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peacepeddler Jun 2014
He walks across skies  
His footprints leave colours behind
Slowly, steadily, peacefully
He's guiding the stars

The light have always followed Him
The stars are magnetic  
He is called "Dazzling"
How could they resist?

They remember He named then
Every one knows where to go
Exactly where He placed them
If you let their light get in your eyes
The intimacy of divinity you'll never miss

He's the one from whom lights come
Crafter of the sun  
With lights each night He paints these words  
"My children, it's time to come home."  

Thousands of years have passed
And if thousands more are to come
He'll still be leaving a light on
To bring back daughter and son
peacepeddler Jun 2014
When will He wipe our tears, wipe them all away?  
When will the earth's sweet antidote come?    
When will we have the upper hand over cancer and decay?  
When will it be over-the pain?  
When will we be brave enough to face the cuts of caring?  
Why have we forgotten what love is like?
We dwell on it's absence, stuck on the broken
Call it a mistake
It's gone and we hurt now
But why regret the place our lives began?

There is one, just one fountain of everlasting life
A man no one expected to speak with authority  
A Lamb no one expected to roar
A Word we didn't recognize

But that blood
The blood from His veins runs in deep red streams  
Continually flowing  
Ever onward
Those pure cells are the world's only cure, humanity's only hope  
Enough to restore all of heaven and all of earth
Make them good as new  

Why are we sick?
We pushed Him away  
How far is wholeness?
As close as we let Him come
How far is comfort?  
All it's ever taken was just one out-stretched hand
It'd be ours
He'd be ours
Comfort, Healing, Freedom, Purpose, Love  
These never leave His presence

On the day of His wedding
The pain that plagued us
Will be suffocated
In His joy
It's so pure
Those old and ugly masters: Tears, Death, and Sorrow  
They will never find us again
peacepeddler Jun 2014
Our children are being snatched from our grasp with every single second.  I won't stop mourning until I am comforted and I refuse to find comfort in anything except the sight of the innocent ones alive again.  If you were not so deaf, you would hear the endless weeping, that pain provoked groan, and every now and again a silence so solemn and horrific you'd find yourself frozen in shock.  It's like when winter finds us.  

You are my only hope now, God.  You tell me we don't have to cry anymore because someday our children will come home free.  You promise us that we'll see how our prayers were answered and what You will do with what we have done for your beloved.  "So just don't lose hope," is what You tell me and as long as I can see you, I know I have it.
peacepeddler Jun 2014
I've always been restless
Always felt caged in
I've always been too big
To be contained in a building
And even if that building were the tallest in the world  
I am convinced I would be discontent

That's why I'd rather be outside  
Under skies
That go beyond what I can see

That's why God is the reason I decided to keep living
The sky and the ocean were never enough  
Because they don't breathe
They don't feel
Like nothing else God is alive
peacepeddler Mar 2014
All my life I've wondered, but I couldn't tell you what about
It's not because it is confidential, but because it was everything  
and I still don't know what everything is.  
I was infected with a restlessness the world had no cure for.

We humans each have a mind that loses things, but nothing ever falls out,
a brain that is more hungry than our stomachs.  
We want to know it all, but if we did then what we do?
I think our minds might just call it quits because their hunger would be gone

I would sit and watch, waiting for something, but I didn't know what it was

out of Psalm 27:1 A light came through the cracks of the jagged wood.  It ran in streams along the walls and flooded the floor.  It was like no light I'd ever seen before, but at the same time there was something so familiar about it.  It was as if I'd known it a long time ago and now couldn't quite remember.  There was just something about it that caused me to become helplessly stuck.  It was so completely unique that I wasn't helpless due to a forceful overtaking laid upon me against my will.  I was helpless because I let myself be.  I left myself there and didn't help myself because I wanted to be taken captive by Him. I willingly let Him hold me and keep me and take me because there I have happy peace in a sure hope.  

We run after the sun, following the light.  We chase down the day because God is like nothing we've ever seen before and once you've seen God you never want to have to tear your eyes away.  If you are wondering if there's more you haven't seen God.  There's always more of Him.  His endlessness is so satisfying and so daunting both at the same time.  No more thoughts of frightful possibilities.  No more uneasiness of uncertainty.  No more confusion.  We see clearly now.  We are finally at peace.  The truth is before us.  Freed of the abyss of darkness, we no longer have to fear the pain of moving in the dark and the crashing and bumping into of things.  We don't have to be afraid of our ignorance now.  Light tells me where to go.  It is beautiful.  The light gives me purpose.  I no longer have to wander around stumbling, trying to find my way and probably just going in circles the whole time.  It is my hope and peace even in the face of death that the light is always with me.  Even when I may not see it I know it's there and its picture I hold ever present in my mind and it is painted on my soul.  It's like God is to be feared because so much of Him is still unknown to us, but at the same time just to be alive means He's always been there whether or not we've been aware ..and when we finally look at Him it's like that's when it hits us "There's something so familiar about Him.  We realize that the restlessness inside us was all for Him, for home, where we came from."  

