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Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Paulamae Oct 2013
I sat along the lonely shore
Taking in the ocean waves
That hit against me slowly
Engulfing all of the fears I had carried with me.
I swam through the water
Fought through the waves that prevented me
From getting to the opposite shore.
I overcame the tsunamis
And survived the thunderstorms.
Through my journey, in the ocean of emptiness,
Just when the water was about to drown me
In its hidden cemetery..
I looked to the sun for the strength and vitality
That would keep my head above the water
*Even if my thoughts were swimming deep.
I'm glad to be back. I was gone for too long and during those days..
I overcame a lot. I title myself as a Survivor, now & forever..
Sep 2011 · 1.3k
Butchering Words
Paulamae Sep 2011
In the beginning*

Your butchering words,
Went through my head.

As a child who listens,
To every word you say.

Your constant sarcasm,
Your words which,
I thought were the truth.

Just to let you know, Dad
Those butchering words,
To me are now worthless.

For I know now,
It was only your sickness.
A lot of things have changed.
Oct 2010 · 656
Falling Asleep
Paulamae Oct 2010
Looking at the ceiling
Just thinking..
What you're gonna say
What you're gonna wear
What you wanna share.

Some think it's easy
To drift away anytime,
Some think it's hard
To go away 'til next time,
Some pray all night
Friends, family, health and all,
Some just like to listen
To the silence throughout the hall.

It can get so quiet
You don't want to break it
You just want to feel it,
Within your mind
Within this art
Within your eyes
Within your heart.

It's hard for me
To just start sleeping
But then I just look
Right up at the ceiling.
Oct 2010 · 631
Paulamae Oct 2010
For reasons that are unknown,
like my existence and my own.

Words are often hard to find,
to capture your heart, soul and mind.

Better than any dream,
Unreal than it can seem.

Better than any fantasy,
different to what people can see.

These works that I speck,
is what makes you truely unique.
Oct 2010 · 590
Paulamae Oct 2010
No friendly gestures.
No fake smiles.
No hugs no kisses.
I cant be wowed.
No reason to run.
Your time will come.
Love hurts thats why they say knowledge is pain.
My pad and my pen are my best friend.
Don't look at the way I dress or the color of my skin.
Get to know me the person within.
Until then I will still win.
Because the pad and the pen will tell a story again.

No need for nonsense,
I’m taking the time to trust.
Safe and secure in his arms.
Sealing our perfect pinky promises with kisses,
Sharing secrets under silent stars,
Dancing until daybreak.
We find eternity in each other’s eyes.
Falling for my first “forever.”
Oct 2010 · 583
A Fall Day
Paulamae Oct 2010
The endless blue sky
No clouds in sight
How peaceful to be there at first light
Peacefully looking up
Not a sound
Not even a critter.

The yellow, orange leaves
The cool fall breeze
There’s nothing like sitting there on this gorgeous fall day.
Sep 2010 · 633
12:17 to 12:32
Paulamae Sep 2010
I smell like coffee, bruises
and insomnia
for the night I spent weeks awake
in bed,
from 12:17 to 12:32
counting heartbeats instead of seconds
and listening to
the wind, howl me reasons
to step outside.

It yelled through the blinds
where the window
doesn't latch shut
and picked up the edge
of the goose feather
to remind me
that no one else was up.
Sep 2010 · 694
Paulamae Sep 2010
I'm a pretender.

Filled with nothing but confusion.

I may look whole.

But I'm no more than an allusion.

I try to feel complete.

But the puzzle pieces are still scattered.

I'm trying to hold on.

Then I slip and all is shattered.
Sep 2010 · 600
What Is It?
Paulamae Sep 2010
It’s coming, believe it or not.
In fact, It’s already here.
What if I told you It’s been here for years?
Since you were born, Since your parents were born.
Even before that.

Can you guess It?
I’ll give you a hint;
It never looks the same.
It’s always different. Always in a different place.
Always affecting different people positively and negatively.

It never takes a break, even when It’s taking a break from you.
It never shows its face, even when It’s standing right in front of you.
It comes at you so fast, you don’t have time to prepare yourself.
It’s there when you wake up, go to bed, go to school.
It’s happening everywhere.

It can make you feel disoriented, abandoned, and anxious.
It can make you feel courageous, independent, and capable.
Too much of It can cause corruption, discomfort and chaos.
Too little of It can cause frustration, lethargy and dependency.
It means nothing one minute, but everything the next.

It is a very dangerous thing;
yet today’s society cannot survive without It.
So what is It?
Sep 2010 · 588
Mine For A Moment
Paulamae Sep 2010
You give me, butterflies inside,
I get so nervous I want to hide.

