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514 · Nov 2014
My secret lover
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
my secret lover i write you this poem
so you remember that i will always be yours.
My heart belongs to you
please be gentle  and be nice.

i will wait for you a million years and more
Distance is just a bad joke
true love can't be fooled

Our love never been so real
us never been so strong
like we are now

my secret lover
i will love you to infinity and beyond.

till i see you again
your one and only.
375 · Nov 2014
john doe
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
i met a boy almost 2 years ago.
my heart was stolen by this john doe.

time passed by and we became friends
never thought we were the same
so many things in common it was surreal
but it was obvious our love was real

we gave our friendship a month
not a day more
not a day less

we knew right away we were meant for each other.
356 · Oct 2014
understand me
Paula Pineda Oct 2014
Sometime i wish people could understand me.
I wish they could see the world through my eyes.
Hear the numbing noise and the embracing silence through my ears.

I wish I could express myself so they could understand
Why i like to be alone, why i like soft music and why i like odd things.
Instead of judging me like a book they haven't read.

But sometimes I'm glad they can't understand me,
it makes me feel like a work of art
hard to understand but with an indescribable mysterious

that only free spirited people,
can appreciate.
350 · Oct 2014
i sit back & watch
Paula Pineda Oct 2014
I sit back and watch
everyone talk,
everyone laugh,
Everyone lie.
i get to know them a little more this way

i sit back and watch
everyone fall and get hurt.
I try to help them
but the truth is that i fell and I've never been able to come up again

I put my hands together
to push them up.
I pray for them from hell.
With my flames i take them high
so they can go back to earth.
I'm left with no energy
while i burn down here in my own sorrow
a little sparkle of happiness fulfills me.

I'm never getting out of this hell
but I'm not letting anyone else come in
338 · Sep 2014
its been a while
Paula Pineda Sep 2014
theres nothing i desire the most than your touch
feeling your skin rub against mine,
feeling your lips kiss mine,
feeling you next to me.

its been a while since i last hugged you
its been a while since i held your hand
its been a while since we last laughed

distance is keeping us apart
its making us go mad
and its squeezing our heart

my love its been a while since i last saw you
327 · Nov 2014
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
I'm  permanently broken
i lost my pieces when i lost you
i left them in europe in every place i cried
some are in your shirts where my tears fell.

But they have been cleaned.

as time passes by it seems harder to find them again
you say i can't never lose my perfect match.
but i lost myself
there are no pieces left.

Yes your pieces were left there
but someday we will go back as i promised
that one day in florence.
we will go back and pick every single one of them.

i promise i will buy new shirts that will get wet
of your tears of happiness.
because no matter how broken you are
i promise i will complete you.

i will make the tears that were on your pillow disappear.

i loved you yesterday, i love you today and i will love you forever.
307 · Oct 2014
Paula Pineda Oct 2014
Theres nothing I enjoy the most than silence.
Still sweet silence.
When I can hear my thoughts and my heartbeat.

The cold weather and the warm silence
Make me appreciate the beauty of this world.
I see no violence, no tears, no death.
Only a happy silence.

The tranquility
The joy
The peace
That silence brings.

It makes me feel free.
299 · Nov 2014
Thank you father
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
he has the most beautiful green eyes i've ever seen
he has the sweets voice i've ever heard
he has the best skin i've ever touched
he has the best heart of them all.

thank you Lord for giving me a man like this
he changed my life in the most beautiful way
he made me smile like no one else can
he fills me with love and peace

thank you lord for making a human so perfect
a human so gentle
a human so kind
a human so lovely

Father he stole my heart since the first time i saw him walking around school.
he came from a foreign land
to the most remote place in earth
never thought i was going to meet the love of my life that day
but it was the best surprise i've ever had.

its been almost 1 year and 6 months and he still fills me with butterflies
he is my path and the light in the darkness of this life
he is strong and wise
i never met a person so passionate for life and dreams
294 · Nov 2014
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
romeo and juliet were more lucky than we are
we can't talk, we live far away
my love its all harder now.

we are trying to stay together
but we don't know if it will be till forever
love is so hard
love is so sweet

our love seems so impossible.
when would i see you again?.

when i die?
or in this life…

our love story is uncertain
but our feelings aren't
293 · Oct 2014
Where Am I?
Paula Pineda Oct 2014
This thought won't let me sleep.
This terrifying thoughts won't let me be.
What can I do to stop them.
They are consuming me.

Lost in confusion.
Like an illusion.
Wishing I was never born.
Dying to be reborn.

Can't find my way.
I lost my soul as I traveled back to earth.
Where is it?
Where am I?
279 · Oct 2014
Paula Pineda Oct 2014
If someone ever told you life is easy and happy,
I'm sorry but they are lying.
There is no such thing as a happy and easy life.  
Babies live a hard life too trying to learn how to survive without talking.
Kids live a hard life too trying to learn how to multiply and divide.
Teenagers live a hard life too trying to find themselves.
Adults live a hard life too trying to work for a "good" life.
Elders live a hard life too trying no to forget the hard life they once lived.

Life would be pointless living if it was all easy and happy.
Life is a series of consecutive disappointments.
The point of living such a miserable life is to work hard to make it good, to make it happy and to make it worth living.
Dreams are the path that we should all follow to get to the life we desire to live.
278 · Nov 2014
Paula Pineda Nov 2014
his eyes
his smile
his scent
his skin
his heart
his soul
he is everything
269 · Sep 2014
like R&J
Paula Pineda Sep 2014
As time passes by
I feel that we are more like romeo and juliet.
People and society trying to keep us apart
in this love so deep and beautiful

I can't imagine a life without you.
It wouldn't be worth living.
I wish things could be like before
When we were together physically,
When nothing nor no one could come between us
but as the time passes that is getting harder.

— The End —