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713 · Apr 2012
Cigarette Lies (I'm Drunk)
Your cigarette stained lies
envelope me
until I'm puffing them out and letting them into the air
into a cloud of smoke
and the world hates you
because of me
but it hates me too
and I wish you the best of ******* luck
except I'm a drunk liar
and a drunken hypocrite
you don't give a ****
and I might not do better
but that's still better than you
I feel bad
for the feathers that stay tucked in your pillowcase
that you sleep on every night
that you suffocate
with your cigarette stained lies
that you burn people with
I will walk on maybe
but with cigarette burns on my arms
I'll wear your lies on my sleeve
and show off your cherry pepper voice to the world
you're invited to my party
and to my showcase
just sit in the back row where I can't see you
and leave before the finale
and never mention it again
You should probably tell her that you miss me
and not burn her with cigarette stained lies
oh who am I kidding?
You're a ******* chain smoker
and she's *******
If I wasn't such a bitter human being
I'd feel sorry for her

I'm drunk.
711 · Mar 2012
March Hare
Embracing the sound
of my new found
maniacal sobbing laughter
709 · Nov 2011
Fighting Dark
eyelids drooping over the unseen pupils

they flicker and flutter as they fight to stay up

but once again

they collapse

too weak to carry on

they take a few seconds to pull themselves together

getting mentally prepared for their next attempt

and then with one more heaving breath

they muster the force within them to flip

revealing for a split second

a sea of green

that was hidden

so well

but the impact of the weight that rested upon them was too much

once again

the eyelids

were defeated


the unstoppable force

that was

708 · Mar 2012
There's something about
the shift of saccharine eyes
in my mind
that give me false hope
to go along with my
humdrum voice.
705 · Feb 2014
I have to cease.
It's not that my love has ceased.
It's just that the tenderness in my chest isn't uncut anymore
and I keep cutting the scraps loose far and wide
creating an eyesore for others to sterilize.

This has to cease
because I've put my spirit on trial
and it wound up at its breaking point.
I can't share this world with you
while her shadow lingers, panting on your collar.

I know you can't cease.
I know you can't slay a phantom.
I know that you don't fancy bruising her haunting spirit.

I wish you didn't want to bruise my spirit.
But there's an echelon of interest that I never dominated.

But it possesses all the arena that is my cranium
and the rest is made up of intoxicated words I'll never obliterate.

I know I'm not your Valentine.
But hearts were never a joyous emblem for me anyway.

So I'll leave phantoms of my presence all over your life
in hopes that you'll delete a single blushing gummy letter
written by a ghost years ago.
702 · Jan 2012
Sometimes I like to talk to myself
I mimic people that don't exist
I have conversations with them in my head
That lead to scenarios
We go on adventures together

I mimic all sorts of people
I have conversations with them in my head
Soon enough I start talking out loud
and I don't know who is real and who is in my head

Soon enough I start to mimic myself
and I don't know if I'm real or if I'm in my head
I start to think that maybe I'm just an impersonation
that maybe I'm not real
Or maybe I'm just acting all the time.
701 · Nov 2011
I chase the waves and ride the current
but my feet are stuck in the sand
as I stand on the shore
the tide turns around my core
sinking my ankles under more

The water crawls up to my knees
Leaving scratches from the shells beneath it's fingernails
it ties them together with ease
I sway forward and my body derails
I no longer breathe the breeze.
697 · Jul 2012
Elbow Allignment
Graze of an elbow.
Grace of an elbow.
Trace of an elbow. We
Race to Hell, though.
                                      I have a
face that fell, though
if you couldn't tell.
base is covering our old and beautiful tinkling bell.
                               Curl up with me inside my shell:

The one I built under our kitchen table.
697 · Apr 2013
Absence of ambition
dancing with the
presence of boredom.
I'm nothing and I'm nowhere.
695 · Sep 2013
King of the Starlite Motel
The trees in the painting have dancing hands,
        they're zombies for the future.
It's physically moving but I don't know how
        Because it isn't, but it so obviously is.
Neon lights blink at me,
        Singing the buzzing of a bubblegum melody.
Streaming eyes, screaming laughter.
Examine me.
Clinging to your lips like a cigarette.
We're in a perfect atmosphere,
     living in a perfect scene.
You're the king of the Starlite Motel,
     and I get to be the queen.
691 · May 2017
Amaranta at The Salto Hotel
This clock smokes a cigarette and tucks itself into the nest hidden inside of my jaw made from the sticks in my eyes and the branches in my brain. They act as a memento of all of my cherished and celebrated flaws. You know, the ones that to everyone else seem deep and emotional and artistic and cool, but to me seem just seem clinically insane. These branches are pawns from Fool’s Paradise calling to me—I can see them floating idly above my head like tiny taunting yellow birds from my memories. They try to make me forget whether this is a wedding or a funeral releasing these doves from my nest into my heart. They flap their wings in my chest monotonously and obnoxiously; a tireless taunting heartbeat. You’re a modern desolate suicide with your heart filled with fearful and uneasy pesticides, poisoning all of my beautiful birds of Fool’s Paradise.

