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Jul 2015 · 544
Th easy way out
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
If you would have seen
Then you would have followed
That fast  beating of your heart
If you would have understood
The reign of the rain
The speed of the clouds
Yet you followed your shadow
Giving questions to the answers
Behind the wall of words
That splash like the drops of a tropical  shower
After the sun burnt a hole in your vulnerable heart
You decided to let go
Yes you saw
Yes you followed
The voice of your heart
As the easy way out
- Heerings 2015
Jul 2015 · 469
The danceless dance
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The danceless swan

Whenever she felt danceless
She got her dancingshoes
Whenever she felt senseless
She just made up her mind
Whenever she felt restless
She closed her eyes and travelled
Whenever she felt useless
She looked into the mirror
Whenever she felt careless
She danced her requiem of broken dreams
And when she did she became  the swan  of the doubting but yet hopeful believers in the good of human kind-
Peter Heerings July 2015
Jul 2015 · 490
The spider bite
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
She is  sweeter than sugar
Attractive like honey
Pretty as the model she never wanted to be
Strong like the lioness
Fast as the leopard
Sensual like a desert queen
She builds her own castle of the sand that surrounds her
She drinks from the well she creates in her mind
Her blue sky is cloudless but don't come too near her for she is the spider that will digest your body the second you finish the sweet deed of love - Heerings July 2015
Jul 2015 · 345
The eye of the world
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The eye of the world

She sees
She selects
She moves
She deletes
She reminds
She pictures
She shows
She is the one
Her lens the eye of the world
She just for a second
Makes sure the moments
Become eternal
She sees
She moves
With the right click
Of those who are left
At places nobody sees
- Heerings July 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
MH17.... one year further

The grief of families
The loss of lives
Bodyparts in the winter landscape
A year flies
But the 298 victims
They don't speak
They don't cry
They just rest
The rest of the innocent
And the quilty rest
Might never be caught
While the toys as ever hold their tongues
- Heerings July 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The long legs in a dead end street

She was a woman of  talking who forgot to listen
Her days were short stories but her chapters were long
She wanted to live fast but she could not afford it
Her heels were high and when she fell all you heard was a long cry for help
- Heerings 2015
Jul 2015 · 955
The positive note
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The positive note

There is the music for
The lost
The found
The beaten
The winners
The loved
The unwanted
The happy
The sad
The few
The many
The frightened
The heroes
The cowards
The listeners
The deaf for everything
The ones who feel important
The ones  who are important
But most important
For the lyrics
And the positive note
- Heerings 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Fatal attraction
Oceans  turning red
The battle of the broken bottles that are as empty as your heart
An eye for an eye
A wish for the lost
A prayer for the found
The music for the hearing
And a torch for the few that wander in the darkness of the caves where the zombies  of the broken hearts  have accepted their fate - Heerings July 2015
Jul 2015 · 329
Angels and devils
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Angels and devils

With the looks of an angel
She dares like a devil
With the smile of a woman
She acts like a girl
She drinks like a sailor
But stands straight like a queen
She wakes up in the morning and will still know precisely
All the things that she promised  and forgot once again - Heerings July 2015
Jul 2015 · 308
Miss understanding
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Did you see her go
Miss understanding
Asking for right but yet left again
Her mind is so far
She worries about others
Forgetting herself
The girl you don't see
But miss understanding
Is really the one
Nobody notices
But she is the one
That sees through it all - Heerings March 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Speak your mind
Talk your talks
Whisper your whispers
Dream your dreams
Just be sure
You mind your business
Listen to your conscience for there are those
Whose tongue is sharper
Then their teeth they only show
The second that you turn your back - Heerings April 2015
Jul 2015 · 350
Oceans and skies
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Sailing the seas with endless horizons
Skies full of painted shapes
Clouds with rain soon to be emptied
On the oceans waiting to be struck by powerful lightning
Wind pushing waves to limitless heights
Nature stronger reminding us to better look for shelter
Are we not helpless little creatures when nature shows its ultimate strength
And we feel small but our mouths are big with loud loud voices even if it's just a call for help - Heerings April 2015
Jul 2015 · 290
Moonlight childhood
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
In the light of the moon
Her thoughts were revealing
The way she really looked at herself
She thought of the sun
And how it was warmer
She thought of her childhood
How happy she was
The tree gave her shelter
From all she was scared of
It was not much
But still made her feel sad
She thought of the morning
The sunset was ready
To give her a bright and wonderful day- Heerings May 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The painting of the neverending blur

