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paul passero Feb 2016
No I didn't sign up for this,
This being alone.
Yeah I had no idea,
'Bout your heart of stone.
I was up there in the clouds,
Not seeing the signs.
Just falling further down,
Not watching the time.
Time watch it slip away,
As the days go by.
You're already on your way,
And I'm left behind.
Behind the dreams I'll never see,
Thru the painful past.
I watch you drift away,
Under the spell you cast.
paul passero Feb 2016
Can't find the future,
I've lost the past.
My mind is shattered,
Like broken glass.
One too many,
A line too long.
Burn another,
The needles drawn.
Way too high,
Can't hear a sound.
It's way too late,
I'm six feet down.
paul passero Feb 2016
As my tears rolled into the ocean,
My heart took off to the sky.
What's left of my mind,
Is in restless scatter.
Can't see a thing,
With these blinded eyes.
Blinded by the pain you left here,
Burned by the path you blazed.
Confused and lonely,
Nothing feels right.
My mind's in a twisted haze.
paul passero Feb 2016
Same prayer every night,
Still seeing daylight.
Why won't he take my hand,
To the promised land.
Don't wanna work,
Hate paying them bills.
No one to hold,
Nothing to feel.
This life is so empty,
No time to ****.
I'm ready to pass,
Make this day my last....
paul passero Feb 2016
Ready to go,
Wanting to fly.
Feeling like,
Lifes past you by.

Nothing to want,
No one to need.
Empty thoughts,
Hopeless  dreams.

No reason to wake,
No spirit to move.
Reality's gone,
Existence is through.
paul passero Feb 2016
The stakes were high,
The pain is real.
The cards were drawn,
You cut the deal.

These flames will burn,
Your path alone.
No one beside you,
This deal's your own.

You've signed the deal,
The devil's spoken.
All lives are shattered,
All deals....are broken.
This is an old one, 1/26/04
paul passero Feb 2016
I'm rolled up,
On the bedroom floor.
Dam these voices,
They're at my door.
They keep a knockin'
Won't let them in.
These haunting voices,
No way they'll win.
I'm much too strong,
They're way too weak.
My mind they want,
My soul they seek.
It's mine to keep,
My head they rattle.
They've got no chance,
I'll win this battle.
Be strong.....
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