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9.3k · Jun 2014
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
growing tall,
bringing life to that dull wall.
Reaching up towards the Sun,
flowering for everyone.
Bringing seeds and oil to harvest,
paintings from a demented soul,
the kind of one who falls the hardest,
upon life and everyone.
Nature coursing through the madness
bringing new light with the dawn,
but every star is stalked by darkness
making it shine all the more.
Until its flame is quenched by powers
A force much stronger than us all.
We'll just sit and watch the madness,
and those Sunflowers by the wall.
3.9k · Mar 2014
Peter Cullen Mar 2014
Superman ain't super anymore.
He snorted all the kryptonite
and spilled some on the floor.
His cape is in the lost and found
somewhere on the underground
Superman ain't super anymore.

The Man of Steel's heart, colder now than steel
Lois slapped him on the chops
for trying to cop a feel.
Front page of the Daily Planet
Lois wouldn't let him have it
The Man of Steel's heart colder than before.

The problems of the world knock on the door
Superman has fallen down
he's sleeping in the hall.
Crying between fits of snoozing
wishing he could stop the boozing
The problems of the world knock on the door.
3.4k · Nov 2015
A Night In Paris.
Peter Cullen Nov 2015
Another night in Paris,
but different than the ones before.
Left with love to conquer,
the terror knocking on the door.
I hope this won't discourage,
Liberty, where it was born.
For hatred is an energy
not within,
when we are born.
It's harnessed by a twisted way.
A path, that lost souls
sometimes take.
Lambs brought to the slaughter.
Brainwashed, to the point of hate.
Where every single drop of blood,
is washed away
with so called faith.
Yet I pray for all the victims,
not to a God that will dictate
I pray to what's within us all,
The love that is the only way.
A prayer to **** the hatred.
A guiding light
to show the way.
3.2k · Feb 2015
The Port of Zanzibar.
Peter Cullen Feb 2015
Winding through the alleys
down to the old bazaar.
wander through the Stone Town
in the Port of Zanzibar.
The colours and the people
the spices in their blood.
Aromas floating through the air
through the neighbourhood.
The laughter and the singing,
the sparkle in the eyes.
The joy of life and living,
never in disguise.
Winding through the alleys,
down to the old bazaar.
The joy of life and living,
on the streets of Zanzibar.
3.2k · May 2014
The River Rhine.
Peter Cullen May 2014
The Watchmen, lonely, watching time,
upon freezing beds,
the cold, the wet, the dead,
along the River Rhine.

Flares,illuminate the sky,
young soldiers, writing letters home,
some they start to cry.
Wishing they knew why,
along the River rhine.

Those treasured tear stained letters.
A young souls last goodbye,
a flare shines in the sky.
Wishing they knew why,
Upon the River Rhine.
3.1k · Jul 2014
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Sinking low beneath the waves
Lost in underwater caves.
Passages that lead us there,
never read, cause no one cared.
Cities underneath the sea,
once a home to you and me.
Now monuments, of how we failed.
Memories, as we set sail.
Set our course against the stars,
were we born to go that far?
Memories as we set sail.
Monuments of how we failed.
3.0k · Dec 2013
The Number 7.
Peter Cullen Dec 2013
Feeling faint a lonely saint
makes his way to heaven.
At the bus-stop on his own,
waits for the number 7.

And as the minutes pass away
he thinks about his final day,
when the bus comes drawing near,
in his eye there rests a tear.
He wonders has his work been done,
was his life a battle won.
Shall it be his final time?,
is this soul truly divine?

Now the bus is heading west,
the saint will sleep, its time to rest.
And as the sun begins to set,
there's nothing that this saint regrets
2.9k · Jul 2014
Sports Day.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
So the school bags are gone.
Summers sweet songs,
sweeps through the village,
the Sports Day is on.
The egg and the spoon,
the three legged race,
Mrs McGinty ends up on her face.
The children delight
a comical sight,
her legs in the air
those old tartan tights.

Those days,
that simplicity,
the little things, that stay with me.
Those clear skies,
I remember still,
the easiness
and sweet free will.
2.7k · Jul 2014
Blackrose Hill.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
A slice of toast,
burning on the grill.
A ghostly face,
the window pane,
terror running through the brain.
A shadow that was moving,
now is still.
Darkness hoovering the light,
and all that shun on Blackrose Hill.