They’re teaching me to fly now, making me too exhausted to even lose it anymore, and too exhausted to think I can choose it. (“It” being the toxins making me dizzy and Ms. “Miss Me Please”. Pathetic.) This restless clock stays awake and is impassively beating a tragic ballad like a phantom of my pallid heart which silently screams. It’s foolish and hushed and timidly invalid. The rhythm paces past pit stops searching for the sound of silence but never stops to eat or for a pick-me-up when it’s lasted this long already. You’re a modern romantic suicide wringing out my heart with your rigid hands and hanging it out to dry.
Sometimes my heartbreak will abruptly brake and snarl at me like a moon exhausted at daybreak refusing to hold itself up for the world anymore. It’s as if it trips and stumbles across its own canvas in the sky, collapsing into my nest weighing me down into the deepest of these one-hundred thousand lakes of solitude, making me a drowning anchor at best, bringing the whole **** ship and crew down with me. It’s as if your shiny poisonous soul blasts my shaded nest with lasers from a science-fiction fantasy with all robots and no magic, and the necessary darkness needed for dreams begins to fade. Your sparkle is surfing and effortlessly riding the tsunami of my mind, unaware of the sharks with razor teeth made of my pathetic emotions. How are you so charming and rustic, and yet so piously unkind?

And I could tell you that you’re not alone yet, but you would never believe me. And I could tell  you you’re far too ******* yourself and too ******* me and too ******* us and the catastrophic hurricane we’d be lucky to be, but you would never want to believe me. I could tell you that you’ve got your heavy crown all tangled up in your hair filled with twigs and branches but I won’t because I know you won’t dare to care.

But it’s true, you’re not alone yet. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through or who you’ve been through or anything we’ve been through . It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen or who you’ve seen, these sentimental knives still seem to lacerate your brain, I know they have. I’ve acquired my fair share of daggers—please let me guide you through the pain or at least pretend to if you’ll let me. You’re not alone, although I know you wish you were. I’m sorry.

So leave me be when you’re not alone. Let’s both abandon me together so you can be alone. Give me your hands because you’re staggering on this uneven floor. Let me hold your struggling heart still because it’s beat is staggering. Let me be alone with you because you’re staggering… but I’m a chore.

Sometimes I feel like there is a balloon inside of my heart that is deliberately deflating to a point where my skin can’t stretch far enough to protect it anymore. Sometimes I feel like there a minuscule puncture in my heart that is so small that nobody can even see it. I wonder if I’m the growing void, or if the void is growing inside of me.

The delusion of you lurks in the corners of my brain and I’m so ashamed about it. It’s like you sleep in the underbelly of my eyelids that keep leaking because there is no more room for them without you living in there. It’s as if you made a puncture in my eyes so small that nobody can see it but they can see the streams that used to snuggle up in there.

You make me feel like I’m a speck of ******* that gets left behind on a dollar bill and spent on a pack of gum.
A monologue.
690 · Nov 2013
The killers are callin' on me,
and when I realized it
there was a **** ton of screaming
by only one person.

And I used to be sick
of my new apartment
because it was an empty barrel
that made the loudest sound.

And it looks like we cracked
a second after
I crawled into my hole,
not understanding why
anyone would want me
like a big deal.

I'm not interested in a great first show
or keeping my friends close.

I'm just interested in the evils in my life.
I see all kinds of lovers:

The young and the happy

The old and the cold

Ones that don't quite match up

Ones that live to love perfectly

Ones that live to not be lonely

Ones with nothing better to do

Ones with nothing but time

And then some with no time at all

And they all look picturesque and pretty on the outside;

but I can't help feeling sorry for them all.

