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Zelda Hawthorne Apr 2018
Sometimes your love is a curse
Something I try to ignore
It has legs like a centipede and it crawls erratically over me

Sometimes your love has wings
It’s gentle with my hands and raises my arms, twirling me on the tips of my toes

Mostly your love is a witness
It knows me for who and what I am
Watches my life
Standing quietly by my side
Zelda Hawthorne Mar 2018
I just wanted to hear your voice
Burned the candle too low
Melted into your hello
Paced the floor
Savoring every moment
Like we used to
Zelda Hawthorne Mar 2018
Just a little every day to coax the quiet moments into speech
Just a little every day to listen
Zelda Hawthorne Feb 2018
Pulling hope from my chest
Reaching every day
Lessons in patience
Lessons in love
Giving to them
Everything I could dream of
Zelda Hawthorne Feb 2018
I like to touch every bottle, every single bottle
I remember the faces of the many people who asked for them
It brings back the rifts and the jokes- exhaustion from every night
The gorgeous silence of being alone
In a place that’s chaotic and loud
Except the early morning
Just me, the sunrise, and the bottles
Zelda Hawthorne Feb 2018
A man I hardly know asked me for advice
He was used to dope and was trying to stay clean
His roommate stole his rent and a friend stole his wallet
His family has had enough, he's all alone
His face is gaunt
His eyes a soft blue and when his voice started to shake- I saw a little boy
I didn't know what he could do
I held my arms out
He was reluctant at first
But he held on and sobbed
I rocked him back and forth
Tears streamed down my face
My shirt was covered in his tears
There was a knock at the door- we let go
Wiped our eyes and scooted our chairs back
When the office door opened, they only saw 2 people
Quietly finishing paperwork
Zelda Hawthorne Feb 2018
Dark and dank and full of muddy waters
sickening leather, unraveling at the seams
tooled pressure and dusty, musty intentions
Drip drop shot drunk
trudging never budging, watching the sunrise
sticky thick and sweet breakfast, over soggy blueberry intentions
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