Floorboards, creaking,
then they're not...............
Hiding in the pantry,
with a stomach tied in knots,
Churning, like butter in a ***.
That old house on Blackrose Hill,
years since left to rot.
That old house on Blackrose Hill,
that old empty cot.
2.2k · Jan 2015
Peter Cullen Jan 2015
Swallows sing, I  swallow that bitter pill.
Light reflects off cutlery,
and everything is still.
Shadows crawl, and then fall off the wall.
The sun that shun
when we we're young,
was big and now it's small.
The memories, cast in a golden light,
but memories can change in time,
depending on our flight.
Our hope, still sheltered with our love.
Forms the sense of who we are,
forms the sense of us.
Peter Cullen Nov 2013
Lets trace the moments
lost inside our heads.
When we had the energy
to get out of the bed.
All those days just wandering
trying to find our way.
Comfortably silently pondering
upon a winters day.
Sharing thoughts
sharing hopes
using the same bar of soap.

You and me kissing in the snow.
Lost inside the feelings that we show.
2.1k · Dec 2014
Peter Cullen Dec 2014
Fossils ,
eroded coast.
The shadow that I miss the most.
A lonely voice, lost to the waves.
Singing in a hidden cave.
A silent hum
upon the shore,
a voice that's never heard,
no more.
Maybe on some other plain,
somewhere lost inside my brain.
Words transcending from the grave,
somewhere lost inside my brain.
2.1k · Oct 2014
As I Watch You Grow Up.
Peter Cullen Oct 2014
Every day, sluicing into the next,
watching as the world gets vexed.
People asking questions,
beginning to stand up.
The world it is a changing child.
As I watch you grow up.

There's now communication,
between the voiceless masses.
The greed of some ,becoming clear
as time falls and passes.
People asking questions,
beginning to rise up.
I just want a safe world child.
As I watch you grow up.

Men will fight, they always have,
its written in the stars.
But they can't divide,
or try to hide.
The truth that's in our hearts.
Always ask those questions,
and son always stand up
for what is right, against what's wrong.
As I watch you grow up.
2.0k · May 2014
Anger in the Bracken.
Peter Cullen May 2014
falling on water
that was still.
Creating sweet unbalance
at one with natures will.
Timeless moment,
wanting nothing from the world.
I listen to its whispers
to see what I might learn.
And the mallard,
his cheeky little eyes
are throwing me a knowing look
as he glides on by.
I watch it now in motion.
I wonder bout his world.
All that he embodies,
with no one to serve.
A sense of truth
a sense freedom,
which seems out of human reach.
I watch the world around me
to seek what it may teach.

There's anger in the bracken
and anger in the grass.
It sweeps down from the valley
and kicks me in the ****.
It plays with my emotions,
as sometimes anger can,
and then it asks me questions
about the fruitless quests of men.
It leads me to an ancient ruin
where time has took its toll,
there's anger in the mortor,
and anger in the stone.
It wraps itself around me
with a promise to let go,
if I can live a truer life
if I can learn to grow.
It leaves me with an energy,
yet tired on the sand,
it told me it may still return
for anger is unplanned.
It leaves me with a message,
as only anger can.
Yes anger is an energy,
an energy unplanned.
1.9k · Jul 2014
Spaghetti Falls
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
Spaghetti fell upon the floor
ferocious was the feast.
When he went to pick it up
he saw the hooves upon the beast.......
underneath the table
like some long lost
crazy fable.
Told and told and told again,
still lost upon the ears of men.
Sold and sold and sold again,
souls are cheap when there's no hell.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Upon the fields of Ulster,
the Druid Cathbad long had passed.
He left his knowledge to a few,,
and all but one, had long since passed.
The secrets of the land and nature,
secrets from those sacred souls.
Sewn, into fields of wonder,
then to rest with him alone.

Born under skies of roaring thunder.
A child that always walked alone.
Found his way to silence,
found a way to be at one..
Those days amongst the flowers,
the trees and all that breathes with truth.
T'was there he found a way to live,
somewhere to seek out the roots.
The knowledge that was planted,
bringing fruit to a hungry heart,
was where he met old Cathbad,
this is where it was to start.

