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8.6k · Jun 2010
Who's in charge here ?
pcbzzzt Jun 2010
Father could reprogram all six billion of us
if He felt the  need, anytime
In fact that's exactly what He did
at Babel when our dodgy one-accord
threatened to bring the end nearer
than the six millenniums of earthtime
He'd allocated for us to seek His truth

He even re-wired Balak for a minute
to hear his donkey speak
and think of the Assyrians that fled
when He caused four lepers to sound
like a mighty mercenary army
coming to rescue Jerusalem
YHWH is omnipotent, like it not

The reason He's not 'interfering' right now
is simply because His plan is dead on time
He intends to blow the chaff from  His wheat
The true wheat, His remnant that stays faithful
(through Revelations and the mark)
will form a new constitution when Yeshua returns
for a thousand years of peace on earth

You may think "Oh I'll wait and see
if it's true, like, if the two witnesses
really die and then rise again in three days"
Problem with that approach is simple
You could be brainwashed before then
The neurophone is widely used today
Think of 911, why Bush isn't impeached
and read

Those of us who really care
will continue to bug you and **** your spirit
Hopefully you'll make the right choice
and refuse the mark of the beast
Consider these things while there's time
'After me the storm' won't cut it
There are less than three short years to go

* Gen 6:3 And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, in his erring; he is flesh. Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
The 120 years referred to here in fact represent 120 jubilees, or 6000 years (2000 from Adam to the flood, 2000 from the flood to Yeshua and 2000 from Yeshua till 2017)
1.8k · Oct 2010
The Nightwatchmen Dream
pcbzzzt Oct 2010
In the first two watches

of dark Gethsemane

while Y'shua prayed for us

His lamps went out

and so He roused them

Encouraged vigilance

Again they succumbed

On the third watch

He just let them sleep

and see them slumber still

snoring through the final watch...

the watch whose number

calls forth Meshiakh

Those who've come to take Him away

are at the gate

yet still the mammon mesmer

blisses on
1.8k · Sep 2009
Relative Humidity
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
She wasn't there when I arrived,
but I hugged her at St Paul's
where patron saints pay to see the crypt
and pidgeons relieve themselves for free

She wasn't there when I left
tho we did hold hands
and stroll along the Thames
even shared a laugh in some famous gallery

Then she was gone

Don't think she likes my verses much
She has her Phd now
but I remember warmly
red ribboned pigtails
and crumpet mix
pcbzzzt Sep 2010
Four lepers outside the gate
of besieged Jerusalem
devoid of pride
deprived of wives
nothing left to lose
least of all, their lives

Perhaps thats why Y'shua used them
to route Assyrian invaders
even rewarded them
They weren't healed
Just remained lepers
Perhaps the most famous
nameless lepers
of all time

Perhaps that's also why
the remnant suffer
rejected, despised
just as He was
There's less to lose
less to impede one's view
of the bigger picture
Father's plan

No doubt that's why
shepherds were invited to Bethlehem
not well-heeled high priests
in pearly porsches

Oh, and absolutely why
the meek will inherit the earth
1.7k · Oct 2009
pcbzzzt Oct 2009
My word, that's a gut wrenching cry
you have there, monsieur le coq
A piercing horn-of-plenty rant
that causes the stars to retreat
No wonder St Peter repented

Is that cackle-raising to rouse those
who give their all for ghosts in machines?
Or does that siren you summon
quicken earthbound worms
early bird fishers of men
are after?

