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20.1k · Jan 2011
To speak all these languages
Perig3e Jan 2011
To speak all these languages:
Assamese, Bengali, Bodo,
Chhattisgarhi, Dogri , Garo -

Oh, to be able to tongue, "Love"
in Gajarati, Hini, Kannada, Kashmiri,
Khasi,  Kokborok, Konkani -

Or lip, "Desire" in
Maithili,  Malayalam,  Manipuri,  Marathi,  Mizo,  Nepali -

Or whisper, "Good night, Dear"
in Oriya, Punjabi,  Sanskrit,
Santali,  Sindhi, Telugu, Tamil, or Urdu.
All rights reserved by the author.
7.8k · Feb 2011
You are my secret love
Perig3e Feb 2011
You are my secret love
would that it be other,
thus no mailed Valentine
to add to the clutter.
All rights reserved by the author
7.3k · Feb 2011
Lotus to lotus
Perig3e Feb 2011
between me
and you
are many untested
that we
consciously aware,
were we to meditate lotus to lotus
would that clear
                                the air?
All rights reserved by the author
6.3k · Jan 2011
I propose a painting
Perig3e Jan 2011
I propose a painting,
on a ground of white,
a band of your favorite color,
a band of mine.
Should we arrange our stripes parallel,
or should we direct them to intersect?
Would the colors compliment or clash the other?
All rights reserved by the author.
6.1k · Dec 2010
Perig3e Dec 2010
A man that has everything
may appear to have nothing,
or like Janice said,
"Freedom is another word
for nothing left to lose."
All rights reserved by the author.
5.3k · Jan 2011
Summer camp lovers
Perig3e Jan 2011
Summer camp lovers,
Sad, sad your soring high,
Come autumn,
One of you will have moved on
before the other.
All rights reserved by the author
5.1k · Dec 2011
Smartphone & Stylus
Perig3e Dec 2011
   the whole year,
has whittled my world