Look at the painting of the unseen
The work of art of what never happened
We cover what is really there
Face the facts
Facts are the faces that disappear in the crowd
We all have our thoughts and tiny little secrets
You don't have to share they simply are yours
But colour your painting the way that you want it
Under the grey is the actual story of all you put away in the back of you mind
Just follow the brush that is paving your way
Jul 2015 · 343
Drop what you do
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Jump on the heatwave
To places  so cool
Where you melt like an icecream
Be a drop what you do
On a hot summer day
When the music is calling
And the heat of the  sand makes you dance
The dance of  the army of those who no longer are the working class heroes they want you to be
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
She sometimes thinks
But often doesn't
She often speaks
Nobody hears
She smiles a lot
But only sometimes
It is a smile
Right from her heart
The things she wants
Are far away
And in her dreams
They all come through
But in the morning
It is the song
That has been playing all along
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
In general most wars are pointless
In general children get killed
In general  cities do vanish
In general the missiles hit
The general takes the decisions
But in general he does not smell
the smell of fire
In general he does not hear the people scream
In general  he only counts the hits and all the rest generally is seen as calculated side effects
He gives the orders
To push the ****
To fly the jet
To drop the bomb
It is precision but that's precisely the problem of a general war
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Did you meet mister know it all
He only speaks but never listens
He knows all answers anyway
Hear him talking to himself
Believing all his little secrets
Believing all his little lies
And when night comes
He'll be dreaming
All the lies are his very own truth
While actually his knowing all
Just hides the fact that other people
Just know him as the guy nextdoor
The nameless man  who is unknown
Who sees nobody in the eyes
Because he is simply insecure
The man nobody knows at all
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The pretty girl from the present
That 's how others called her
The plain girl from the past as she saw herself
She looked for the rainbow
But found her depression
A mind full of clouds which ended in teardrops rolling from her once so clear eyes
All good she once had
It had slipped through her fingers as the end of what once was a brand new  beginning of a beautiful day
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
She never danced not in the open
But once she closed her dark blue eyes
She was the centre of the party
She heard the sounds of all the laughter
Glasses full or  being filled
She was the princess of the non existing empire
Of the wallflowers that blossom on an extraordinary day
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
Silence can scream
Screams can make silent
Words can be loud
Stopping others from speaking
The future is far
But is also tomorrow
And tomorrow is always just hours away
Maybe time is yours
As the clock ticks in silence
All forgotten memories
Are still stored in your mind
Whisper or scream
Whatever is needed for
tongues and  mouths  telling
The lies that are truth and the truth that is lied - Heerings February 2015
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
There was no music
But she danced like the flower moved by the wind
The wind calls her name
Poetry is the dance that is danced without music
And poetry is what she is
She sang but without words
She played guitar no strings attached
Read her thoughts
Forget her name
Before she blows your mind
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
She found somuch in life
But still lost the courage
She looked for somuch
But was blind for the fact
That life is not just to be lived for the hunting
This time she  stood up surprising the big mouths  with one single sentence and she knew it was good
Like the mouse bit the cat
And the cat will remember
That even small teeth can be sharp as a knife
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
I wrote the song
You used to sing it
It  really said it perfectly
A  little story in  four minutes
Maybe some tones were out of tune
But now the lyrics are forgotten
It was not a hit but but oh yes still a big slap in the face
And the guitar no strings attached
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The melancholism
Of the sword of  sadness
The beginning of madness
The ghosts of your past you carry on your back
The guns were loaded
But you felt empty
The kanon was fired
You swallowed the powder
You coughed like a man who knew fate was near
You took your loss and lost what was taken
Let the sand be the cover of the coffin that gave you the house without windows
But who needs a window when eyes are hollow , the voice is empty the tongue was sharpest and cut all the lines that you never did speak
Jul 2015 · 683
Oceans and tears
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The ocean blue its taste so salty like tears you spilt for far too long
Birds fear nothing flying where the warmth of the sun will dry their feathers
Hold your tears and let the sun dry your eyes before winter is coming to freeze your heart
Seasons come and go as pain will ease and you shall blossom like the rose in spring in the fields of gold coloured by the rainbow after the rain chased the clouds away - Heerings June 2015
Jul 2015 · 325
Mourning after
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
The mourning after
The day of laughter
About the things
That needed silence
You lost the temper
But found the words
To put it all into perspective
Of those who normally
Just close their eyes for consequences
Since that is for the morning after the mourning after whispering  the history of her story that was kept under the blankets  that  covered all that felt so cold like the frozen kiss that was colder than the coldest winter any body ever felt

— The End —