And so the years of learning
followed like a growing wave.
The Alchemy and Healing,
wisdom from an ancient age.
The reasons why it's worth to try,
the light that lights the day.
Those teachings, some they came with grace,
and some they came with pain.
And then he was the only one,
the last one to remain.
A Druid under stubborn skies,
crying in the rain.
1.8k · Oct 2014
Chestnut Trees.
Peter Cullen Oct 2014
Chestnut trees and memories
of schooldays not in school.
Smoking trees under those trees,
never one for rules.
The evenings dark
up in the park.
The twilight and the haze.
Forever, there's a part of me,
embedded in those days.

The way we laughed,
refused to cry,
at all life had to give.
Underneath those starlit skies,
easier to forgive.
Underneath the laughing moon,
those days,
they ended way to soon.
1.7k · Jan 2015
The Forest
Peter Cullen Jan 2015
The forest hides so many things,
the leprechauns,
the fairies wings,
among the life that nature brings,
listen to the warbler sing.
And all along the forest trails,
raindrops pour
as nature sways,
each thing on its own sweet way,
passing with the grace of day.
Capture it inside your mind,
trap it well within your core.
The forest lives
and breaths with time,
always leaves you wanting more.
Lost upon the forest floor.
1.6k · Sep 2016
The Sand Dunes.
Peter Cullen Sep 2016
Lost among the sand dunes
lost upon the fading light.
The last days of September
Summer fades away tonight.
The way the weather changes,
the way the seasons
all give way.
To a new beginning,
the dawning of another day.
Lost among the sand dunes.
The ocean never seems to change.
Yet every single motion,
brings the birth of a new wave.
The lighthouse in the corner,
a light that never seems to fail.
Reflecting on your beauty.
The light that carries me away.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Search inside a little while,
smile and frown,
and pass the day.
So when then,
your eyes get tired,
close them tight and fade away.
And when on you, a dream descends,
I hope it brings you joy.
Brings you back to happy days,
where there's no sad goodbyes.

I know
thinking bout the future's,
sometimes hard, when in the past.
Mercy holds no shelter,
for the shadows that were cast.
We wonder what we're doing here,
and is it all a game?
Sometimes it seems a cruel world,
and there's no one there to blame.

Where do we find the pieces?,
in this theatre called life.
Or are we just a tiny spec
in the realms of time.

Im sure you'll meet again someday.
In the realms of time.
1.5k · Aug 2015
The Keeper of the Flame.
Peter Cullen Aug 2015
She is
The Keeper of the Flame.
A beacon, on an ancient grave.
Upon the earth
where wild things roam.
She takes her rest
under the Sun.

And then at night,
under the moon.
She sits beside
the cold stone tombs.
Guided by awoken dreams,
reflected faces in the stream.

And as the wolves
begin to howl.
She's searching,
for the sacred owl.
The knowing eyes,
that guide the way.
The wind upon
eternal flames.

The winds that whistle
in her ear.
The voice, that always
draws her here.
Upon the earth,
where wild things lie.
She tends the flame
and wonders why.
1.5k · May 2015
Peter Cullen May 2015
Lost along the river.
Two hundred yards from where I grew.
Laughing as we shiver,
laughing as the moon turns blue.
Lost upon a feeling,
lost upon our quiet thoughts.
The kinda ones that linger deep,
the kinda ones that can't be bought
Yet sitting with each other,
pebbles rest beneath our bones,
Cherishing each other,
cherishing the grace we own.
1.4k · Aug 2015
The Stairs.
Peter Cullen Aug 2015
A Calypso beat.
A gypsy heart.
An ocean that keeps them apart.
Two thousand miles
he had to thread.
To earn his crust,
to bake his bread.

Baking under foreign skies.
He ran away from all the ties.
But tied he is,
forever more.
To memories of Inchicore.

Horses *******
by the stairs.
St Michaels flats,
and she was there.
and her wicked tongue.
A face like hers,
forever young.