Then I look away and feel sorry for myself.
681 · Jan 2012
When It's Dark
I do things in the dark
that nobody would suspect

I do things in the dark
and I speak in a different dialect

I do things in the dark
that I get embarrassed of when it's light outside

I do things in the dark
that I really shouldn't be afraid to hide

What I do in the dark
people normally aren't ashamed of

I only wait until it's dark
because I'm shy and don't know how to play the game

I wait until it's dark
because I'm scared of how things look in the light

I wait until it's dark
because I only know how do things at night

I wait until it's dark
because then I know it's safe to be myself

I wait until it's dark
because I can rearrange the perfect rows on my shelf

I do things when it's dark
that aren't even bad or weird or evil

I only do them when it's dark
because I'm scared and weak, and love is lethal

I only want love when it's dark
because it's when I notice that nobody's around

I only want people around when it's dark
because it's then that I start hearing the friendly and forbidden sounds

I only hear these sounds when it's dark
because my heart screams loudest when it's alone

I only listen to my heart when it's dark
because during the day it's deafened by everyone's moans and groans

I hear everything differently when it's dark
because moans don't sound dreary, they sound steamy and hot

I decipher the sounds when it's dark
because everything is never as it seems; it's just not

And I feel the most alone when it's dark
because at night I realize I'm sleeping alone and that's how it's always going to be

I'm lonely when it's dark
because it's when I realize that I've trapped myself and I'm never going to set myself free

and I do things when it's dark
I think and I scream without making any noise

I do things when it's dark
I wink at all the boys
680 · Dec 2011
I Need a Friend
I don't need a man
I need a friend
I don't need a leader
I need a friend
I don't need a role model
I need a friend
I don't need a bad example
I need a friend
I don't need a cat
I need a friend
I don't need a teacher
I need a friend
I don't need a hero
I need a friend
I don't need a guardian
I need a friend
I don't need a guardian angel
I need a friend
I don't need a an angel
I need a friend
I don't need a ghost
I need a friend
I don't need a lover
I need a friend
I don't need a companion
I need a friend
I don't need a mother
I need a friend
I don't need another
I need a friend
I don't need you
I need a friend
I don't need you either
I need a friend
and I definitely don't need you
I need a friend
I don't me
I need a friend
679 · Dec 2012
Between the Lines
Like the world around me is live art.
knows what to say. I love them so much.
I'm a spectator of life.
But not the people. Just him.
Watch it put on a show
Yell it louder so people can feel you.
Who knew a high could ever
"I'm happy just because." They don't
feel so low and cold.
have to be new and popular. Just
Rivers in my throat, frightening
popular because they're old. Yell it
my insides.
louder until my heart seams split
people are talking levels outside
*** *** *** *** ***
me. Why do they talk?
unnecessary marks on the paper because
let only the drummer a-****-
you were counting. I feel like they
a-pum-pum. Let it out.
should know. Ax me in half so a
look at yourself from inside
different part can move. Another ending.
the levels. I'm not the yellow
I can't handle these types of noises.
man. Purple blob in the corner.
Or writing between the lines. There's nothing
Why did they skip that part?
to hold that will let you hold still
That part's all I look forward to
How are people still thinking while I'm gone?
Until the end. No one can ever
677 · Mar 2012
Yet, I'm Still Despondent
With the sky so crystal
and the sun so giddy,
there is little reason for
this woebegone pace
in this abandoned place.
A utopian someone
is is a person I know
I would never have
been able to think up
on my own.
676 · Jul 2013
Your blood just runs warmer than I,
Mine slithers across my tongue
writing myths.

Why should anything matter
if we just run away?
Let's take this time to be nothing.
There's no looking back as you're breaking away,
just really nice apathy.
There's no recognition of the distraction
that went somewhere else.
I wanted them all to stay,
but now I just want to move.
It's not recognized that this thing is bothering me.
That part of something else is disvalued.
I don't want to listen to sad music,
but where is my brain going?
Can you do it again?
675 · Dec 2011
I Like My Coffee Beige
When I make my morning coffee
I mix it with tears
They're my secret ingredient

I let them drop
Just a pinch and a dash
and I stir them in with cream

My tears are my morning caffeine.
675 · Nov 2013
I can't wait
to not live in a morgue.

But I seem to be
all the time.

If anyone is looking for a neck-rub,
today's the time.
Dead guys don't seem to enjoy them
these days.

I miss the feeling of
fuzzy animals rubbing against my leg
and my heart
and all the other happy feelings.
674 · Mar 2012
This is a poem about nothing at all
and no one in particular

It's simply about my mistakes
that are an array of paints in front of me
Assorted by Roy G. Biv's rules of regulation
If I try to remove an acrylic faux pas
they won't be in order and nothing will make sense

So I guess all I can do is paint a self-portrait
using all of my colorful blunders
and attempt to make it beautiful

But I know I'm much too modern
and much too childish
for closed-minded critics to appreciate.
This is the last poem I will write
until the day I'm fully forgiven
by everyone
and myself
673 · Apr 2017
Although we endure our breaths in this this shack upon the shore,
The icebergs lurk before us clearer than ever before.
Dancing animatedly in our Siberian tundra,
like a hero taking selfish refuge before the storm.

