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Hearts are pounding
Blood is rushing
Eyes are staring
Bodies shoving
Nerves are tingling
Thoughts are buzzing
Focus strong
Stadium hushing

On Your Marks
                 Get Set

Feet are pounding
Bodies rushing
Eyes are staring
Athletes shoving
Pack is tightening
Check your running
Focus strong
Hide your cunning

Legs are pounding
Hold the rushing
Eyes are staring
Watch the shoving
Stride is stretching
Pack is splitting
Focus strong
Not for quitting

The bell rings
       Last Lap!

Heart is pounding
Others rushing
Eyes are staring
No more shoving
Pace is quickening
Muscles aching
Focus strong
The Line’s for taking

The race ends
  Victory Lap!

Heart still pounding
Thoughts are rushing
Eyes are staring
Media shoving
Lungs are bursting
Tears are gushing
Focus gone
Defeat is crushing

— The End —