Body is your ten fingers, ten toes and then growing up and losing/scaring/breaking
them one by one.
Body is spaceship, underwater capsule, walking love bomb.
Body is here and now and there will never be a way to know its location in the
future, except that it will be on earth as dust or dirt or skin.
Body is always pretending to be yours, to be acting out commands and working
towards your master plan but it will always be telling secrets and saying
things you're not speaking.
Body is gifted, broken and made of more than your soul and proteins.
Body is rhythm and habit even on the most erratic of Sundays, Mondays and through
the curses of the witching hour.
Body is the integral physical material of an individual. Body is cellular
as in multiple moving parts, joints and broken mechanics.
Body is often known to be alongside your death, because you will always exist after
your last fact. Corpse.