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Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Unable to express my thoughts in full sentences,
I will provide short spurts
and maybe you will yearn for more.

But then what?
Reliability to express is s rarity,
for when it rains, it sprinkles

and maybe you will be misted,
senses barely stimulated, but enough
to know something struck you.
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
I could tell you something profound
but my chosen words might lay dormant to you.

So we are left with a halt in communication
a low energy connection
a lack of spiritual communion.

Until I choose such words
that strike your pulses
and in that moment,

you, I, we, believe we have been understood
grasped that which has been symbolized with transient letters
that form words, that lead to noises

attempting to convey the intangible,
one string from the web of interconnected electrical impulses
that strike our consciousness and spur a desire to attend to each,

and place each fragile thought in the most correct order.
The one with the least chance of being misunderstood, misinterpreted, falsified,
for all that we have to transcend past ourselves

is this Ability.
Mar 2013 · 647
We are keen to travel towards
like-minded individuals
and maybe that is our evolution.

Whichever thought process, whose ideas,
conquer the supposed individuals of the world.

I wish not to be categorized
I will express, I wish you too as well
and then, two organisms can be tried
in their natural ability to perceive one another

and the response that coincides,
may comprise something spiritual
leading to the mining of each other's minds
full of crystals, or coal.

Some may swing too hard and crush the precious jewels inside
or maybe scuff the surface, too lightly, and glide right past the treasure
unaware, and unable to return with greater intent.

— The End —