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Jun 2013 · 889
Paul Verkouteren Jun 2013
The more we deeply Love the self, the less we will feel hurt by the lack of Love from others. Deeply loving the self, is not about love of the Ego, its about allowing the Ego to open the door to the Soul, where we explore our depths, our darkness and our light, our wisdom, our truth and our inner beauty.
Paul Verkouteren Jun 2013
she walks along the sun beaten path she clears my heart of all the sorrow and stress her eyes crumble my very foundations she is the one that has the bright soul that shines above all the rest she could is the love that stops wars she is the love that great writers only can dream of she is the love that is irresistible in my mind i walk the dark streets and i see her a beacon of light pushing away the darkness
May 2013 · 934
My mind at a standstill
Paul Verkouteren May 2013
I want to break down the walls of vanity it is the cause of my destitution I have the mindset of a man who has lost all sanity and self worth walking along the needles of self doubt the pain I feel upon my feet the unforgiving object piecing my reality creating an imperfect image in an inhumane existence is my life bound by the creeping feelings of isolating thoughts or is hope just above the horizon shining with a brilliance that man can only begin to comprehend
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Lovely Lies
Paul Verkouteren Apr 2013
Love in essence is the value of dust beating along the dunes of oblivious desert
I see the shores of neglect beating along the desolate beaches
solitude is crashing through my ever weary soul  
the lively feeling of the ever brilliant sun
pierces my visions of incantations
sounds of voices coming up from the chasm
speaking of the love long lost in the midnight
beating drums of the sinful fabricator haunt me now in my waking hour
only in shame and anguish i shall flee
how queer that one must think about the inner feelings of alienation and self doubt
I feel like I’m in this rapid change of emotion as time goes merrily by
The lucid point of my journey in this ever changing existence is nothing but an illusion for vanity and self hatred
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
The girl I have been longing for is so many miles away in my soul
but in my heart shes right next to me
she is like a dove flying through the mid morning sky
i try to find her through my vulnerable soul
but alas only through my ever awakening heart
I am able to find her through the stars
i see her ever glowing with such a magnificent color
that it is irresistible to the eye of man
she is my muse ever singing along with such grace in my waking dreams
she is the flame that fills my heart
with such passion and adulation
come back to me now
oh sweet dove come back to me
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Enigmatic Living
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
Memories drifting along in the harshness of winter but also come back at the dawn of spring
The journey to a concrete existence is one a being cannot finish
These thoughts run through my mind in a effort to convince myself that somehow my life will end up having a purpose or an explanation
Explanations full of doubt and obscurity these thoughts and memories which make my question my creator my self worth my fundamental personal traits that i have created for myself
In life there are journeys that are never concrete the answers to the question are never clear as the summer rain
These journeys, memories and thoughts are what makes enigmatic living a work of obnubilate art
Feb 2013 · 1.5k
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
I wish I were a glow worm, a glow worm's never glum. Cause how can you be grumpy when the sun shines out your ***
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
I hear the drums beating a long the ****** city
Hearing only the whispers of strangers
I hear only hear talk of war and misanthropy
Nothing good on the news
Fear and panic is rampant through my mind
The complacent the happy ones hope for the better future
and here I am seeing the evil side of humanity
the apathetic side of humanity
the falseness the false hopes
the ugly truth falls on my head like the mid morning rain
it’s like yesterday my friends withered away
I feel this sense of estrangement for others that i can’t begin to fully understand
it’s like a never ending maze that is making me a blind social outcast
breaking me down to my very foundations
stirring up my inner feelings of anger ,hate ,self destruction
detesting logic for emotional rage that I somehow need to tame
thoughts expectations emotions racing through my ever vulnerable  spirit
I gradually become more withdrawn from people as I age
I see sometimes only frauds and selfishness
fates knocking down at my door
is there a bright essence of happiness that I will find a long this peculiar road called life ?
