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Jun 2011 · 1.1k
Cigarette Stick
Paul Williams Jun 2011
Half-smoked, hand rolled cigarette stick,
my body says I need that fix.
Just as the filter tip hits my lip,
the lighter flicks.

The flame ignites, the paper burns,
smoke's drawn in by sinful years,
inside the lungs it twists and turns,
unveiling a message oh so stern.

A moment's pass and I'm down to the ****
as Salvation's door is quietly shut,
a dizzy feeling erupts in the gut
and I find myself stuck in the same old rut.
Jun 2011 · 881
Limerick I
Paul Williams Jun 2011
From Dover was born Brian David,
And our language, though foul, sill he treasu'red,
  So with wit he did spit
    the quirkiest quips
And that old wretch called English was saved!
Jun 2011 · 782
The Poet
Paul Williams Jun 2011
The poet writes at night
  to expose with eloquence, distress
In this frenzy of mad delight
  is discovered this poor fool's mess

This is no mark of glory
  nor does it beckon any fame
For, 'tis naught but a story
  or pride wrapped up in shame

The poet writes at dawn
  in the midst of early morning hues
The sunlight's rays do shine upon
  this page, and eyes of few

Who reads these words,
  who dares to gaze?
What quest begets such query?

What virtue is seen,
  behind the haze
Of the poet's impassioned fury?

The poet writes,
  the world listens

Ideas and plights,
  in ink do glisten

Anew, the day wakes up the world
  but there is no blank slate
For, we find new problems scribbled
  to solve them, this is fate
Jun 2011 · 791
Do You?
Paul Williams Jun 2011
Do you recall early autumn's soft breeze?
  The rustling trees, or the warm colored leaves?

Do you recall the maniacal joy
  of falling in love with a boy?

Do you recall the twisting and twirling?
  Emotions unfurling, or toes as they're curling?

Do you recall the winter's harsh winds?
  The storms that you heard, those tears you endured?

Do you recall the fantastical pain
  of a fairytale embellished by stain?

Do you recall, from courage, a whimper?
  Though your heartbeat sank limper, to your soul's growth 'twas no hinder.
Apr 2011 · 813
Instructions for Teaching
Paul Williams Apr 2011
Turning madness to method,
     with each little lesson,
the tools of the trade, they are taught.

Most students absorb it,
     Though a few do abhor it
preferring their own methods wrought.

The soul of the child,
     tuned to the call of the wild
listens for thunder, a spark.

Though some grow up and follow
     a calling so hollow
a few still do follow the Lark.

Hark! This ode is for those,
     whose minds are exposed
to each streaming glint of the Sun.

So may we furnish with care,
     and nourish minds where
we see present a passion for fun.
Jul 2010 · 812
Paul Williams Jul 2010
Lounging on the porch steps of Dylan's old--
Riding the wind, trying to catch a drift home
Waitin' for the moment when all the dust gets blown
Down in the ground, mixin' around, never to be found
History is hidden even from the cunning
of the Fox and the Hound

The crumbled past is unwritten as the future
Just waiting for the master to piece it together
Every moment holds clues of what to do
of what there is to be done
and what there is that was done

So fire the gun and have some fun
Let the lead fly leaving ripples in the sky
Dissipating, as time blows by

These gusts give life to our strife
The tension of lust
Bends in its motion
back and forth
the instrumentation of accumulation
Feb 2010 · 1.4k
Red, Red Wine
Paul Williams Feb 2010
An interweaving stream of fluid burgundy falls fast
Slipping from the tip of this crystal clear glass
Flowing down through gravity 'till it makes contact with the exquisite white spongy strings
strung together for the sole purpose of sale.

She exclaims
As she seeks to supplement a spill with her own soul
not noticing that neither wine nor bleach
stop the spinning cycle from spiraling down
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Growth and Decay
Paul Williams Feb 2010
Buds bloom beautifully into flowers,

And spill silently into soil.
Feb 2010 · 838
Finger Trap
Paul Williams Feb 2010
pulling this notebook out of its pouch for my own sake
snags my phalanges in a chinese finger trap of creativity

fingers wrapped tightly around the base of this endless inkwell
pushing words out of experience flat onto paper
that pushes back against the rolling ball on point

the loose but anxious grip
of this wise trinket's wooden strips
remind me to step back
to expel myself from the grip of I
Feb 2010 · 638
Haiku III
Paul Williams Feb 2010
foggy air and
crisp frosted grass
beckon the winter
Feb 2010 · 717
Haiku IV
Paul Williams Feb 2010
lazy for hours
briefly studious
Feb 2010 · 628
Haiku V
Paul Williams Feb 2010
for a moment
the breeze fades
sunlight warms the cool air
Feb 2010 · 460
Haiku I
Paul Williams Feb 2010
horse grazing
bus flies by
still grazing
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
Nativity and Mortality
Paul Williams Feb 2010
pendulum drawn back
and let go
God breathes life into his creation
in an awesome transformation
of potentiality to reality

swinging forth, happiness
and back, to suffering
a dog chases his own tail

at the asymptotic futility
of grasping at clouds
tranquil Death chuckles
sitting still
betwixt the poles
Feb 2010 · 932
Paul Williams Feb 2010
a disturbance
the cool air atop this cliff shakes with reverberence

turning my head
like the flick of a switch

energy ripples out
from the tip of this wing
a pair of another pair
Feb 2010 · 904
Haiku II
Paul Williams Feb 2010
a silent sound
waves breaking on sand
the gull cries out
Feb 2010 · 6.3k
Paul Williams Feb 2010
stitched Teal fabric
snugly hugs the hills and valleys
of fat and muscle
encasing the frail ivory timber within
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
Inverted Embarassment
Paul Williams Feb 2010
On the evening bus,
as alcohol flows through the veins of the college kids sitting in the back

The sober crowd's ironic cheeks glow rosy red,
as Amy Mae walks straight through a brick wall
Paul Williams Feb 2010
the howling winds scream as they pass through the motionless air
stirring up monstrous waves within the calm sea water
on this night as bright as day

the moon guiding the soul of the captain of this canoe
all the while, being jostled by the raging flows of momentum
but never once moving from the same place
as many miles from home
as moments have passed through his periphery

the push of the paddle pulls power from the void
each stroke propelling the boat as far forward
as the displaced water is pushed back
by the legs of this crafted wooden creature

the dull captain has never gotten where he is going to
he has simply been there his whole life

— The End —