I have truth.  I have someone to trust and believe in.  I am safe.  I can rest.  Fear had made me its slave and I was always so tired.  I was alone.  Now thanks be to God He has given me His arm to lean on.  He keeps my mind clear of doubts and fearful wonderings.  I can see, but what does that mean?  No matter what He will keep me because He wants to and He won't change His mind about that.  He simply won't.  I don't have to be afraid because God does everything for me because He loves me, He values me.  The most touching part is that unlike most others He doesn't love or value me for Himself, but He loves and values me for me.  I never have to be scared of anyone or anything.  I know I am secure with the only one who has all the power, might, and strength.  He has victory over everything, but He doesn't force anyone.  

All I want is to stay here with you.  We were meant to live in the light with it shining into our pours.  Illuminating our insides we are warm and we can finally see who we are.  I have a prayer and it goes above all the rest.  I just want to go home and stay there.  Home is you.  

Psalm 27:1 The light keeps me safe.  It won't let me stumble and hurt myself.  It keeps my mind focused and clear.  It keeps my vision secure.  It gives me something to run after.  It keeps me safe from the cold where I become stiff.  It keeps me growing.  It keeps me alive.  It protects me.  It keeps me from losing things like myself.  I've realized sight equals life, so what good does it do when all I see is black? Is there a difference between blindness and darkness?  Who is there that knows we are meant to see?  Who will chase after vision?

Psalm 27:2 I am not afraid.  Who I am is empty of fear.  Fearless is who I am.  I live in a place where fear cannot grow because of the light
I know that even if the most heartless people came after me to hurt and try to **** me, they would only trip and fall.  They might hurt me, but you heal me.  They might take this temporary breath, but that doesn't scare me because I have you.  Though I don't completely understand why sometimes you don't stop these from happening in the moment, I'll still keep clinging to you, my hope.  I'll still keep believing You only love me.  The unending life I find in you is what my eyes will stay locked on.  It is possible that this may happen, but still I'll trust in you, God.  Who I am will not be snuffed out because I am in Your hands.  

Psalm 27:3 Though the world may sink into the bottomlessness of war's thirst for blood, though I may be surrounded by armies still my trust will stay in you.  I won't let my heart slip into fear and I know you never will.  You will never let me go.  I KNOW YOU AND YOU ARE BIGGER THAN IT ALL.  You have the heart and the arm to guard me always, completely.  You call yourself mine.  Fear can't hold me anymore.  I've risen above it all because I am alive in God.  

Psalm 27:4 The pull is too strong.  You don't force me in, but there's nothing that could make me turn back because there's nothing like YOU, the star maker.  
There's nothing else.  The only thing is to stay here.  so I ask you, "would you keep me?"  

Too late to turn back now.  I'm running all the way home.  No matter how long it takes, how hard the road is, I will make it.  I just have to.  My veins screams out your name over and over again.  It goes rushing down into my legs inspiring them to move.  You move me like nothing else not even myself.  Let's not waste a single second being apart because me without you is a waste of time. And wherever you live I want to be there too.  I want to come home.  Let me stay here with you.  The deepest hunger was awakened in me. dwell with the beautiful one.  If only I could see, really see Him as He is.  For our eyes the rest of us becomes weak.  I never realized how sight is so important that we can't live without it.  We need vision as much as it's always been that thing that holds all of us fast.. because when we are looking at something it gets inside.   No man could ever look at something and be completely untouched or he would have to be made of stone.  We don't recognize our heart and souls lifelong dream until we see it outside ourselves.  We didn't even know it because we didn't know ourselves.  We didn't realize that by turning God away we, ourselves, went with Him.  We had to because He is where we come from.  When I abandoned Him I also left behind myself.  He's caught my eyes and all of me.  I keep getting glances through fog, but I'm just not sure.  From what I can tell, this man is nothing like the rest of us.  