Chef de partie stirs his cuppacino dreams
Bulging pajamas shapeshift  
as he turns, chomps his jowels
and salivates *Long live Chicken a la King
Sharpen my knife
1.7k · Sep 2009
Deep Calls Unto Deep
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
There's water above and water below
as it was in the beginning
while I recharge, prismatic eyes still
in their microcosmic universe
Silent, while songbirds give thanks
and playful energy teases, seeking

so I focus on amber surface reflections
from under, they fizz tiny bubbles
an effervescent Spirit-level

Yogis know it as bliss
risen crown kundalini
Their vessel sadly lacks
living water from Yeshua
our rising Messiah, eternal wellspring

I open my eyes
find other eyes
Deep calls unto deep
as sounds of waterfalls

A daily feast of at-onement
1.5k · Jul 2010
Israel's Right Hand
pcbzzzt Jul 2010
Joseph's sons are still in Egypt
All is not fulfilled as yet
The elder child, Manasseh
calls himself a Christian these days
and still seems mightier than Ephraim
as foreseen by Israel
but has this small problem
keeping Father's commandments
having been suckled on
papal leaven
with that false gospel
girlfriend he likes to call
prosperity ...
I'd rather remain a gentile, thanks
Invite me to the wedding
I'll come visit every Sukkot

He really needs his younger brother
to come of age and stop fussing ...
to stop copy-catting Judah
and feed Yeshua's lost sheep
from that double redeemer's portion
Jacob blessed him with ...
that which speaks of BenDavid
and the keeping of true Torah
which is the tittles and jots
'Jesus' said would remain
a blessing till all is fulfilled
till His Torah shines forth from Zion
once again

Jealous Judah awaits him too
Prays each day the prodigal will come home
and tell him who Meshiach is

There really are no Gentiles or Greeks
except in diaspora
No, not even Jesus freaks
Just a faithful, obedient remnant
in Jacob's trouble

going to the promised land
1.3k · Aug 2010
Gentile Pharisees
pcbzzzt Aug 2010
They tried to bury Yahushua Alef Tav

behind a nice Platonic, less Jewish facade
Renamed Him Jesus the Alpha Omega
and chanted many HEP HEP Hoorahs

... beside His feminist-friendly god/mother
to the tune of many hail Marys
even freed Him from His own Torah
despite "think not I came to replace it"

But see, He's risen now
from every holy papal place
from every charismatic falsity
that preached pew-warming prosperity

He's restoring Israel
not gentiledom...
one lost sheep at a time
back into twelve chaste tribes
just as she was under Sinai's hupa
before the separation

He's elbowing aside modern pharisees
who refuse to know Moses
and therefore can't know Him
or follow His commandments

who really aren't into feeding lost sheep
Egyptians hate sheep
It reminds them of plagues
Leaven goes better with bacon
1.3k · Oct 2010
RIP van Winkel
pcbzzzt Oct 2010
Didn't learn much from school

but for a poker-face, how

not to **** in his trousers

and the surpassing value of quick getaways

'Twas losing that did the trick

especially that business of losing in love

I van detestable, desirous of love but

minus mandatory leveragables

Ends up instead, in a specimen jar

at his local sleep lab, filed under

'Good for REM Experiments'

and HAARPs started playing at night

Couldn't keep up with gollums

pimps or clockwork candymen

dispensing their oranger shade of pale

so he called up the creator of love

Himself ..... got the real deal

Seems the goodly church retailers

excommunicated him, for knowing too much

So, finally, he decides, to read and write
1.1k · Jun 2010
Hey Mr Dream Seller
pcbzzzt Jun 2010
If one is prepared to believe the Bible
rather than prosperity gospel
from Church & Mamon Inc.
then it's plain to perceive
that the mark of the beast
could cost one's place in God's Kingdom
so do please explain Mr Megachurch Mogul
why your bottom line reflects money
rather than shares in the Kingdom of Heaven

Do you intend to outsource the mark ?
so business can continue as usual ...
will you partner with the bank
of the beast who's about due

Must Yeshua bring out His whip again ?
before you take Him at His Word
and stop misapplying His tithing law
like cursed, charismatic pharisees
that keep the despairing
in ******* and tickle ears
with falsehoods rather than help them
trim their lamps and get ready
for the wedding feast of the Lamb

Seems the great 'falling away'  referred to
in 2Thes2v3 in truth is not rapture after all
but failing churches built on sand
1.1k · Jun 2010
Skipping Stones
pcbzzzt Jun 2010
Desire expressed
manifests in moments
Genesis to geneticist
alpha to omega, Eden Armageddon
and a particular flat stone
I'm flinging at that pile of H2O