But you bring me, out of my shell,
Inside, inside, I must rebel.

I want to break lose, and fly away,
They hold me down, they make me stay.

I’m *******, I cant break free,
Then you come, and rescue me.

Faster, faster, we must escape,
Our runaway plan starts to shape.

You hold my hand, a kiss on the cheek,
All of a sudden, I feel so weak.

I feel a shiver, all down my spine,
Because for this moment, your all mine.
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
My Bestfriend
Paulamae Sep 2010
Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
She knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
She listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.

Not once did she interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
She understood what I was going through,
And promised she'd stay long.

I reached out to this friend,
To show her that I care.
To pull her close and let her know,
How much I need her there.

I went to hold her hand,
To pull her a bit nearer.
And realized that this perfect friend I found,
Was nothing but my mirror.
Aug 2010 · 622
Paulamae Aug 2010
Dreams and memories float by,
Like the stars of a distant galaxy,
Undetected and dim.
I reach out my hands and I laugh,
Feeling the hot-cold sensation of love and dreams fufilled.

And so they float on,
Slowly and wistfully,
Down and out of the sky.
She warned me-
They all did-
But I dove into the horizon without remorse.

Now that it's done,
The stars have rejected me,
The comets have spit on me,
And the meteorites have poisoned me,
I cry not for myself, or for you,
But for the stars that burnt out along the way.

I dreamt that you kissed me,
Then the moon smiled at you,
And you drifted to her,
Leaving me in my stardust.
I don't want to pull you away-
She shines so much brighter than I do.
Aug 2010 · 512
Paulamae Aug 2010
In the beginning it was considered lust
Nothing more than just a crush
Minor words of flirtation
Did everything to increase the temptation
It wasn’t long after words became an action
This soon enhanced the attraction
The feeling was something unknown
With the craving to make it shown
It’s an aching that lurks deep within our veins
It’s a feeling that most words are unable to explain
It’s a power that makes your body lose control
It’s a mystery unsolved but make your heart feel full
It’s an element that is indescribable
It’s a thought in your mind that’s uncontrollable
It’s a challenge that the world takes for granted
It’s a passion deep in your core that needs to be chanted
So in the end the lust was still existent
But the passion became persistent
A few thoughts lurk deep in my mentality
And what I desire, I hope to become a reality
I know what I feel is true
And what I wish to say is I love you.
Aug 2010 · 807
Paulamae Aug 2010
The sun slowly sets over the ocean,

      Melting the warm,
                 orange glow with the still,
                                                    blue water.

  I loved the person I shared that moment with.

                              I love him still.

           But like the sunset,
                   ...the moment faded all too fast.
Aug 2010 · 497
Paulamae Aug 2010
Hold me like you'll never let go
Kiss me like it's the first time
Love me like you've never loved anyone before
*Promise me you'll stay mine.
Aug 2010 · 564
Paulamae Aug 2010
How can it be described?

An unsolved mystery
A lasting affliction
Watching the world through a hawk’s tiny eye
Finding a forgotten baby fox
Painting a picture
Smelling the earth’s new rain
Meeting someone new

What is life?*

A cold slap in the face
A dagger through your heart
Love’s vow.
Aug 2010 · 619
Paulamae Aug 2010
My heart won’t beat
Unless you start it
So wind it up
And let me go
I will run a thousand miles
Trying to collect
What’s been lost from me
I promise
When we collide
The sparks that ignite
Will light the world
For only a day
But what we make of it
Is truly up to you
I will be content
Listening to your soft breath
As you hold me tight
A faint heartbeat
Whispers everything will be alright
With only 24 hours
We must live up to the moment
With every precious second
We must act like it is the last
What little time we built
So delicate
Oh so beautiful
They will never think to look
Where we hide
Behind our eyes
Holding the others heart
Walk in stride
Side to side
Pacing through our day
Once the sun sets
The heart rests
And these feelings fade away
Be glad we made the best of it
As the light
Of our day
Dims away.
Aug 2010 · 485
What Does Love Do?
Paulamae Aug 2010
Love takes you away
so you might not return to day

It makes you go to a place
you always wanted to taste

When it burns in your heart
like some sort of mystical art

You could try to fight
but it wouldn't feel right

You need to just give in
let the love flow from within*.
Aug 2010 · 581
I Want To Be Free
Paulamae Aug 2010
It's bright outside, I can tell
but today im sure will not be well
Your judgmental eyes pass against me
You dont know all I want is to be free