to a lap
older than me
in fur years,
and this misnomered,
from which
I strain to shave marrow
from stolen bones
in the manner
of a single tooth
4.4k · Oct 2010
Perig3e Oct 2010
All rights reserved by author
4.3k · Apr 2012
Advice on a postit note
Perig3e Apr 2012
Five years before retirement
my father in law
posted a note on the refrigerator,
"Everyday throw something away."
I have come to realize
the profound wisdom of this advice.
Letting go is the enlightened path
to contentment.
4.3k · Jan 2011
Tectonic love
Perig3e Jan 2011
As lovers we've learned
that you are the immovable object,
and I the irrepressible force,
though our ****** subduction truly terrifies the natives,
and has spun much aboriginal lore,
they credit us with Monsooning the weather,
but looking back, my dear, see the adorable mountains we've made.
All rights reserved by the author
4.1k · Dec 2010
Perig3e Dec 2010
a red moon tonight,
star mat, arch framed in night black,
lunar eclipse.
All rights reserved by the author
3.6k · Dec 2010
If I lived in Hawaii
Perig3e Dec 2010
If I lived in Hawaii
I'd wear a glass skirt,
Panhandle tourists,
or lie on the beach
and get lai-ed by pretty girls.
All rights reserved by the author
3.5k · Mar 2012
Perig3e Mar 2012
here blazing out,
is it tractor,
   center stripe,
      or school bus yellow?
A distant cousin to the olive tree.
Would that a rioting branch,
when offered,
would never fail to restore
tranquility and peace.
3.4k · Jan 2011
Perig3e Jan 2011
You're a pronoun,
I'm a pronoun.
Let's say we grab a verb
and conjugalate ;-)
All rights reserved by the author.
3.3k · Jan 2011
Your nipples
Perig3e Jan 2011
Your ******* were humming bird eggs,
vulnerable beyond compare.
All rights reserved by the author
3.3k · Dec 2010
Indus whole wheat
Perig3e Dec 2010
Remember the Christmas
we rolled our own chipatis,
Indus whole wheat,
like fine beach sand,
an equal measure
of all purpose white,
water, oil, salt as needed,
then rolled thinner
than unemployed hope,
stove top baked on high temp,
topped with fresh tomato red,
and green pepper salsa?
Now, that was bread!
All rights reserved by the author
3.2k · Nov 2010
Perig3e Nov 2010
Who can know sweet
When one has yet to taste sour,
Or appreciate salt,
When one eats bread without sodium?
All rights reserved by the author
3.2k · Mar 2012
Rapping for dinner
Perig3e Mar 2012
Within a veil of light rain
a redheaded woodpecker
percussively rap drills
his evening dinner.
3.1k · Jan 2011
Perig3e Jan 2011
Next to the iPad,
horn rim readers,
a book of postage stamps,
and a rubber eraser.
All rights reserved by the author
3.0k · Nov 2010
Where is the seat?
Perig3e Nov 2010
Where is the seat of psychic pain?
Are MRI's made to trace the vein
To neuron neighborhoods
Sealed, yet synapse connected,
One to another
By chain link fences?
All rights reserved by the author
3.0k · Mar 2012
If we were lichen
Perig3e Mar 2012
You and I could be lichen.
You'd be algae
and I fungus.
E plural unis.
I would envelop you,
not to smoother,
but to romance, house, protect.
You would photosynthisize the sun
filling our pantry shelves.
Oh, what fun we could have
if we were a lichen.
2.8k · Dec 2010
Taking a ride
Perig3e Dec 2010
Riding a double decker 4B
from Trinity to Terrenure,
one hand clutching
an overhead strap,
St. Stephen's Green
Frames a Celtic redhead,
exciting priestly thoughts.
All rights reserved by the author
2.8k · Aug 2012
Perig3e Aug 2012
Eventually all water drains to the sea,
and so to the body's waters drain to its urinary bladder.
But the bladder,
unlike the sea,
must be drained every few hours,
call it a normative ****** rhythm,
taken for granted, as it should be, by the functionally normal,
but the spine paralyzed
must be catherized
four, five six times a day.
**** breaks through an inserted tube,
to which I can personally report,
the ***** prefers piercing
then being pierced.
2.7k · Feb 2011
Perig3e Feb 2011
all the the knots
have lost themselves looking for loose ends,
I fear the muse
will feel her job is done,
and that would mean the end of me as well.
All rights reserved by the author
2.7k · Jan 2011
The twix between
Perig3e Jan 2011
You're afternoon, my love,
and I'm forenoon,
and the twix between
burrs our saddle.

Eros, on your high steed,
we beseech your Olympian authority
to make mutual our latitudes
so next when the clock strikes twelve
our eyes, yours and mine, my love
shall meet within that same hour,
and there we'll dine upon the other.
All rights reserved by the author
2.7k · Nov 2010
X-ing Alps
Perig3e Nov 2010
above the Alps
as if we were twin tortoise
rolled over helpless upon our carapace
giggly 'n toasting the cloud cloaked upthrusts.
All rights reserved by the author.
2.6k · Mar 2012
The Chelonian abode
Perig3e Mar 2012
Oh, to be a tortoise
and never need a house.
No realtors, no mortgage,
never a call for
roofers, plumbers...
or ever to build a shelf!
2.6k · Jan 2011
Perig3e Jan 2011
In time
twenty years
will no longer be a lifetime,
but an imperfectly remembered fraction
'less you've been the rare one
journaling the everyday
that seemed so very unimportant way back then.
All rights reserved by the author
2.6k · Sep 2010
Perig3e Sep 2010
A nameless helmsman
Whose fallible hands
Duty calls to act god like
Guiding a ship of life
Off the coast of Newfoundland
Through a night of blue white ice halls,
Until their combined Neptune fate
Entombs nearly all
To an eternal Atlantic floor
Of dark and frigid sea.
All rights reserved by the author
Perig3e Sep 2010
When the elevator doors opened
I could see,
Despite your effort,
The mild discus
That washed over your face
Seeing me,
Alone at the rear of the car.