But then that night,
returns to haunt,
every dream,
and every thought.
Her tears.
His blood,
upon the floor.
Upon that stairs in Inchicore.
1.4k · Feb 2014
Boardwalk Clown.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
A crying clown on the boardwalk smiled
to melt away his fears.
The humming of the passing world
could not prevent his tears.
Once an introverted extrovert
that liked to talk out loud.
Is sitting with a sullen head
now hiding from the crowd.
There were messages,
that once seemed, like fine ropes made of sand,
but the messages were something,
he was to late to understand.
Sometimes it might be easier
to fall before you rise,
but in the end, it always hits you
right before you die.
As he sat there with expressions
he'd perfected through the years,
there were voices, that relayed to him
the passing of the years.
All the desperation
that would always leave him cold,
was the type of desperation, that watched him now grow old.
And as the situation, now revealed itself in turns,
he wondered in his crippled mind,
is there anything I've learned.
And despite the sinking feeling,
that engulfed his shipwrecked mind,
a silent voice would whisper that...
"there's something left behind".
Its that silent voice that whispers,
makes him reflect and rewind.
1.4k · Feb 2016
Maple Syrup Pancakes
Peter Cullen Feb 2016
A shadow fell across the plains
as the air grew cold.
Thunder rolled up in the sky.
The day and me
both growing old.
And as the lightning pierced the clouds.
My tired eyes were on the road.
A lesson lived
A lesson learned.
We can't live on love alone.

Up ahead a diner.
A respite from the cold and rain.
Shelter with a greasy spoon.
A place for time to while away.
Upon the foggy window
I scrawl a heart around our names
And as the waitress brings my food,
I quickly wipe it all away.

Maple syrup pancakes,
foreign to my Irish tongue.
The bacon here's to crispy,
and everybody has a gun.
I wonder what I'd do with one.
That danger in my hands.
Shoot my way to glory,
or fall upon the promised land.

A rumble of thunder brings me back.
Reality ensues.
All the madness leaves my mind,
then it's left with you.
Seven thousand miles away
waiting on your own.
I leave that thought there
with the tip.
and return to the road.

Outside the air is crispy,
like the bacon in the bin.
Now its time to focus,
channel out a way to win.
The road ahead might bring the rain.
Alas I must go on.
The jukebox through the window
singing out our favourite song.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The Devil in the ditch and nettles,
a twisted soul that couldn't settle,
on a golden gilded cloud,
could not bring himself to bow.
Lurking in the darkest shadows,
in the corners of your mind.
Pulls a veil over your face,
ties your tongue and leaves you blind.
Feeding on unfiltered light,
lost in the prisms of your eyes.
Hiding in the dark of night,
waiting to be exorcised.
Waiting for a chance to try.
1.3k · Dec 2013
The Fairy From Yonder.
Peter Cullen Dec 2013
The fairy from yonder at night she would wander
under sparkling skies, the lush milkyway.
Skipped over bridges and ancient old ridges
along with the night and natures soft sway.
Till she came upon pixies sat loftly in ditches
who told her, "you'll soon see the cold light of day."
The fairy from yonder just laughed as she pondered,
something with light and love worth to say.
She gathered them round behind the old mound,
its said where the masters once knelt
and once prayed.
She told them the secrets
and shared natures trinkets,
and laughed as they all saw the cold light of day.
Laughed as they rejoiced the cold light of day.
1.3k · Jan 2015
Amber Skies.
Peter Cullen Jan 2015
Fish scales glitter,
under sun,
as the silver makerel run.
We trace the coastline with our eyes,
before we say our last goodbye,
drowning under amber skies.
Watch the falling,
dying light.
Fall into waves
to steal our sight.
Let there be no tears tonight,
drowning under amber skies.
Peter Cullen Feb 2014
Whips and pain and daisy chains
are swimming through her mind.
Vanilla mixed with passion fruit
Sweet flavours of all kind.

Trying to grasp a rope of sand
to tie herself to him.
Whips and pain and daisy chains
deep in her mind still swim.

