I love you.
I don't know how
and I don't know why.
I barely know you really.
I met you only so briefly.
Yet you resonated with me.
You, above anyone else, still occupy my thoughts.
You are the one I dream about.
Do I love you really?
I've only known you a short while
Most of that time we've lived separate lives
Seen other people
So do I love you really?
Am I just loving an idea of what we could be?
I don't know
How could I?
You don't really give me much to go on.
One minute you talk of the future
the next, you don't talk of much
and you hardly ever talk about how you feel.
So I am conflicted.
I know I feel very strongly for you
and yet I cannot make the decision of how I feel
when you give me nothing.
If this doesn't scare you away
I suppose we may just have what it takes
to find out if we love each other.
A detailed paragraph of your feelings for me would be great.
But I know the likeliness of that ;)