You entered.
Turned your young back to me
And selected your floor.
You were in elevator mode,
And I was elevator polite,
We never spoke.
What I wanted to say,

"Old age is not contagious,
Nor can you open your legs to it
Like STD.
You have to work at it
Old age is something you earn
For grit and perseverance."

I wish you well
Wherever you go
Wherever you are
My desire is you too will age
In your time,
And at your personal pace.
All rights reserved by the author
2.6k · Dec 2010
Quality chocolate
Perig3e Dec 2010
I'm eating chocolate,
the kind the Swiss
keep for themselves,
the quality kind
that can only be delivered
by security truck,
Chocolate that the Incas
would **** a thousand in cold blood,
Chocolate that's so good
it will turn a committed ******
into a ******* sweet ****.

*Touring Venice with the Chocolateer is paying current dividends!
All rights reserved by the author
2.6k · Sep 2010
Lean Poem
Perig3e Sep 2010
Lean poem,
Rib caged heart,
Xylophone bleaching under a paper sun,
Casting scorpion shadows across rocky lots,
Resilient, though shattered,
By misread lines or slipshod thought.
All rights reserved by the author
2.6k · Jan 2011
If I saw your handwriting
Perig3e Jan 2011
If I saw your handwriting
would I know
whether you were taught
cursive by nuns
or a teacher
on the public's payroll?
Does your hand calligraphically flow,
from a favorite Mount Blanc pen,
or do you print
using a ******'s pencil
made by the millions
by Chinamen?
All rights reserved by the author
2.6k · Mar 2012
Evergreen marvels
Perig3e Mar 2012
Laurel, rhododendron,
waxy leather leaves survived
again beyond odds.
Perig3e Jan 2011
Your lapped iPad is the perfect palimpsest,
for an intimate exchange,
with one of your stylist fingers
your lover's words become ostrich heads
whenever your husband
sallies forth for another can.
All rights reserved by the author
2.5k · Feb 2011
Is it stalking
Perig3e Feb 2011
Is it stalking to drive by a summoned apparition?
Imagining you in the back yard
playing with your old dog,
or walking through the apple orchard
reading a book of my love poems,
or my lifting a phantom shovel to dig you out from under that last storm.
All rights reserved by the author
2.4k · Jan 2011
The city is loud
Perig3e Jan 2011
The city is loud with chimneys,
bristling with dimpled sky dishes,
afloat in a dammed lake of sunset fenestration,
beneath unwitnessed, unappreciated clouds,
its streets a grid of flowless canals,
to the music of "Hey, mister, got any change?"
when the lights go down,
and the pretty people come out!
and the beef bouncers sort snort the buzzing sequin queen queues
for the sparkle dance houses,
the city,
the city,
can one ever get enough?
All rights reserved by the author
2.4k · Nov 2010
Perig3e Nov 2010
Love mourner
Angst angler
Thesaurus eyer
Suet idler
Dream creamer
Cascade scribbler
Guts gusher
Sonnet snoozer
Trochee tripper
Iambic lamer
Spondee sniveler
Whisper whipper
Music quencher
Apt-less  adjectiver
Yeast yearner
Simile stitcher
Metaphor monger
All rights reserved by the author
2.4k · Dec 2010
Howl too
Perig3e Dec 2010
I saw the best behinds of my generation destroyed by muffins,
strudel hydrolyzed aphids dragging themselves through Chicano streets at dawn for tickets to fix,
bagel headed tipsters yearning for flagrant connection to the sorry dim sum macarena nights ...

*apologies to Allen Ginsberg
All rights reserved by the author
2.4k · Feb 2012
In my dream we were Orca
Perig3e Feb 2012
We were cavorting Orca
in a warm Baja sea,
while you dove,
then rose to breath,
I met you at the surface
in a tangle of sweaty sheets.
2.3k · Jan 2011
There are two sides of town
Perig3e Jan 2011
There are two sides of town

The straight teeth side,
and the crooked side,

The private summer camp side
and the open hydrant side

The bedtime story side
and "get your ******* *** in bed" side

The balloon birthday side
and the birthday frown side

There are two sides to every town
Sometimes they meet on the same street.
All rights reserved by the author
2.3k · Jan 2011
Perig3e Jan 2011
Oh, phalo skeptic,
part your wave for skirted ***** surfers,
tho, trout, tripe, and titmice thrill thrice..