Through currents of emotion
tides and storms of lust and rage.
She searches mind and body
A crazed bird in an open cage.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
Sat here with the clock
and its tickety tock.
There's holes in my heart
and holes in my socks.
The wallpaper peels,
reveals wallpaper from,
two decades before,
when we were still young.
Now aged with the years,
covered over in time.
Lost to the new,
lost to our eyes.
Its beauty, still present,
so I peel back some more.
Listen to records
and lie on the floor.
The ripples of smoke
swirling to the ceiling
kinda portrays
the way that I'm feeling.
Floating around
always lost to it all.
My mood just like wallpaper
can rise and can fall.
1.3k · Apr 2016
Peter Cullen Apr 2016
Darkness hiding in the tree's.
A lonely crossroads.
No man's land.
Ancient rituals.
Ancient tortures.
upon the soil
and sand.

Through the hills,
a shadow seeker.
Seeking out somewhere to lie.
A lonely soul,
lost with the seasons.
a blood red sky.

And as the blood dries,
on the tarmac.
A winning smile, a wicked fate.
Gypsy ghosts,
no longer vocal.
Shadows waiting
at the gates.

Through the hills,
a shadow seeker.
Lost upon the darkness still
A lonely soul,
Lost with the seasons,
Forever lost
and wandering.
Peter Cullen Mar 2015
Old Slim Jim
all soaked in gin,
his cards upon the velvet cloth.
The Candle burning at both ends,
with everything he's ever sought.
Smoke obscures the mirrors.
A cheap view,
to the other side.
Old Slim Jim
is holding bullets,
something that his eyes can't hide.
Reaching for the bottle,
hand as steady as the wind.
A ghost upon the shadows,
passes, and it makes him grin.
Old Jim Believes in omens,
pointers from a different realm.
Cards upon the table.
In that old place by the Thames.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The light that lit the longest day,
now faded,
"time to cut the hay!"
Time to reep those seeds long sewn.
The furrowed lines
where all has grown.
Thank the Sun,
though shy to shine.
Without it, there would be no time.
No hallowed ground,
or sacred soil.
No harvest for a God to spoil.
Seasons would be just a notion.
Tidal waves without an ocean.
Secrets told without a voice
without our Sun,
there'd be no choice.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Peter Cullen Jan 2015
"What softens the spud,
hardens the egg."
I think resonance differs,
depending the head.

Depends on the heart,
some broken,
some cold.

Depending on age
the young
and the old.

Depends on the path,
some crooked
some straight.

Depends on the way
we handle our faith.
1.2k · May 2014
Peter Cullen May 2014
I remember social standings
stood standing on my own
My face all red and flustered
as I'd fidget with my phone.
And all it would have taken,
was a few kind simple words.
To break those chains of *******
to return me to the world.
Us humans we're a strange oul race
we all like to fit in,
and with our pack mentality
it's all about the win.
But what about those on the edge
the souls you choose to fail.
What is it, you think they feel
as you turn away.
See people carry things around
like weights around their neck
So please be understanding
and show them some respect.
Do onto them, all that you would
like done onto your own.
Meet them with a friendly smile,
or call them on the phone.
That call could make a difference
more than you'd ever know.
For its not really hard to care............
It helps us all to grow.
For its not really hard to love............
Its not that hard to show.
1.2k · Jun 2014
The Hill Of Tara.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
The holy grail,
is deep within your mind.
Breath In....,
breath out....,
dont scream or shout,
seek and you shall find.

Sitting on the ancient hill,
where High Kings once were crowned.
The Stone of Destiny in light,
thats sometimes lost and found.
Then the Sun it rises, bringing sight,
to tired eyes.
That Star that burns
for all of us,
shining in the morning sky.
Guiding some to madness,
others to a shadowed truth.
On The Hill of Tara,
reconnecting with our roots.
1.2k · Dec 2013
The Rabbit and the Shrew.
Peter Cullen Dec 2013
The moon was in the sky and the sun was long since dead,
when the shrew said to the rabbit, "I don't think its time for bed."
So they garnered all their energy and set themselves a route,
along the way with natures sway,
went searching for the truth.
They happened upon the lights of life and at a river drank.
But when they heard the hunters call,
their hearts they quickly sank.
It sounded like the last call to a drunkard at the bar,
as the shrew said to the rabbit, " do you think we've come to far."
The lights went out around them,
they just sat and laughed in turns.
Even though the fear was there,
they had remembered what was learned.
Amongst the trees and barley fields and rivers that run free.
For this is where they grew to learn,
that what will be will be.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Luna May And The Holy Ghost.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
On St.Michael's layline,
a dozen miles from Dingles coast.
This was where young Luna May
was to meet the Holy Ghost.
High upon the rocks of Skellig,
awoken by the angry waves.
The ground beneath began crumble
opening the ancient graves.

