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Theres a icy moon out tonight.
So this figure skater will take flight.

She will land doing a layback spin in illumination.
This snow angel will be a sensation.

A spin with snowflake grace.
Her hands move up like a lovers embrace.

The lines of her back are arching.
Free leg goes out with a life all its own by slanting.
While the others in a glittering scene of scratching.

People see her moving in fast circles but
to her it feels like the world is spinning.
Summer crickets are constantly cheering.
There are clouds above the trees clearing.

She is such a  sensation that the stars start skittering.
She shines so bright the moon might swallow her whole.
Snow angel must hurry or her moon might turn into a black hole.

The sun is sending her a flight warning.
She'll melt if she doesn't fly back to earth.
All the fire flys compete for a chance
to land on the moon.
There's a rush to fly because tomorrow
will be an exploding monsoon.
I can’t remember which year this was posted by me on Poet Freak website. Maybe 2014
girlrinth Feb 27
David had
the courage to
admit he was
poor and needy.
Something most
future kings
wouldn’t admit.
Yet he didn’t just
say it to just anyone.
He said it to
someone he knew
who would care.
He said it to God.
He was amazed!
So am I!
He probably
did it in private.
Yes it was
all a miracle.

I wonder if
he knew the
psalms would
be read by many.
girlrinth Feb 19
Azure tears fall from her cloudy face.
Depression leaving an inky trace.
She feels thick eyebrows of despair.
Cherry lips are now no longer happy
but pout down in ****** flair.
Curls are now strait in her hair.
There's no illusion everyone
wants to leave her.
There is no shock leaving
a lemony after taste.
Yet no sugar for her ultimate despair.

Letters of revelry were coming from
a unknown knight.
Mortification singed his lies
in the untimely light.
She tested his love by saying
there was none.
No surprise that he left
her cloudy and alone.
The end came in the letter that left
dark dread all around.
Inky sadness makes a dreary sound.

She now hides in a golden cave.
Woodpeckers drill a sign saying
knights aren't able to save.
Waves are always billowing
over the sunny path that she is
trying to engrave.
Clouds hide and protect her from the world.
Her dreams are like cotton packing.
Someday the sun will rise in her cloudy face.
She will find a surprise king to take his place.
Written a long time ago at the poet freak website
girlrinth Feb 12
A skeleton pets a pterodactyl.
Clusters of dragonflies.
Hear the stasis calling.
Ocean waves flying.
Bones are stomping.
Clouds are falling.
Poems rot at dawn.
There are words I’ll never say.
There’s bitterness I need to slay.
Shorter is always better.
girlrinth Feb 5
I'm running along the tracks.
The geese fly against the climate in arrow packs.
My meandering thoughts won't hit the brake.
The river beside me seems to understand my
thoughts because its rhythm is roaring.
The tears fall down on the window of my face.

The train is moving fast.
I'm running on this stammering
track to escape my past.
My head is steaming.
This heart of mine is
desperately chugging along.
My mind cries full speed ahead.
The soul would helplessly
rather rest instead.

I hum a song to keep my body strong.
These legs are burning coals but
the train sounds its final warning.
The engine sings run a long, run a long or
this may be your final song.

My running dilemma derails before
the train screeches to a stop.
Dreams of glee are worth having in a
lonely tree house.
Money only paves the streets
of emptiness.
After all there isn't grass
on the other side.
Where the famous always try to hide.

Triumph is already stressed in
the lines of my face.
Rewards are traced in Gods grace.
Do you hear the blood running
through my veins?
It congratulates me for winning
my life's deadly race.
A poem I wrote and posted at a site called poet freak long ago. The rough estimation is 2016 but it could have been earlier than that…
girlrinth Jan 29
Desperation *****
more than anyone knows.
Yet It feels like NO one ever
experiences it except you.
Depression high fives
it as it dives down.
Desperation makes me feel
like never needing friends.
Which isn’t true.
Yet it also makes me feel like
I have too many friends.
Which also isn’t true.
It makes me feel like
blocking myself.
If only there was a vacation
to factory reset.
Probably too many people would
jump on that ride.
Everyone has desperation though
even if they don’t know it.
They might know it but
they don’t care to admit it.
girlrinth Jan 22
My rain is turning into hail.
You stand next to me.
Yet I can't see you.

You always inspire me.
Yet I can't hear you.

You break the heart in me.
Yet I can't feel you.

You have no name.
Yet I look for it.

Some how you always comfort me.
Yet I still need you.

You’re my invisible man.
Only God can make you appear.
Love should evaporate my fear.

Until I meet you my mind
will be on  repeat.
My heart is a drum
that can hardly beat.

Please say my hopes will
rise from concrete.
Or I shall be alive but
gradually forgotton.
I shall be an
invisible woman.
Written back in 2012 when I first started writing on the site called poem hunters.
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