It skips, predictably,  causing surface ripples
under a line of predefined arcs
each described by gravity and water molecules
neatly arranged in surface tension that
reflects this day ... blue as the clear sky
and a peaceful wavelength
we know as

I'm wondering who desired such perfection...
Enabled energy, proclaimed pebbles
Caused a lake to feel at home right here

Read Darwin some respond
you're only here because
a primal pond appeared
somehow someway backwhen
and that famous fertile germ
opted for a brave new world
with ****-sapiens
conveniently mapped to its single cell
Dadadadaaa! Dumdeedee dumb!
Dvorak wonders too

Backwards, on slow-motion rewind
lofty intellects scratch and munch in flaky wonderland
ever plotting the self-indulgent, Lemming way 'ahead'
Independence day drags drearily on
Take fifty! ... A more human-friendly God
created in our image ... lest we forget the beast
I, me, first-person-one, Oh you're lookin' good!
Lets put that that triple 6 trinity to work
Replete, till death us do part, we do things My Way
ala Frank (and certain gorillas with cigars)

Thus is the compliment returned
Man attains an ever lower High place
Pass my slice of cake please
Myopic, entropic moments
loop their mobius strips
ever further down the food chain
Highways congeal and earth chokes

Small wonder Wisdom opposes pride
Shows His face to humble folk
Invites shepherds to witness
Jupiter in Virgo's womb
Rouses them with a shofar blast  
come Kingdom come.
1.1k · Jul 2010
Get the Upgrade
pcbzzzt Jul 2010
One is the omnipresent number of ON
Hear O Israel, the Lord our Elohim
The Lord He is one ... echad accord
He changes not and His Word
is forever settled in the heavens

Unless His switches in us are ON
we soon amount to nought
and tend to go OFF in the dark ...
just another ex equal to why times zero
Seek first the Kingdom of Yod Hei Vav Hei
while He may yet be found ...
He whose Webmaster adds digits to souls
and upgrades short-term
three score and ten defaults
on demand
to eternal lovelight expressions
in a flash

The place to start is your other half
learning to serve and be served...
learning that one accord isn't just a Honda ...
that one plus one is how sharing starts
and you and I is where caring starts
1.1k · Sep 2009
Just in Time
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
Modern man unpacks his woes
He'd have us call it progress
The way back to our cave is paved

Several million ante-deluvians
drowned under the same delusion
How high do you need the ziggurat?
Asks ****** at Babel

Time wasn't ripe back then for God
He disabled their default accord;
their demon intent to destroy His plan

Three thousand years it's taken to regroup
Time enough for His time to be right
For the time of the end of the curse

So please, can the clever caveman thoughts
next time you imagine shuttles in space
a reflection of how superior we are

He'd downgrade us again in a flash
if it wasn't just about the time
we get to blow ourselves up anyway

Wiseup weasels, remember the reason
our playpen was restored in seven days
from Lucifer's null and void revenge

We have seven milenniums to learn to love
To take up our parts in Father's plan
or blow away like the wind

Six of them are practically over
Six billion souls in six thousand years
Created on day six, the number of man
We're at point six point six point break

Day seven's about to dawn.
The number of perfection and rest
Tormented earth groans anticipation

Mushroom clouds and lawlessness
pose no threat to YaHWeH's timeline
Null and void is on His Just In Time list

Every eye will see Meshiach come
Every knee will bow for
The Ancient of Days
1.0k · Sep 2010
Hourglass Logic
pcbzzzt Sep 2010
Accepting the truth might cost your physical life

and if it doesn't, you might soon wish it had

by the time it's done with your wife

my daughters don't talk to me

they think I'm bad

now I'm free


that hurts a lot

but not nearly as much

as would the pain of their lot

when the dead in Y'shua are raised

for I live not the lie that ignores nonesuch

just to gain mammon and eyes that are glazed
922 · Sep 2009
Licensed to Kill
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
Banshee screams echo in the icy, crackling gloom
Warm, freshly pumped blood spatters a pale moon
reflected in dilated pupils
whose freeze-frame focus seems fixed on steam
from that memorable last breath
slowly dissipating

