Someday she will be loved because
theres more to her than just pink and
green dye.
Written in 2013 by me of course
girlrinth Jan 1
I'm going to wrap a herd of
Kentucky Rainbows together.
I won't let them fly from
my arms like gauzed  gazelles.

The man who butchers
butterflies sold full ears to me.
He planted them when he
thought he was a heirloom.

These bushels of corn were
wrapped in rainbow when born.
Now if I go on vacation Im torn
because I need to plant soon

Now he wants to plant rotten
rose gardens in bloom.
He won't get married  in a
field of Kentucky  Rainbows.

I can't wait to pull kernals
of Rainbows like teeth.
I can plant them out side
my barn the size of an ark.

I sit by the door feeling
rich shucking my Rainbows.
I'll feel safe if I can plant rows
of corn able to resist a flood.
Posted for national poetry
month in 2016

Prompt# 5 Heirloom plants

If you want to try the prompt
give it a go.
girlrinth Feb 2024
I used to think chastity
was a five year old who
knew nothing about ***.
The kind of innocence
I longed for as an adult too much.
Now a ****** who knows everything.
I still hate that to this day.
Yet what’s wrong  with
a tiger striped dove?
Fight in the flight or visa versa.
A lot of people in our culture
view purity as something *****.
Yet a lot of people in our culture
view the ****** as way too cool.
Where is the balance?
There has got to be one.
Chastity to me is staying
true to the one you love.
There is so much more!
this is one of my extremely rare good days. I’m fighting something extremely difficult right now. I’m seriously trying to stay off social media BUT… this post hit me.
girlrinth Jun 2020
was a house.

Knitted by
knowing you.

It was made
of sticky notes.

aching for actions.

is the fuel.

Hearts only
in its windows.

Looks didn’t
really matter.

A firm foundation

Gates of wisdom
walk to it.

laughed at it.

Gossip galloped
away from it.

The golden rule
knew better.
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