I think we should try on these tiny snow shoes anyway
and swim through the snow that's buried us beneath our fragile beating sleigh.  
I keep putting my thumb on display,
exposing my heart to these wolves that transpire around us day by day.

I envy their silent and still tails
that rest quietly, sturdy and as deadly as nails.
My thoughts recognize an after party to hide my pain
that I only partake in to seem less insane.

So I coach my brain to copulate with my emotions
rather than with the hurricane motions of the ocean of your brain.
It all seems transparent to me now,
a ghost in my chest pounding to get out somehow.
I like this time of night;
It feels like it's so late,
but at the same time...
the morning is a year away.
668 · Dec 2011
Big Blue Ox
I don't understand
why my attempt
at happiness
is making me so sad.
668 · Jun 2012
Everything was pointing in your direction
and now these arrows are choking me.
667 · Mar 2012
Moon Salutation
the part of the moon
that keeps the city
flipping switches
to see in the darkness

Sometimes I stand outside
and crane my neck at the sky
because you're only a sliver

I stare in awe
I shiver.
666 · Apr 2012
Waiting In a Coffee Shop
The monotonous sky tells my story
as rain rolls down my cheeks
in a silent car ride
(my screaming thoughts escaped out the window
with a dying wheezing sound)

Shivers have never been more comforting
on my already cold skin,
as the wind tangled my hair with
a pushing of a heavy glass door

The barista was far too happy,
I'm sure his paycheck doesn't allow him
to embrace his loneliness
and I ordered a coffee on the rocks
in a storm by the sea
with my arms crossed and knuckles clenched
against my sweater,
because the cold feels so familiar

as I wait for you to show up at this coffee shop,
I already know that you won't
663 · Feb 2012
I sprinkle the ones I love
with flakes of pestilence
that season my skin.
661 · Mar 2013
Pacing People
Do you feel a somethin' coming on?
Something upbeat?
Why don't I feel sorry for anyone?
Play them. They're cool.
I'm feeling something upbeat.
In this land of white, packaging peanuts
and animals frolicking in the static.
All their blood cells have a pace.
One I wish I had.
Because in this place all there is  is
politics and religion and robots.
How can you love those things and
have that vision of love and
everyone holding hands?
I love the ugly and uncomfortable.
Not the people, but the feelings.
659 · Feb 2012
Carriage of the Arms
Arms wrapped around air
in an unusually perfect circle
one too loose to hold onto anything
one too perfect to have any substance
one too big to for anything to fit into

My muscles clench tightly
wrapped around my bones
and they shake with exhaustion
but remain in that perfect circle
waiting for something
that will fit
something to hold
657 · Mar 2012
Amputate My Entire Body
I used to believe
that if I wore socks to bed
that they would cut off the circulation to feet
while I slept,
and I would have to amputate my feet off
when I woke up.

I still take my socks off before I go to sleep
because childhood fears make sense
in the darkness.
656 · Feb 2014
Bag of Bones
My bag of bones
is undead,
but only for you.

Pulsing without a brain,
it creates movement of passion.

My bag of bones
is a zombie
that I cannot control.
Staying up late
and knowing you're somewhere close
Dodging looks out windows
causing my neck to writhe
and my high hopes to plummet
when there's no one at my door.
655 · Dec 2011
I pull my shoulder blades together
and stick out my chest
as I lengthen my arms to spread my wings
and I look up to the sky
as I wear a bullseye
on my back
and I can't see you from behind
but I sense that you're there
and as I inhale the sky
I see my fellows fly
forming a "V"
and I want to take off
and fly behind, on the side
that's shorter than the other
and yes, I know that you're still behind
I haven't forgotten
You with your crossbow
aiming an arrow
squinting with one eye
at the bullseye on my back
and me, I'll squint with both eyes
My left squinting at the sun in the sky
My right squinting in fear of what's behind
and as I anticipate your arrow skewering
the soft spot between my wings
My right eye is surprised
at the hail that gets dumped on my face.
651 · Feb 2012
All it is is shifting;