I am completely compelled, completely free, by my own heart to give all of myself to You, for You with every moment.  Don't let distractions exist.  You always have been my friend.  You've always been so good to me.  Encounter me every day of my life.  I know you are more than I can comprehend so please let me see you.  Here. Now. I wait.  And I wait and I will keep waiting until you show me yourself.  And I'll take you as you are, doing my best to not let offence in when I don't get you and not ever trying to change you.  To simply be is life and no one can be without God.  By His side we never have to stop finding the sweet flow of peace.  Here is where I find freedom.  Before I let Him show himself to me I tried to be but it always felt empty and pointless before.  As if it were a waste of time and instead of freedom, peace, and life I used to find myself instead trapped in a swirl of chaos and confusion dragging me down.  How could anyone who is awake ever be satisfied with less than forever?  I don't understand it.  I could never live for only this life.  Don't you feel restless in the shortness of it all? ..when you feel something deep down in your soul start to vibrate, when you look at the sky full of lights and forget to breathe.  I could never be content until I met God.  How can all we know exist by accident and for no purpose.  What is life if it is meaningless?  In't there always something about the untouched and breathtaking earth that made you know there was something behind it, something more than accident.  And didn't it haunt you to know?  God is so beautiful that we get one foggy glance and fall in love completely and we've only just begun.  

In trouble, in times of joy I still feel Him holding me.

You pull me back into the secret place and lift my head up from this mess and the look on your face raises me up.  You are faithful. That rock below my feet is attached to me now.

Psalm 27:5  

I'd forgotten what it was like to not be in trouble
I asked, "What does it feel like to be healthy? What is peace?"
and I saw you reach out  
Opened up, took me in  
It was so beautiful there  
I was standing beside a fire  
in the warmth my worries and woes melted  

We live, we breath perfect peace
He'll keep me here
No more running for fear

Higher, higher until the polluted ground is out of sight and I'm weightless in a cloud forest.

Safe, I'm like gold to you, but irreplaceable  
there's a place that we keep secret intimate home
though all that you are is more than an ocean  
You keep me, higher than everything else and immovable
Nothing can shake me now

When all I could see were the bloodthirsty wolves with their fangs  
I sunk.  Hopeless was the name of that place
because there was no escape
but I never thought to look up until you touched my face and lifted my head until the only thing I saw was the endlessness of your care for me
I'm never going to look down again. ever.  

I will give Him myself  
I've never known joy like this until my will I abandoned to Jesus
I couldn't help heart had already left for Him

no longer could I keep closed my lips
out flowed all the things I know and love of Him  
they're just wimpy words  
but when He heard
He put them in His heart  
to never let them go

Psalm 7 and 8

I know You've always been listening.  You never stop
So I cry and I never knew my voice could be so strong
All of me falls in front of you  
One word comes up from inside
from somewhere deeper than I knew I had
It pulls with it everything I've been given,  
You said "come find me"
I said "ok"  
That's where this starts.
peacepeddler Mar 2014
I feel more than you know
I am not ignorant of anything as you seem to think
You hurt me with those-assumptions of my mindlessness
when it's you who are not thinking  
you just do whatever you want and run around recklessly
I love your wild soul and I still think you're beautiful
but I can't stand you  

you are a wave    
at the sight of which I couldn't move
swept off my feet
now you've got me caught in the rolling tide
in and out, ebbing and flowing, up and down  
around and around and around we go
i'm so sick
will I ever get anywhere

why couldn't I keep my heart from you..put up a fence so it wouldn't run away
I fear it is too late
what did I do to gain the oncoming mess?
It's like watching a car crash about to happen
after such a long time
helpless in a gruelling wait
I saw a flicker  
and my heart couldn't help itself
it jumped and it fell  
there was nothing there
but an illusion
like a mirage to a stranded desert soul
and I don't know, maybe I made everything up
I knew it was too good to be true
and once again I can't see any hope for us
peacepeddler Oct 2013
Jesus was so humble that He befriended some of the worst, most immoral people.  He came not to associate with society's highest class, but to heal the most broken, most confused: our outcasts.    

What He said about her to a man of high standing, "I am not ashamed of her.  She may be filthy, dirt on her hands, but the love she gives is my joy.  I've always known her and she is not who you think she is.  She is not even who she thinks she is-a hopeless wreck, unfixable mess.  She is meant to be so pure it would blind you to see and she is not lost yet.  I'm about to buy back all that she has squandered.  It doesn't matter to me how great the debt she owes.  I forgive it freely because I came to make the sick well again."
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