Will duct tape save us?
Urge the Zamboni machine,
to microwave ice.

Quince down that pouting sphincter,
Oh, the tides do swell
on the morrow of passing fish.

Wheelbarrow pious.
Swift, awesome biblionauts,
Fire! Fire! Pail, Pail thy watered pitch.

Know this, every potato is somewhere vane ...
I'm busy now, rude duuude,
have you sweated a recumbent lout?

Indent chill mots,
Pete, I'm big in Europe, pal,
Have seen me dance the Macarena?

Fool, fool on that high hill,!
Take care when licking spiny urchins
Oy! I scare myself.
All rights reserved by the author
Perig3e Sep 2010
Do not worry about our planet,
Our one mother and only home.
She's seen far worse than ourselves.
So do not worry about our planet.
Nature the midwife will right the earth,
Restore her vigor, and enforce new rigor
From our wasting, reckless hand.
When all human corpus have joined the land
For some, our final story is a sorry matter.
But do not worry about our planet.
For nature will once again amend the latter.
All rights reserved by the author
2.2k · Jan 2011
Devil tender
Perig3e Jan 2011
It takes forty sap gall0ns
to 'still one gallon of maple syrup,
boiled down by the sun stored in firewood.
I remember well, my aunt Florence
feeding the boilers in the hill orchard sugar house,
wearing an old going-to-church dress,
that had, some years back, been handed down to workday chores
and on top covered over by uncle Fred's red and black mackinaw.
"Stand back," she said as she opened the boiler door
first the roar, then a bank of fire that painted
her from kerchief to boots flaming red,
her eyeglasses, two pools of glowing magma,
and everything above was steam and rising vapors.
In my mind's eye then and now when I read Dante
I'll think of her, she was and is, the very vision of a devil tender.
All right reserved by the author
Perig3e Jan 2011
If you brush my words with butter,
and put them on a roasting rack,
or better yet, why not spit them,
and string them on a brassier's stake,
you'll always get a tasty serving of
"I love you" warmly presented upon your plate.


* No greeting cards were printed subsequent to the composition of the above lyrics, but the poet is open to negotiating first print rights with one or more eco friendly greeting card publishers.  Product must contain at least 50% post consumer fiber.  Native labor input would be a plus.
All rights reserved by the author
2.1k · Sep 2010
The Neighbor We Never See
Perig3e Sep 2010
The apartment neighbor
We never see,
All I saw
From where I stood,
Was a pair of hands
A bonsai tree
Upon a sunny stoop.
All rights reserved by the author
2.1k · Jan 2011
Sudden crush
Perig3e Jan 2011
warm ghost mouth,
sudden crush,
sleepy ;-)
All rights reserved
2.1k · Feb 2012
Strange outliers
Perig3e Feb 2012
Layout every human endeavor
In a rational grid,
As one would setting up an experimental ag station,
Keep careful data
on all the plot inputs and outputs
and I believe the data will
Indicate that well prepared soil,
Infused with the required nutrients,
The best pretested seed,
And optimal hydration
Will yield over time
Suboptimal performance.
Too many chiefs and not enough
(Hey, is that PC?)
Can you say that today?.
In an  inevitable changing world
You need to preserve strange outliers.
2.0k · Mar 2012
In lipstick
Perig3e Mar 2012
On the mirror
in lipstick
written "solipsism"
2.0k · Feb 2011
Superbowl Game Day
Perig3e Feb 2011
The streets today
were widow canyons,
wooed away, the normal traffic,
by something kin to black magic,
and so to supermarkets at five P.M.
emptied by a sorcerer's spell,
but I hear tell, on game days like this,
the tide will turn
as if the moon, by chance, had changed direction.
All rights reserved by the author
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