Society has betrayed me
Hating, Killing, Fighting
Trusting liars with me liberty
You have failed me and I will not forgive

There is nothing worth waking for
To be spat on, far away from home
Without a friendly face in sight
And nothing ever changes.
Aug 2010 · 2.4k
Paulamae Aug 2010
Like a bird in the sky
I will fly high
Up to the stars
I will see my destiny
Of what I can be

When the planets are align
They’ll show me the sign
Where to go
And what to see
So I can find the element

When chemicals react
I know I’ll have it
I knows it’s out there waiting for me

To the sky
I will fly high
Up I go come catch me,
Love me,
For I will love you to
Cause you are my destiny
Of what I should be
My element,

My key.
Aug 2010 · 622
She Never Knew
Paulamae Aug 2010
I watch her from a distance
Screaming through my soul
And she doesn’t know I’m there.

I see her in my dreams
My heart about to explode
And she doesn’t know I’m there.

I gaze upon her sparkling eyes
Holding back tears
I feel I am paralyzed
And she doesn’t know I’m there.

I watch her walk away from me
I will never see her again
And she doesn’t know I’m there.

I can’t forget her perfect smile
I know she’s somewhere out there now
And she never knew I was there.
Aug 2010 · 653
We Learn
Paulamae Aug 2010
Step by step,
We make a plan.

Hand in hand,
We learn what we can.

Body to body,
We learn to hug.

Heart to heart,
We learn to love.

Walk to skip,
We learn to flirt.

Tear to tear,
We learn what hurts.

Head to head,
We confess what we've done.

Eye to eye,
We merge as one.

Lip to lip,
We learn to kiss.

Head to mind,
We learn what's bliss.
Aug 2010 · 615
What Is A Dream?
Paulamae Aug 2010
Is it a wish deep within our hearts
or is it something more?
something less?

Or better yet,
is it just a random thought,
floating through our minds,
daring to be caught?

Maybe its anything you want it to be,
a certain comfort always there,
and when the time is right,
it is ready for you to share.

What is a dream?
Aug 2010 · 542
The Mess Inside Of Me
Paulamae Aug 2010
Nobody knows the real me,
And if they did,
I would be surrounded by pity,
’Cause no one has seen,
The mess inside of me.
I can’t keep it in much longer,
But it hurts so much to remember,
If I don’t get it out soon,
I will surely break.
The mess inside of me,
Wants to be cleaned up,
And the only way to do that,
Is to get my story out in the open.
But to do that,
Would drag out painful memories,
Which I am not yet ready to face,
So won’t you look into my eyes,
And see the mess inside of me?
I need your help,
Because this mess,
Is to much for me,
To bear alone and in silence.
Aug 2010 · 575
My Writing
Paulamae Aug 2010
I dance with my pen
across the page of this paper
singing the words like no one.

My pen is my instrument
I orchestrate the music
that is a song of poetry.

I paint words of silence
my pen is my brush
and I create.
Aug 2010 · 621
Think Positive
Paulamae Aug 2010
Some can say that life is great,
For others life is what they hate.
They don’t like it much at all,
They think others don’t care when they fall.

Who’s to say that they’re not correct?
Life is never what you’d expect.
Some people have nothing and others too much,
Some will break down with every touch.

Few are thankful and many over-look,
The simple path in life they took.
They expect the best and come out wrong,
Attention is short and days run long.

Not all people are the same,
There are those who are responsible,
And those who blame.

A simple perspective can change a thought,
Either something you thought of,
Or something you’ve been taught.

People just think they can’t do a thing,
But if you put your mind to it,
You can accomplish anything.

In darkest of thoughts think to yourself,
I feel the same as someone else.
Millions of people,
At least two can relate,
You can always find someone to share a debate.

Life doesn’t last long,
So love it while you can,
Because you never know when your hour glass will run out of sand.
Aug 2010 · 404
Paulamae Aug 2010
Don’t say “Hello”,
Because I’ve been here all along.

Don’t ask where I am,
Because I’m always in your heart.

Don’t give up,
Because you just might win.

Don’t be afraid,
Because fear is acknowledged.

Don’t say “Good-bye”,
Only “I love you.”
Aug 2010 · 624
Beautiful Horror
Paulamae Aug 2010
Why can't I hide?

Why wont it leave?

