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The wait is much too long for me to bear

A laugh eclipses a diminished mind

Temporary joy that is soon to die

Crying on the shoulder made up of air

Pile blankets and wrap your arm 'round it

Share your feelings to the void as you sleep

Getting by, by faking the things I need

Like a magnet, it just pulls me right in

But even if all I do is glance left

The water and love; within they are kept

Like a magnet, it just pulls me astray

Farther and farther until I give up

And my only chance is gone all because

I hesitated the whole year away.
September 28, 2018

I write of how I feel lonely, craving for true and honest companionship.
Death took her scythe to reap

You with the form of shark's teeth

In water you drowned

With shrieking sounds

While shredding knives made

you bleed

And in water I woke

Dripping sweat and tears

But at least now I know

I love you so dear
January 15, 2019

I explain a terrible dream in which my sister died brutally.

The dream was a couple weeks ago, but I still remembered it. I remember that I woke up to find myself crying, and I couldn't seem to stop crying until I had finished breakfast a half hour later. Good thing I was the only one up at that time.
A clock whose beat is tuned out

clicks its seconds like rocks

pounding and falling on each other;

the little patter of piles of stones

The train whistles its trumpet

as the wheels click and clack

on the track of iron bars and wood

and roars like a lion of steel

Crunching of her foot on the stairs

of old creaking planks of spruce

and padding of coarse carpet

before the creaking of rusty hinges

The wind resembles the humming

of the alien fridge, so native

Both strum chords of one note

to the ignored beat of the clock

So I sit.
December 10, 2018

I pay attention to the noises I hear as I wait for my sister to get ready.

My pace down to 90 steps a minute


My whistling to 90 beats a minute


My mind down to 90 thoughts a minute


And see the vast and cloudy sky


And hear the ruined silence in the rest


And hope that nothing's as bad as I see it


Appreciate the plain and gray


Whistle to my own blues


Hope that I didn't **** love up
October 24, 2018

I tell myself to calm down and ignore my anxiety.

This was written while I was walking. I also happened to be walking directly in the middle of my street, and a few cars honked at me.
A lot of songs I like tend to be 90 beats per minute, and my walking pace also tends to be 90 steps a minute when I'm not in a hurry.
Nothing changed when I write poetry

I can pour my heart into fourteen lines

I can spend eternity on these rhymes

Doesn't cure what the **** is wrong with me

Even if it takes me a thousand years

To write a sonnet to express my pain

My attempts for relief are all in vain

Still I try to hold back my ******* tears

Who really cares that I wrote this sonnet?

What would have happened if I had done it?

Things this year are what brought me to the brink

How painless: the absence of emotions!

Such relief's an incredible notion!

Already I'm aching to cease to think.

Crawling to the cliff

I know I've been here before

We'll see how it goes
October 6, 2018

I write of how poetry helped my emotions, but not my life.
Give me sugar

For the bitterness in my mouth

The rain in my eyes

The bricks in my nose

The ice in my touch

The sporadic bells in my ear

Give me sugar

I don't need it

I want it

I want it to strip out of the stuffy costume

I wear everyday

To be high on the chemical

Enough to be normal

No, enough to act normal

Give me sugar

For the fissure in my heart

I know I don't need it

I just desperately want it
October 31, 2018

I use a metaphor comparing sugar to love.

This was obviously Halloween-themed, and I almost felt it was too contrived.
I'm talking to the air

about my regrets and mistakes.

I'm talking about how I


to do something and all it did

was make me feel more


Because I has made mistakes.

Because I was a fool.

Because I was too weird or strange

or something that repelled people.

I'm talking to the air

about that time I talked to my

school counselor

and how I instantly regretted it.

Because she didn't have my wishes

in mind.

She had the law in it

so she did things

I didn't want her to.

I'm talking to the air

about the mistakes I still hate

about the girl three years ago

that got me birthday presents

and I never got her any

because I was afraid to show my


And now she's gone

leaving me thinking about what

an idiot

I was.