The ocean calmed,
as angels fluttered,
danced and sang beside the sea.
Young Luna May just watched in wonder,
shedding tears of disbelief.
She checked her pulse and shook her head
cryed out loud "how can this be?".
Blessed herself before she fell,
gracefully onto one knee.
She looked up to the skies above,
eyes filled with fear
and filled with love.
The clouds gave way to brilliant light
and she could sense that God was near.

She asked "why have you chosen me,
what is it that I can do?"
This is when the Ghost appeared
forming from the morning dew.
It led her up the ancient steps
Clasped her hand,
yet she felt free.
Sat her down upon the grass
kissed her gently on the cheek.

As it did, her life went flashing,
like lightening bolts before her eyes,
thunder roared inside her soul,
as she slowly realized.
"Am I here because I've wondered?,
doubted all I felt within"
This is when the Ghost would speak,
telling her "doubt is no sin,
all you need, has always been".
"All you need, has always been".

Then suddenly..........
her eyes shot open,
jolting upright in her bed.
This is when she was to realize,
"I've spent too long living dead.........
Then with grace she was to realize,
"I've spent too long in my head."
1.2k · Jan 2015
Slowly As The Winter Fades.
Peter Cullen Jan 2015
That wind that blows
against the crows
ruffled feathers in the snow.
The field mouse burrowed,
keeping warm,
waiting out, the Winters storm.

And then at last
as darkness fades,
slowly Spring will take the reigns.
Light returning to the days,
colours spring
once more from shade.
Slowly, as the Winter fades.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Stories In The Heather.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Sharing books, sharing stories,
getting the read, each on each other.
Everybody has their tales
that we share, share with each other
Epic yarns, so close to you,
may seem dull to another.
But tales are made,
made to be told.
They bring us close together.

What about those stories lost,
blown past with last years weather,
There's stories in the skies above.
There's stories in the heather.

We search in life, to find a way
a way to make it better.
We search and find a way to share
that brings us all together.
A way to shine amongst the grime
with all our words and letters.
Words that carry all we know
are lighter than a feather.

What about those stories lost,
blown past with last years weather.
There's stories in the skies above.
There's stories in the heather.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Blurred Lines.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
Blurred lines blurred lines,
those failed designs, that sit now on a shelf.
All those hours lost to time,
lost unto oneself.

Aligned defined, aligned defined.
The future of our world.
Something we could never own,
and never put in words.
The moment that we realize,
was always gonna be.
A moment that will chart a course,
to our destiny.

Blurred lines, blurred lines,
our failed designs, that led us to the love.
Was something that was cast in light,
so many miles above.
1.2k · Aug 2014
There Were Trees
Peter Cullen Aug 2014
“There were trees there once”, he said,
as his youngest grandson looked out across the barren landscape
that went on for miles and miles before his innocent eyes.
“And animals and birds too” he continued.
“Like the ones I’ve seen on the screen?”, asked the child.
“Or the ones Momma swore she once saw in a zoo."

“What were they like?” he quizzed,
without knowing the pain and sorrow
that rested in his old grandfathers heart.

“They were beautiful child, beautiful and free,
but the greed of our kind could not let them be.
The greed of mankind was a terrible thing."

“And will they come back? "asked the boy, with hope in his eyes,
as his grandfather rose, looking up to the skies.

“Only God knows my boy, only God knows”.
"If the sea returns blue child,
then only God knows"
1.1k · Apr 2014
Peter Cullen Apr 2014
An exorcism, lost inside a dream.
Troubled seas and brainwaves turning green.
Lost without a course to chart with time,
on a mission for a life to bind.
Mapping different regions of the heart,
is hard when we got lost right at the start.
Its harder when the stars don't wanna shine.
What was it?, that we were trying to find.
Yet still we try to stir this old ship home,
for reasons that may always be unknown.
Reason set in mystery and stones.
Deep within the two souls that we own.
Deeper now that we're so far from home.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Peter Cullen Jul 2015
The glow worms luminescence,
lighting up the willow tree.
The ladybirds are sleeping,
underneath the dewy leaves.
No weight of expectation.
A simple life.
A simple thing.
In harmony with nature.
In harmony with all that sings.

