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paul passero Jan 2016
No one's right,
No one's wrong.
My lip it quivers,
I must be strong.

I fight the tears,
I hide the sorrow.
Whose house is it,
When I wake tomorrow?

I don't understand,
They just don't see.
That when they fight,
The hurt's on me.

I love them both,
Why not each other?
I dad,
I mother.
I wrote this as I was driving with my niece and sister. My sister was explaining to my niece why her parents were getting a divorce.
paul passero Jan 2016
Each day I awake,
I see the sun shine.
When I lay down to sleep,
The dreams are all mine.

All the joy that I feel,
All the pain that I hide.
She may be far away,
But she's right by my side.

She showed me the right,
When I did the wrong.
She gave me the strength,
When I couldn't go on.

The love that she taught,
Compares to no other.
She gave me my life,
There's no love like my mother's.
paul passero Jan 2016
The waste of a day
The waste of a night
Another change in the seasons
No change in your life

Wanting it different
To travel new paths
Losing the sorrow
Learning to laugh

Life is not easy
One must put up a fight
Just don't sit in your corner
That's a waste of your life.

— The End —