I'm talking to the air

about this:

poems will not change one thing,

that this is slowly breaking

my mind

because I keep thinking

that this is slowly breaking

my social life.

But for some reason I don't want

to stop.

I keep talking to the air

because it listens.
November 20, 2018

I explain the conversation I had that morning with absolutely nobody.
Do you feel the blades in you

The sharp pain of the knife

Aching as you build up to have

Your king's hand touch the sky

All the blood in the meadow

For gods, for goods, for gain

How many on the battlefield

Were so mercilessly slain

We live in the result

of thousands upon thousands

of years

of pain

and sorrow

and effort

and intellect
November 26, 2018

I write of how our world took years for humans to make.

Thanksgiving had just passed! You honestly didn't expect me to write something with that theme?

Does my sad mind belie my life

In such a way like that of flames?


The side of mine that cries I try

With much in vain to flick away


Inside it hides, alive in spite

The hutch that reins it far from day
October 3, 2018

I write of how I present myself in a boisterous way, masking my sorrow.

This was honestly one of my favorites so far. Mainly for the rhyme scheme that took quite long to craft.

little boy

runs through my room

Get out you little gnat!

He never knows when to stop

Never stops

Oh! he just loves to laugh and live life like it's a lively joke.

He has the eyes of mine

The hair of mine

Not a single thought of what's to come

Blissful ignorance to what he was

Leaving me to wonder how

All he loves is here and now

And then he does

He leaves my room and fades

Wondrously he walks through warm air and wanes into wisps of wind

Now I

Now I miss that air greatly

And I slump back in bed

In my cage of


December 4, 2018

I write of how quickly childhood abandoned me to be miserable.
The meadow was that of much beyond compare

Outlined by a blue line that cut off the air

Hardest soft brown eyes that set off a flare

The heat was worth being exactly right there

My Reason and Sense, the water did not spare

Until the sun set, and left the land all bare

Left me with nothing but at darkness to stare

And building wishes for the curtain to tear

But the Moon had risen, with luring brightness

Gave light to the water: then full with darkness

A colorful face crafted with such finesse

Such a light through my black; I could not wish less

Finite or not; loved the feeling regardless

But I was cursed at the same time I was blessed

Moons don't always shine, and it caused my great stress

So I parted the Moon, which I think it best

I'm thankful it had been there, nevertheless

I parted the Moon; the sun began to rise

And so did the flutter of the butterflies

And heated that which could have turned into ice

Roses in a field that was soaked in gold dye

Like the hue of the sun that flew through the sky

But I've forgot the joy I feel when I fly

And now I wonder, "Should I even try?"

'Cause each Day just leaves me with tears I can't cry
October 23, 2018

I tell the story of my past relations with love (or crushes) and the current one.

I particularly and personally thought the ending was spot-on.
The new moon's arise

The waves are starting again

I find my self at the main office

But never do I go in

I feel all alone

Like I have lost all my friends

Why will I not see my counselor

When a storm's 'bout to begin?
September 12, 2018

I fear that I will fall back into depression.
Tomorrow's coming
January 17, 2019

I write of how today is almost over, in a good and bad way.
All year Life sat on the curb

With infant Love in hands

But a hurricane came roaring by

And washed his child away

After the storm Despair came by

And sat down next to Life

Then Anger and Anxiety followed

Which caused him quite some strife

And old companion was there also

Named Insecurity

He appeared at the unlucky times

In a mirror Life did see

Regret and Shame came behind

And made Life bitter cold

Believed he didn't deserve beauty

Condemned to live alone

Later on Loved walked by

Older but still a child

Life and his heavy group got up

And ran after her like wild

But Love was not grown up and she

Was not ready for the world

So she and Life were torn apart

While in dark the latter was hurled

Life cried out and begged for Death

To appear to come and take him

He pulled a string around his throat

And awaited asphyxiation

But Death sent Fear to her brother

And Fear went to take Life's hand

The ligature was ripped right off

And the air returned like sand

Despair made no haste to leave

But did so in the end

She left her children for her place:

Heartache and Isolation

Love walked by the curb again

Young, but more mature

But life was much more hesitant

To chase such bright pasture

Fear who had stayed so long

And spared Life fear of Death

With Anxiety he hit Life so hard

And gave his mind no rest

From Love came imperfect Beauty

And from her came Modesty

"Such a wonderful thing," sighed Life

"Is better off without me."
November 15, 2018

I explain how my depression started and how it continues to fade.