The shadows,
that the sunlight gives.
The dawning of the day.
The magic spells.
The hope that dwells,
in every word we say.
All out there
with each other.
Underneath a dying Sun.
Searching for a hidden God.
The one that lives in everyone.
1.1k · Jan 2016
Peter Cullen Jan 2016
Branches, on a lonely tree.
Growing, in a lonely field.
Where the green,
falls to the sea.
Into the blue,
Into the deep.

There, upon the coral floor.
with the changing tides.
going with the flow.
Forever reaching
to the light.

underneath the moon.
with the western winds.
Waiting for the Sun to come.
Another day
to begin.
Peter Cullen Aug 2015
Sitting in the high grass,
praying as the sky turns grey.
Waiting for the cargo,
nervous eyes upon the waves.
Everything invested,
every shilling,
every crown.
His heart
is in his salty mouth.
On the cliff
as he looks down.

His eyes look to the lighthouse.
It's beam
they follow
out to sea.
He holds her locket
in his hands,
prays again,
"just let it be."

But this time,
prayers aren't answered.
The whistling wind,
begins to rise.
He opens up the locket,
stares and cries
into her eyes.

Alas, it is all over now.
He knows
that he cannot return.
The ebb and flow
is angry,
and he wonders
will he ever learn?

The bodies on the rocks below,
signal the sad end.
As lights appear upon the shore,
his dreams start to descend.
Into the rain.
Into the gales,
that blow on Bantry Bay.
He throws the locket to the wind.
Once more now,
upon his way.
1.1k · Jul 2016
The Underlings.
Peter Cullen Jul 2016
The Sugarloaf Mountain on our right,
and we ain't getting home tonight.
The Underlings from deep below,
have opened up the hidden doors.
They've come to change
the flight of men.
From deep within,
their ancient dens.

Ancient knowledge
Ancient ways.
Once more to see,
the light of day.
Stolen by the kings and queens.
The ones who've stolen
all our dreams.

The Underlings
are on the move.
Redemption sought
and souls to sooth.
From the centre
of our world.
The Underlings
are here once more.
Here to change the way we see,
everything that we can be.
1.1k · Jun 2014
The Passion In The Roses.
Peter Cullen Jun 2014
A love bound by the centuries,
is stirring on the lawn.
Scarlet, Crimson, Red and Green,
awoken with the dawn.

The passion in the roses,
that brings the beauty through.
Is a passion we should try to find,
inside me and you..

The sunlight in the morning,
that brings a brand new day.
Is something that we can embrace
if we try to find a way.

The passion in the roses
that brings the beauty through
Is a passion we should try to find
inside me and you..

And when the Sun is falling,
lower in the blood red sky.
The thorns you once had in your side,
are like a crown you wear with pride.

The passion in the roses,
that brings the beauty through.
Is a passion we should try to find
inside me and you..

The passion in the roses
and all thats truely true.
That Passion that was always there
is inside me and you.
1.1k · Sep 2016
In The Land Of Plenty
Peter Cullen Sep 2016
In the land of plenty.
In the land of throw away.
All the silent voices,
dancing every night away.
In the land of freedom.
A bigger freedom than the rest.
A place, it seems that colour,
can place you, under their arrest.
A place where freedom
tows the line,
underneath the dollar sign.
In the land of plenty.
Underneath the dying sky.
1.1k · Feb 2016
The Runt Down By The River
Peter Cullen Feb 2016
The runt down by the river.
Canvas sheets that form a home.
Locked within the magic.
Most every moment
spent alone.
Lost within the nature
Yet somehow always finds a way.
To laugh away the madness.
To laugh away that useless pain.
He'd sit and play the fiddle,
to the cows and to the moon.
He'd play the whistle to the stars,
then raise his head long after noon.
I remember once he told me,
"Kid remember this!,
the ones that you have hurt the most
will be the ones your gonna miss!,
Never dwell in anger
never fold or bow to pain.
Take this from a black sheep
the one they think
is lost,
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