Menacing, gutteral snarls
Tarmac demoniac sniffs her ****
snaps drooling fangs
at a scythe wielding spectre
snatching stunned
souls from twitching corpses
Now she packs them in pecking order

Splintered crystals of falling glass
mournfully ****** ****** the last post
Distraught, upended armco barriers
hold their freeze-frame salute
and Babylon thrums a bit louder

May I see your license please
890 · Dec 2010
Save the Animals
pcbzzzt Dec 2010
Judgement hall Jerusalem
Thirty AD
Crowd votes Barabbus
Condemns King Jesus
Makes its mark for a beast
rather than He Who waters life

Two millenniums on
Exodus 2 is just about due
Another beast will stop the sacrifice
once the rebuilt altar is lit
back in Jerusalem
We vote abomination!
the lawless marked will shout
Save the animals!

875 · Sep 2009
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
Softly she tiptoes across the lawn
Warm muffin hand snuggled in mine
Off we go to watch the sunrise
see the dawn get born

Hungrily I turn for more of the dream
Another re-run - my favorite one
Wide-eyed she tastes the fresh new air
Dips her piggies in the stream

Why does it smell so different dad?
Willow trees heave a sigh and blink
Frogs smile and wink in the sparkly dew
Well you see darling... gone! begad!

Don't stop now! More I implore
Play how she skated to me down the hill
long before she learned to drive
the thrills, the spills, kissing her sore
Now the  **** crows a new dawn, fresh
Someday soon I'll see what she saw
Return O Lord! restore shalom
as it was in the beginning - afresh
870 · Jul 2010
If Time = Z, go back to A
pcbzzzt Jul 2010
Who's fashioned a black hole in reverse
over Mexico's Gulf to start the countdown ?
Who was it rendered the earth null and void
before Father made us to be like Him ?
Slewfoot it was, in the beginning
Be sure, it is he again
riding the pale horse of death
spreading his cloak of darkness
over the choking fish

As before, Father will send Yeshua
to renovate things back as they were
Let there be light (again), etcetera
Only this time your favorite vampire hero
gets imprisoned in the abyss ...
a real black hole, for a thousand years
to join the angels that left their stations
before the deluge covered the earth

That's the macro view from outer space
right now on Channel Three in One
How are things back at your place ?
Is darkness covering the deep there too ?
Will you be one taken from the field
or he left grinding in the mill ?
It's not rapture He's talking about
Come let us reason together
The time draws near
839 · Sep 2009
Who Owns the Source?
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
True creativity, like lunar dust
reflects Creative design
In truth, we don't create at all
At best we just manipulate
content which already exists
into a form we love to claim as our own
yet nothing is new under the sun

Even maestros can't compose their dreams
Consciousness shuts down during REM
and yet great content is downloaded
freely in the form we call dreams
Even lucid dreamers can only observe;
until, upon waking, they're free to upload
visions to the dimension we call time

Only one's God-given spirit can connect
to images from His universal database
The Poet who wrote our DNA song
gave us brains to filter and sift
Imagine the computer that scans
six billion souls a day, keeps them
in sequence and knows each by name

By far the most fulfilled verse springs
from allowing Him to be in charge
so out-source it back to the Source,
before the hacker of *******
persuades you to harvest glory
and reach, like him, for the Highest Place
792 · Sep 2009
Growing Pains
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
If any good came from loving true
but falling short
its in this verse honouring You
Surrendered, taught
reaching up beyond my sighs
where truth is chiselled into sense
Can darkened shutters recompense?
Time and purse no longer vie
so uncontended now I’ve died
to selfish pride and suffered lies

The harm I caused not loving true
the way one ought
is harmonised now,  reflects You
fullfilled, sought
redeemed from  the lie
Darkness to experience
Suffering wrought repentance
Crime and worse no longer imply
damning dirges inside
Our Lamb arose, 'It’s finished' His cry

— The End —