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girlrinth Jun 2020
was a house.

Knitted by
knowing you.

It was made
of sticky notes.

aching for actions.

is the fuel.

Hearts only
in its windows.

Looks didn’t
really matter.

A firm foundation

Gates of wisdom
walk to it.

laughed at it.

Gossip galloped
away from it.

The golden rule
knew better.
girlrinth Apr 2020
She didn’t touch
her face.  

She keeps
her hands
on her books.

It’s been
many years.

She’s made
the world
book of records.

The girl who
will forever not
touch her face.

She’s too
busy reading.

She did not
have to
avoid her friends.

You can do a
google search.

Yet she’s not
there at all.

She existed
before the virus.

She sits by a butterfly
of bookcases.
girlrinth Apr 2020
A mermaid with
a tail made of a lilac.

The largest
you’ve ever seen.

Her *******
made of two lilacs.

Her eyes have
fern sunglasses.

Her hair an
ocean of sun
as she floated
down the lake.

Her fingers
spinning the whirl
under the raindrops.

She sang softly
about how she
once saved ophelia.

All the people
screamed with horror
as they beheld her.

Yet it wasn’t her
that they feared.

It was the
flood rising up out of
the mist like a fist.

All the bees
trying to hold it back
did so in vain.
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