This took quite a lot of time and effort, and I was disappointed when few people seemed to like it.
Like beyond the sky

It's unknown

Why? I ask

Why am I such a mess in front of people? Why am I secluded from society and all its norms?

I understood why I had wanted to die last year

I understood why I feel things

I understood down to the chemicals in the brain why....

Except why does my rational being fear others?

Why is that  humans are the magnet of my disarray?

Like the exosphere it's knowledge obtainable by not man nor woman nor self.
October 10, 2018

I can't fathom why I act so childish in public.
old faces.

new experiences?

I was expecting

when I

moisturized the soil

when I

shined upon it light

and planted

the seed....

I was ready.

It didn't grow.

But I'll give it time.

For I know it

takes it

(Even though I can't

stand it)

So I'll just wait.

I have patience.

I'm still waiting.
September 5, 2018

The new school year coming around brings me hope for love to grow.
Walk through the streets of Germany

Don't remember the sounds

Of the morning greeting town

Or of the brick path under me

Walk along the bronze statue bold

Bought in air to freeze hell

A trifle with walnut smell

Go to wherever I was told

Walk up all the apartment stairs

In coats, each cheese and breads

Then curl up into be my bed

And fall asleep without a care

Don't remember the stores or parks

Of wood and brick and stone

Or the nighttime view alone

And the icy sky full of stars

The plush of bedspread white and clean

Sharp windowsill cacti

The breeze blowing ice

Streams icicles on balconies
October 26, 2018

I express my love for a small town in Germany.
We have a lasagna that's been sitting in there since 6 o' clock

And for three hours since you've been doing homework

I know we just has it two days ago

But our fridge just broke and our freezer, too

And buying a new one is so much money

That your father is working from dawn to dusk for

At a workplace that is about to be boarded up

While your brother over here is being an utter ******

And our houses is falling apart

We have no working dishwasher

My shop isn't selling

Your grandmother's dying across the Atlantic

The other is flipping through jobs

And our sinks don't work

And our tub is leaking

The car's making weird sounds

And our garage is collapsing

The oven's malfunctioning

And our driveway's cracking

And 4 years from now I'll be paying to the colleges

That will steal two parts of my soul.

So please, dear daughter, let us go eat some lasagna.
November 9, 2018

I write in my mother's point of view about the stresses in our family's life.

This was my attempt to write in someone else's view. I wanted to increase my ability to empathize, and decrease how much I self-pity.
When the day rains

The sky is crying tears

Tears that have fallen

For thousands of years

Tears of billions of souls

The sky cries them all

Some of them are yours and mine

So let them fall, just fall

The sky picked them all up

From the ground where I wept

Let fall the ones formed from

The pillow upon which I have slept

Allow these despaired waters

To wash away your pain

As you cry your own tears

That will soon become rain

Rain is the name

We call the sky

When the dark clouds fold

And it starts to cry

And soon the long-kept sorrows

Will all be washed away

As the rain sprinkles your face

On a wet crying day

A rainy day

Washes the pain.
September 26, 2018

I try and find a symbolic trait to the natural event we call rain.

An older poem written a few months back, but I thought it was good to see how far my poetry had come.
O how jealousy is your aura

that blinds my life aspirations

and the impetus of love

You know always what to say

what she feels and thinks

and comforts flawlessly

Her love blankets you like wool

like sheep during winter;

you never get cold

O jealousy is your radiance

but my pity is also shed

for you are a pitiful thing

Though take you do such admiration!

loved you are by almost law,

You are yet mere imagination

and are not really felt at all
January 29, 2019

I write of my jealousy towards myself in my imagination.

— The End —