Shifting weight from one leg to the next,
          to avoid the tingles that haunt my right side.
Shifting objects in my arms
          to avoid them falling to the ground.
Shifting positions in the night
          to avoid memories of spoons and nightmares of phantoms
Shifting levers in my brain
          putting all of my sleeping weight into the level labeled "loneliness"
Shifting anxiously
         standing with my arms crossed, eyes dodging.
649 · Dec 2011
Sorry, I'm in a Meeting
Sometimes I think
about somebody
that I've never met
and wonder

if they have ever thought about me
For you, conversation is a one way sign
staked in the ground
showing what you know
You're the sign and I am the universe
I'm pretentious and ignored
When I shine a flashlight in your
already blind eyes
it burns but you wouldn't know
You don't even know
what a red-meated human being
smells like
but you know the contours of your
own brain

Now tell me,
What do I know?
647 · Feb 2013
Primates Like Me
There are little kids playing around
and I don't know what that is.
They're primal,
but we're all mammals--
touchy and savage.
Like characters from a journey.
It's instinctual,
so I'm not really worried.
It's different than what I'm used to.
Walking through a different attic than I'm used to.
But I still have a face and fingers in this evolution.
We're all apes, but there's still a different
australopithecus from Russia or somewhere.
It's Jane, and she's just a little kid.
She moves how she moves and not how she thinks.
She's getting negativity out of her body.
I'm working like little kids
wondering what's under the table.
644 · May 2012
Being a Person
Being a person
is becoming a bit
too complicated
and a bit
too difficult
643 · May 2014
My Spirit and My Dream
I'm the un-proud owner of a melody
that perpetually brings me to my dead end;
and my spirit has left without me
and I'm too sluggish to grasp it again.

It knew I'm a fool with a dream
that's far bigger than me;
and you ran away with my spirit
because it needs nothing from you,
unlike me;
and you ran away with my dream
when you could have stayed with me.
642 · Dec 2011
I'm prone to injury
but not on purpose
I'm just clumsy and
don't pay attention

I let people in
but not on purpose
I'm just not careful and
I don't lock my doors at night.

I try to let
my blood run clean
but you have a mean tendency
to pour salt in my wound.

But I don't learn from mistakes
I just make them again
So I won't wrap it up
I'll let my wounds out at night

I'll let my blood run down my arm
and I'll hope that it can make it
down my *******
and I'll hope it will drip down
onto my leg
and I hope that it will trickle down my knee
and I'll hope that it will crawl onto the ground
without getting salty.

Maybe someday
There will be a pool of clean blood and
Maybe someday
Somebody will splash in it
Without getting salt on their shoes.
638 · Mar 2012
Schmaltzy Dispute
You can fill your case
with arguments and validity,
and get your knees *****
as you cry a maudlin plea

but in the end
none of that matters
because nobody has a heart
unless they're compensated for it.
Inspired by a ******
It's agony to see you creating memories with somebody else
but it's even worse to have to be with somebody else.
I'm supposed to be okay now. I guess not.
634 · Nov 2011
Concrete Confessions
I like this a little bit but not enough to be sure of it and I can't stand for you to see me fall.
So I'll just lie to everyone and not admit that the world has won and I won't let them in at all.

Because this world is so much bigger than I and all I ever really do is try to find my mind but I lose it everytime just because I'm maddened by every sigh.

I get tangled in these sheets alone and get strangled by this dial tone and that is all I'll ever know.
Try not to mis-create with all this hate but I always make and relive mistakes and this all I think I can take

Because this feeling is so much bigger than I and all I ever really do is lie to find my mind but I lose it everytime just because I'm maddened by your beautiful sigh.

And these are my confessions on a canvas sheet in an exhibit for every critic to see and they can break me down to the ground just as long as I go with such a deafening sound and they can kick me down to the ground just as long as I crash with such a deafening sound.

I like you quite a bit and yes I know that I'm sure of it but I can't stand for you to let me fall.
633 · Oct 2013
The polaroid.

The sidewalks.

Lake Calhoun.

Sleeping in the hot and sticky trunk.

The stars.


Your cave.

Being ashamed.

Saying goodbye.

Seeing the stars.

The paintings.

The polaroids.

The legs draped over the arm rest of the sofa.

Who's feet are these?

The stars of Minneapolis.

The courtyard.

My face.

Your beautiful ****** angel.

The Starlite Motel.

Seeing the stars of Minneapolis.

The cave.

The paint puddles in a Bible.

The most beautiful night you've ever had.

Don't paint anyone else.

Show me the stars of Minneapolis from inside your cave.

I didn't know 'till now.

I just didn't know.
632 · Mar 2012
I'm just a piece of gum
that is ****** dry of flavor
and stuck on the bottom of your shoe.

But it's not my fault
you didn't watch your step
when you put your foot down.
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