This feeling so deadly keeps engulfing me

Stronger than anything I've felt before

I'm trapped in this beautiful horror

I pray to God that it works out

He says it will but I still have my doubts

So many people before have been crushed

By the beautiful horror we call love.
Aug 2010 · 523
Paulamae Aug 2010
When you have so much potential in your life
You have the whole world ahead of you
Millions of thousands of hundreds of options
Just out of reach

But there's something holding you back
Something that won't allow you to move forward
And keeps dragging you back to a life you once had
A life you can't stand

It's like a monster that keeps tearing you down when you reach the top
A beast that refuses to stop
And you continue to fall

What must you do?
Slay this beast?
What must be done to make this monster leave?
Only you know

Because the monster that keeps making you fall
Is you.
Aug 2010 · 578
You Keep Me Alive
Paulamae Aug 2010
i want you
you know i really do
i want to feel your heart beat against mine
for that is the only thing that is keeping me alive
my soul is trying to fly to the greatness up above

hold me one last time
and put your hand into mine
tell me that you love me and you never want me to leave you
i promise, i will do only what you want me to
kiss me, tenderly under the moonlight
i will not leave you tonight
for, i need you more than anything or anyone
you're the one keeping me alive

please, darling, stay a little longer.. im not ready to fly
without your heart beating next to mine, i will die
i realize the life we want cannot be
our perfect world - just you and me

but, you and i do not live in reality
so, my love, the night is ours to keep
let's keep this a secret, and keep it hidden deep.
Jul 2010 · 775
Paulamae Jul 2010
Calm, serene, unending blue
Gently lapping over you
Dozing warmly, adrift on air
Peaceful silence everywhere

Choppy, rocking tossed around
Churning, roiling, will I drown?
Help! Where did the calmness go?
Ocean, are you friend or foe?

Slowing, drifting, touching sand
Is it better seen from land?
Peace, serenity back again
The ocean , certainly, is a friend.
Jul 2010 · 475
True Love
Paulamae Jul 2010
True love cannot be explained
It’s something you’ll die for that is not feign.
It’s not just three words tossed around here and there
It’s something you feel, something worth care.
It’s not about princes with princess brides
It’s the feeling of warmth when you meet their eyes.
It’s not earned by sword or trial by fire
It’s the feelings of a heart that will never tire.
It’s not in the malice of an evil grin
It’s the warm sweet voice you here in the wind.

True love cannot be explained. Because if you truly love someone
*.... you can’t say why.
Jul 2010 · 718
Paulamae Jul 2010
My eyes are shut but I'm awake,
How much more can I take ?

I'm not weak but not yet strong,
Everything I do, I do it wrong.

I bite my lip and pull my hair,
I wish this life was always fair.

Things in life you cannot hide,
Your dreams and nightmares come alive.

How much more can I take ?
My eyes are open and I'm not awake.
Jul 2010 · 453
You Won
Paulamae Jul 2010
If I said I fell in love with music
Would you know it’s because of you
Because the words I heard a million times
Finally became something true

If I said I fell for you
Would you understand the reasons why
You said when I was around you
I had no reason to cry

If I said that I meant it
Would you believe that I meant yes
Even though I hesitate
You won’t have a second guess

If I said that it was over
Would you believe what I had done
Cause you’ve fought the battle for me
And my heart you’ve finally won.
Jul 2010 · 550
My Pride
Paulamae Jul 2010
I sit with a heavy bag of regret
it's all just extra weight.
I let the guilt freeze in my bones
and leave nothing left up to fate.

I dance in the shadows to hide who I am
my painful fear fits like a glove,
and I'm whispering songs of sorrow and hate
for the old me that I used to love.

I keep my face painted with masks
and all my guilt wrapped up inside.
My confidence left and I'm lonely
and with it.. it took all my pride.
Jul 2010 · 564
For Natalia
Paulamae Jul 2010
you help me through problems,
through things good and bad
you kept me smiling
when i was sad

as the years past
we may grow apart
but no place is too far
we wont forget about each other
where ever we are

you're a wonderful person
with a good heart to lend
and i want you to know
you'll always be my bestfriend.
Jul 2010 · 703
Paulamae Jul 2010
ribbons of memories
tied in a bow
pieced together, i miss you
but you'll never know

hair in my eyes
thats blocking my sight
don't know where i'm going
but i know it's not right.

you'll always have a place in my heart.. always
Jul 2010 · 671
Ode To The Pen
Paulamae Jul 2010
Dear old pen on paper,
You would never break my heart
And you wouldn't take our friendship
And let it fall apart

I know you'd never backstab
I don't think that you'd lie
As long as I still want you
We wont have to say goodbye

If I told you that I felt love
You would say you loved me too
With you I never feel left out
Or wonder if you're true

I think you're mine forever
You're the only one around
Who isn't messing with my heart
And hasn't let me down

So thank you pen on paper
You are my one true friend
And if you swear to do the same
I'll be here till the end.
Jul 2010 · 669
Not Fair
Paulamae Jul 2010
I need your help
But you don't care
This is hurting me so badly
It's simply not fair.

