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757 · Jun 2016
Summer Solstice....
Paula M DiMattio Jun 2016
Awaken sweet Earth
A summer sun blazes bright
Eager blooms open

A promise to life
To each meadow garden glen
To thrive once again

Flora and Fauna
Behold its power within
Bountiful landscapes

An array of colors
Some just take your breathe away
Perfection abounds

It's time to get out
Rejuvenate your vigor
Exploring this world

On this longest day
We honor your arrival
With welcoming arms

PMD 6~20~2016
756 · Feb 2016
Paula M DiMattio Feb 2016
Night in the woods....
Eyelids are resting
Constant motion is at hand
On a starlit night

Gentle winds carry sound
Predators call is noticed
Deep in a forest

Birds are rustling
Alarming others be still
Art of avoidance

A high piercing cry
Death comes swiftly delivered
Instantly over

As light fills the sky
Darkness surrenders its hold
Bringing on the dawn

P.M.D. 1~22~2016
Paula M DiMattio Feb 2016
Seeing the sun rise
Waves crashing salt sea air
Tasting sweet strawberry

Reflections of mind
Meditation prayer pause
Finding my balance

Measuring limits
Remaining true to one's self
I determine it

Under the radar
Not keeping with the Masses
Love is my treasure

Keeping self esteem
Refusing to be put down
Voicing opinions

With all that I have
Sleeping bundled on a bench
Waiting for shelter

557 · Apr 2016
Once Upon A Time
Paula M DiMattio Apr 2016
Never before you
Has there been anyone like you
That once became us

From the first moment
Astonishing beautiful eyes
Smitten by you

So irresistible
Like a moth to candlelight
Couldn't stay away

Learning to love
To give receive rejoice in
being in unison

A fire in my soul
Senses linger hands caress
Immersed in passion

Love from you for you
Exposing my affection
Wrapped in your embrace

Burning so brightly
A world disappears from view
An exquisite flame

No need for control
It doesn't exist with us
Like a river we flow

Call my name softly
I come to you willingly
To partake of more

Images of love
Invading my dreams each night
Once upon a time

PMD 3~14~2016
489 · Mar 2016
Paula M DiMattio Mar 2016
Afternoon Visit
A privilege to behold
Her story unfolds

A quilt drapes the bed
A sampler hangs over it
A labor of love

Her voice soft and low
From her heart's memory
She recalls her youth

By the candlelight
Her mother passed on to her
A lifelong career

A hand runs over it
Beautiful flawless stitches
Admiring her work

She listens closely
Each detail is memorized
To retell later

Endless needle ******
Hours spent diligently
Lessons everyday

Cotton wool velvet
Solids prints floral fabrics
Neatly on a shelf

Once powered by foot
Now idle covered in fine dust
A Singer treadle

Unfinished dress coat
Embracing a mannequin
Never to be worn

In a chair she sits
Her hands methodically stitch
Unseen material

She turns her head slightly
As she dismisses her guest
Good night Mom is heard

PMD 2~1~2016
365 · Mar 2016
1961 Eustis
Paula M DiMattio Mar 2016
Resounding Pellets
Beading up hitting windows
The storm rages on

From my youthful eyes
Five steps down red brick sidewalk
Freedom is waiting

A nuisance puddle
For travelers of the day
Cars moving so slow

The echos of pleas
Badgering my mom please please
Let us go outside

A pond of water
To Nellie Albatelley's
Clear across two roads

Finally a yes
Finding appropriate clothing
Without causing fuss

Bare feet and raincoat
Head soaked wading cold water
Presence of laughter

Chattering blue lips
surrendering to chilled bones
Thirty minutes in

Tossing aside clothes
Wrapped securely in blankets
Sharing body heat

Robbed of energy
Eyes closing unwillingly
Afternoon nap time

Cascade windswept rain
Torrential downpour falling
Rain on Eustis street

PMD 3~10~2016
348 · Apr 2016
Paula M DiMattio Apr 2016
Missing you...
We met unexpected
We entwined a kindred flame
Not meant for this life

The rush that was you
Racing heart burning my mind
The wonder of you

Like a freight train
Rattling my sheer existence
Your beautiful soul

I remember love
You can't get enough to breathe
I breathe cause of you

There you are always
On this day you went away
Leaving me behind

RIP Stevie 12~7~2002
PMD 12~7~2016
246 · Jun 2017
Faces Of Solstice...
Paula M DiMattio Jun 2017
Faces Of Solstice....

Between a rock frame
Captured in all its glory
A bright sun rises

Early morning light
A day for seedlings to sprout
While the sun stands still

A high mountain side
Lush valleys of nature thrive
Bursting in color

A garden sundial
Elaborate work of art
Showing its movement

A Medicine wheel
Tracking its appearance
As the day goes on

Summer birds in flight
Flocking once more loudly sing
Their praise for sunshine

Marking midsummer
Gathering in the country
Fires end a long day


— The End —