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1.8k · Jul 2013
petrichor Jul 2013
she sits
in the field
and she picks the pretty daisies
by one
    by one
and she pulls off the petals
he loves me
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
and as she picks and pulls
she hopes
hopes for day
when the petals will fall
and all she’ll ever need to say is
he loves me
petrichor Nov 2013
When I was younger and I had more on my plate than I could eat, my father would tell me,
"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach!"
And while it was never meant to do any harm,
I couldn't help but desire to shrink.
Portions were no longer a problem
because very rarely did I eat.
The closest thing I got to eating
was eating away.
All I could see in myself was something too large
and I became so insecure
that my eyes being bigger than the size of my stomach
was all that I could ask for.
petrichor Nov 2013
You are a poem with feet

this is a mirror
you are a sentene
561 · Nov 2013
petrichor Nov 2013
We are a cycle
we go to school
to go to college
to get a job
to get married
to have kids
that start the cycle again
but remember
we are
What if the cycle was broken
It's scientifically known that cycles make things go faster
so are we really
or just speeding up the process?
509 · Nov 2013
petrichor Nov 2013
They say that if you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.
You must dream of me a lot, because I can never sleep
and when I do
I dream of you
so you must have insomnia, too.

— The End —