I dont deserves this
Mostly from you
I know I'm not perfect
But what should I do?
Jul 2010 · 656
Similar Games
Paulamae Jul 2010
Everyone's stuck
Inside there own mind
Feeling these things the same.

They think that they're lost
But they never were found
We're all playing similar games.
Jul 2010 · 532
Paulamae Jul 2010
I see the snow whispering
The secrets that it’s held
Watch the cold caress my face
To show that it means well

I see the sun melt ice cream
The treat cries in despair
And a breeze carries its soft sweet scent
The season without care

I see the leaves re-dress
In their formal gowns
From colors of a lovely red
To deep and hopeless brown

I see the flowers all awake
Rising from their beds
The petals fold out colors
And the trees all shake their heads

The sharp contrast of hot and cold
The way the seasons change
It’s just the earth telling us
Sometimes things re-arrange
Jul 2010 · 428
Paulamae Jul 2010
There are so many,
Ones that curve and bend.
I am lost here.
Not sure what one to choose
Because im afraid to lose,
The ones I love.
Maybe the wrong will be the right
And the right will be the wrong
Can I make it and be strong?
Jul 2010 · 686
Paulamae Jul 2010
You write about what you see.

You write about what could be, what should be.

You write to narrate others’  lives.

You write in order to survive.

You write because you feel oppressed, depressed.

You write because you’re mad.

You write because you feel the strength
when the pen is in your hand.

You write because the words sound smoother
then when they come from your mouth.

You write because you hear the music
and have to find the words.

You write because you see the beauty
in everything on Earth.

You write because you see the story
when you look in someone’s eyes.

You write because quantifying your thoughts
can be too hard to do in your head.

You write because you love the feeling
of the weight off of your chest.

You write because there’s no other channel
for which your passion you can express.

You write because there’s nothing better
than letting your voice be heard.

You write because without that voice
your life would be obscured.
The many reasons why i/we write.
Jul 2010 · 533
Paulamae Jul 2010
I laugh to hide the pain
laugh to hide the shame
that I bring on others
and leave them in the rain.

I always do.

Im the one to blame
for the pain
I put on them.

My friends,
they'll never know or understand
or think I am playing a game
but you see,
I wish I was.
Jul 2010 · 2.3k
Far Away
Paulamae Jul 2010
Gone away
far away
don't understand,
why you had to leave me.

I wonder,
if maybe, you're not that far away.

If you're listening,
in heaven,
i want you to know,
i didn't want you to go.

So tell me,
do angels cry?
do they ever wonder why, they died?
do they cry?
No effort.
Jul 2010 · 612
Part Of My Dream
Paulamae Jul 2010
I wish I was strong like I used to be

Before hurt and pain weakened me

Then this wouldn't hurt so much

All I need is your gentle touch

You know who you are and what I mean

You know that you are.. a part of my dream.
Jul 2010 · 465
Paulamae Jul 2010
Here I am free,
It's my light so I can see.
Life itself would be pointless,
Hours would be endless.
I'd constantly cry,
My face would never be dry.

You aren't me,
My life is not a cup of tea.
It's and endless fight,
Freedom is a far height.

Writing is my safe place,
Unlike your unwelcoming face.
You are insane to assume,
It's an unhealthy fume.
Nothings out of my reach,
You've got nothing to teach.

So stay away,
This is how I deal with everyday.
I don't need your hand,
I've got open lands.
Jul 2010 · 423
Why I write
Paulamae Jul 2010
I write to create
In the world’s massive novel
A page of my own
Jul 2010 · 395
No Value
Paulamae Jul 2010
No poetic price,
Do these words of mine posses.
They are just my life.
Jul 2010 · 469
Paulamae Jul 2010
Sleep comes to me slowly

But so does the realization of this memory

I could forever sit and wait

But piece by pitied piece my heart would break

And it wouldn’t matter if you leave me now

But don’t stay to get my hopes up, my feelings are bound

I’m *******, shut up, and let down

You should’ve known, you’ve been here long enough

And I can’t breathe so easily, every motion of you repents love

I’m stuck here in this infinite suspense

Untie these strings, break down this fence

How can I believe that you’ll stay

Your love is like a thread, torn and frayed

I hope you don’t mind this, maybe even prove me wrong

And finally begin a story out of this prologue.
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