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petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
eyes tear from
the cold-cutting wind.
he told me,
"expect more surprises."
does my story make me
branches peak through
the curtain-covered window.
sunlight stains the shadows
I look to hide within.
I suppose it was a time
of depersonalization.
A vulnerable feeling which
lead to a vow of silence.
After so long, I laughed
until I cried.
And when my hair grows
past that one freckle on my back,
I will know that
enough time has passed.
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
article, article,
articulate appreciation.
If I could measure the
worth of your words,
my words, ugh!
most of the time
I know it's asking too
much for you to try and
read my mind.
I still believe that eyes
can steal the words from
our mouths, and do
the talking for us.
And that's probably the
difference between you and me.
I want to believe that you
can see me,
really see me,
and understand what
my lips can not convey.

When sight was offered,
I chose the scroll.

And no, I'm not blind,
and no, I'm not deaf.
I'm lucky to see,
I'm lucky to speak.
Choosing to breathe,
is beyond me.

And when I stare at the sky
'till I'm blue in the face,
please understand that
I continue to try.
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
hey, yeah, yo,
no way.
guess what?
grooving for all of
where am I,
how did I get here,
boy this place is different
than yesterday.
get a note from the doctor,
never was suicidal,
not even hiding
in some crazy state of denial.
did what the president
told me to do,
yay, wahoooo,
shUTerRP shannon.
raining on my funk.
thrilled, something like
that. ready to get back
to the action, gotta change this
attitude, this moment has already
left for tomorrow's clock.
another day, lost a dollar,
going, going, gone.
who turned out the lights?

i just wanna make beats
and run away again.
just kidding,
not really.
gonna go sink
my teeth in lasagna
and forget about January,
& the past four months.

hey, hello, nice to meet you.
very glad to know I'm
somewhere in 2014.
fresh starts and stuff,
healthy lungs
and a fatter ***.

relearning how
to feel
this earth.
proceeding with
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
jet planes fly over the roof
of my house and
rattle the window within the pane.
someone tiptoes to the cellar
to have a more private phonecall
with their significant other.
I lay on the couch, wrapped in a
grey robe on the floor above the
cellar floor.
Not meaning to hear every word
that you've been saying,
just too busy cracking
every bone in my body.
As the bare branches blow
on these trees from the breeze,
scratch noise on the glass breaks
and cracks.
Every way that I position
myself proves that dessert
was not meant for breakfast time.
And if you were to ask me how
I've been, I guess I would reply
that I've been better, but I'm fine.
Can not help but be thankful
to be here and alive,
however I often wonder what
it's like on the other side.
An old soul in a new age,
the colored song bird sings
from the golden cage.
Friends came and friends
went, at the end of the day I'm
glad I've got my back,
myself to make me laugh.
I remember how it felt to wear
my emotions on my sleeve,
to pinpoint every fleeing feeling
in between.
Flip every pillow to the colder side,
pick me up with your car,
let's go for a drive.
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
I toss and turn,
I sleep no more.
Yawns widened,
my eyes drip
the tired cries.
Wrists crack,
body exhausted from
staying still for so long.

All the sheep inside my head,
could never amount to all of
those bottles on the wall.

There were days that I learned
how to sit still.
These days moved fast,
yet slow.

Time told me to be on
his side, so counted
all the steps it took
me to get into this bed.

Death metal blasted
from passer-bys
on slick roads.
Sign reads,
"Drive Slow."

Shocked to see a shadow,
too soon sunken in velour.
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
a body at rest will stay at rest,
and a body in motion, will
live on in motion.

bored brain,
so I stretch.
must not forget
this body that
lives to be.

so many phases,
**** the moon,
I'm talking about
my soul!

another sunrise,
I drive home through
the snow drifts.

I see you in my fever dreams,
and too soon
sunlight ****.
petuniawhiskey Jan 2014
i'm not a master,
i'm no man.
snot drips from the nostril,
the sizzle grips the saucepan.
static head in the negative degree,
below freezing weather, i do believe.
stone cold stare at the fire ablaze,
blood boil, bubble bath and turmoil,
death to the royals.
potbellies to the gifted,
flight or fight feelings for the lesser.
lack of passion, slow moving action.
caught in the eye of abstraction,
I lost my bond with reality.
sneeze out the cake batter,
dimmed lights-
I'm in in my corner.
the last in line,
a faster pace raced in my mind.
blurred vision,
motionless mission.
still, the snot drips as
time slips through my
failed finger tips.
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