am I meant to fall by the wayside; to serve as warnings to the rest of us; signs posts along the way...... these thoughts are racing in my awakened mind but in vain I’m silent
Revised version
Feb 2013 · 2.2k
Personal letter to myself
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
Depression, Depression the feeling of emptiness always a challenge to fill it with happiness. One of my favorite songwriters is Nick Drake his somber yet powerful lyrics about not be able to connect with people and depression really helped me in times of personal trouble. I was diagnosed very early on in my childhood with depression I started reading a lot listening to music looking outside my window watching the other children play knowing how I would not be able to connect socially. When my parents divorced I realized that my life began to go in a downward spiral then I discovered Nick Drake. I felt connected to him in some way as if I was a incarnation of him. When I listen to his music I feel the same sense of hopelessness the same feelings of isolation. At times I feel stronger for going through this permanent pain but then I think to myself what of my future. That question races though my mind it almost like its making me a restless ghost during those cold dark nights. Through my high school years I still felt the same isolation with people as when I was a child. But the big difference was that I didn’t place a big smile on my face when I knew everything was not alright. This time I expressed my feelings in a more mature and realistic way. I started to write a lot in my spare time I usually wrote a lot of isolated characters trying to find that source of happiness that would free them of their personal pains. Once I wrote a short story about a girl that I fell in love with being a huge fan of F.Scott Fitzgerald I described the main character as the girl all the boys want but can ever have. With a combination of Nick Drakes lyrical style and F Scott Fitzgerald’s plot structure I wrote a love story that defined my inner feelings that I couldn’t really express with verbal communication. Sometimes I believe when people socialize verbally it establishes a more meaningful connection but for me developing socializing socials wasn’t so verbal but it was with writing and listening to music where I developed a sense of identity that was a real morale booster to continue living life with the aspirations of success and personal happiness.
Feb 2013 · 2.3k
Blissful Individuality
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
The pain of not having a companion is at times can make you feel that sense of dark isolation
that any rational human being would never like to feel
that feeling of blissful solitude the ironic feeling of joy when an individual is alone
i feel with just an individual with his/her thoughts
is the perfect place for the mind to be in a state of tranquility and bliss
one who takes the path to being  an individual frees and opens your mind to a new beginning
individually engrossed in ones own thoughts  
is when an individual can truly be free  
the world is a canvas and the true individual is the artist
with pride and confidence you must walk the path of your dreams
live the life you imagined
one is not born into the world to do everything but to do something!
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
As i used to see it
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
Fake parental love
Apathetic attitudes all around me
What is love
What is friendship
Those questions keep me dead in my waking dreams
I dream of love and acceptance the pursuit of happiness
So many dead dreams pilling up keep me questioning what the so called god has in store for me
Great ambitions so many goals reaching the sky above
Yet i'm constantly faced with hate and demise  
I lay in dismay at all the phonies and so called accepting Christ loving people who do nothing but stand there and talk in a pretentious yet ****** manner
The hordes of people swarming the halls like packs of wolves swarming for their lunch
student organizations losing their purpose only there to look attractive for the school school the institution that imprisons me like a rat in a cage i wish to be free of such disorder and unrest
After my day is done i walk down from the hell  i have experienced
i try to go away from it
trying to seek shelter in such an unholy environment
i come back to the hell  
another god forsaken place
full of apathetic unpredictable hate random bursts of rage and fits
expectations expectations
draining my heart of emotion
i am but an alien feeling nothing but alienation
i'm just a stranger in a strange land
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
love in the midnight winter
Paul Verkouteren Feb 2013
the sentimental death wish as i think of your dark flowing hair in the gusty winter midnight sky makes me think of my frivolous existence i look to the somber night for quandaries of life love and happiness i find the moon light exacerbating the adulation of those dead light brown eyes yet with such a effervescent nature to those dark dreary eyes my voice sprouts out infatuation comments words to memorize then i lose myself in the sudden chill of the night i forget my judgement in the brilliance of the morning sunset the beginning of a brilliant love the beginning of something graceful graceful as the first blooming of a flower during the dawn of spring yet still clinging to the harshness of the winters chill.

— The End —