The Obsidian Theater XIV
Good evening.
I’m sorry to say we don’t have a show scheduled for tonight.
Too many people didn’t show.
Performers were absent.
The ticket girl is dead
The dancers are downstairs naked and in piles of sweaty flesh
And I’m here,
Talking to you.
It’s just one of those nights
One bottle of wine
Three packs of cigarettes later
And the shadows turn to people
The stage lights beam down on you
Like a blinding sun
Prompting you to open your heart
And spill the regretful clots that block relief from your soul
Some time ago
Day in and day out
I was there for another.
A relation of mine who suffered from a disorder of the eyes
Unusually high pressure
within the eyeball
that leads to damage of the optic disk.
I become the eyes she wished she had.
The valet she wanted
The Grandson she loved.
The only person there who could do anything
Numerous visits and endless prescriptions filled:
Four times a day, left eye;
One time a day, left eye;
Four times a day, right eye;
Before bedtime in right eye;
Two times a day, right eye;
Two times a day, right eye;
Three times a day, right eye;
All in one day.
Eye drop medications
Bottles with
White tops
Red tops
Pink tops
Turquoise tops
Yellow tops
Purple tops
And orange tops.
Each day of putting someone else before you
Because you love them
They did the same for you when you were a child
You’re hopeful those hours in surgery will help
You feel utterly useless waiting for something you cannot control
Imagining what those frail, foggy eyes think of you
When you pull back the pus-crusted eyelid back to administer some relief.
And her moaning in the night matches your fears
And when she speaks you tell her how well you’re doing at work in at school
How you have a lovely girlfriend
And you’re getting along with mother
But these are lies
Lies to lessen the troubles
But I have to work is excruciating
School is put on hold
Girlfriend is non-existent
Replaced with shallow, empty hook-ups in bars
And Mother doesn’t speak often
Only to dispel her constant disappointment
But not Maw-maw
She looks at me as an angel
And good person maintaining a life when she is ill
But I’m not sure it’s all that
My happiness has never been important
It’s always been others I wished who were happier than me
Because I can make that sacrifice
I can forfeit my happiness for others
Because I saw the world for what it is
And the last thing I want
Is for others to see that side of life
I’ll make the sacrifice
So others don’t have to.
There a monster from where I came from
It was Hell itself
And it devoured all
My body was slammed and crushed in the underbelly of the immortal beast
Hellbent on ridiculing me
With Toys and whips and
Instruments of merciless pain.
All in the name of “good”
Of “love”
Of “care”
Of “discipline”
Of “God”
Looking up at the framed picture of Christ in my Maw-Maw’s room
I feel so naked
So weak
And afraid
Orbital apparitions of anguish
Hover while I sleep
Wishing just to be in the arms of one person
Who loves and truly cares
And will accept my release
And my tears.
One bottle of wine,
two swigs of self-loathing,
a case of nostalgia
A line of white-lighted prayer
Four packs of cigarettes
And a dying stage light later…
And we have a show.
Look at that
A full house.
I’ll take a bow.
I’ll take this opportunity to thank the doctors and staff at Scott & White medical in Temple, Texas and my Grandmother Betty (Maw-Maw) for the lessons of life and self-experience.
See you all at the next show.