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petuniawhiskey Oct 2015
striped sheets, I rest my head
I'd rather be dreaming
this love is a garden
close my eyes
I think I was peeking

the sunlight cradles
in waking hours
when mist just sits
and the day is new.

until the moon is sharp
I'm hiding, I'm shy
you haven't met me yet
close your eyes
no peeking
petuniawhiskey Oct 2015
a back bend, kick over.
the movement becomes
a walk we all know too well.
my worries steep, I sip them dry
and leave some left
for another night.
petuniawhiskey Oct 2015
watching and staring,
I can barely see anything at all.
thoughts cascading,
a triple spiral
mountain run-off.

fever dreams flashing,
I'm sick, I'm sick.
entrance stone turns to sand.

cars are hissing,
tractor trailers are roaring.
something holy lives here,
three realms.
land, sea, sky.
I think if I put more time into this it could be really cool. Or maybe just considering a series based on this sort of idea.. or maybe it just doesn't make sense.
petuniawhiskey Sep 2015
I'm trying to be
not trying to be something
just trying to breathe
and sneeze,
all and everything in between.

I don't ask for much
and somehow I get what
I need and a little more.

I wanna see the pretty lights
and hear the ones who speak
better than me.
I'm cut out to believe
that it will all pay off,
I guess I can only wait and see.
For now I can take the pain,
and talk on the phone to my sister over seas.

slap happy.
sinking into the night
into the sticky leather sofa.

here I am, breathing underwater
and letting my ears pop.
dropping lower, it's getting darker
feeling colder, creepy eerie feels over
my shoulder.
It's silent and slower,
the ocean floor.
petuniawhiskey Jul 2015
he's almost here,
the storm is coming.
and all I want is to stare
at you while crash symbols
sound off.
melt the metal off my heart, quick,
I see dark clouds forming near.
rose patterned sheets capture
the light from a hazy shine, and flutter
with the breeze.
It hasn't rained for weeks now,
and the forest isn't the same lush
green that it used to be.
but now the shed doors
are swinging back and forth,
and pine needles cut through
this chilled wind.
flags across the street are blowing,
the telephone wires are bobbing,
up and down, and getting faster.
I want to feel a thunderbolt, I want
to be amazed.
I want to see my shadows dance, watch
them step out from underneath of me,
and grab my arm to swing me wildly.
it rains and he pours.
petuniawhiskey Jul 2015
She rides her motorcycle
south on highway 85
and her scarf flies.
blowing with the motor,
the scarf in the sky
catches every cut and punch
from the wind.
Above, below, and within
she roars with sin.
The scarf waving high,
dances as she rides.
petuniawhiskey Apr 2015
so we bend like bridges
this is my mark, a new
a hostile flash
leaves me livid.
looking towards the light,
like freight trains and
the feeling in between
arches stretch miles
yet and I am stopped
in the center.
spinning around and around,
closer to the edge
and I watch the water
as it flushes beneath.
over and out,
above the rocks
and boulders - waves.
eyes stolen from
my action, fixated on
the physics of flow.
how to float.
and there I was,
feeling a gentle mist,
somewhere in between waterfalls.
trapped by the drapery of
a water force shield,
one wrong move and
it  would push me deep below
a cave.
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