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Paul Murphy May 2012
Two small letters

Alone with little significance

But when paired

Carry heavy consequence

Repulse and rejection

Persuasion and promise

A single syllable that

With impeccable timing

Can ignite  powerful fire

But first that leap

One of faith and blind abandonment

Must be taken

To go

Where many have gone

With dreams of different results

To break down walls built strong and high

A hard earned twinkle

Gleaming in her eyes

That smile so sharp

Cutting sweetly deep

Releasing the **** holding back

Everything in life you wish for

Before you I stand

Heart pounding heavy

Ready to leap from my chest

With one thing on my mind

A single statement to be made

Not that your elegant beauty brightens the world

For that is an obvious truth

This statement is much simpler

Bold and beautiful

If uttered correctly

As I bring myself to meet your eyes

Deep like the sea and powerful

Like the waves crashing on the shore

My lips part

Paul Murphy May 2012
That empty space left in my heart

Staring me down each day

Every second cutting deeper

My soul slowly fading

Since the day you walked away

Endlessly searching for the one

Who fits in my arms

As perfectly as you did

Caramel colored hair, caressing

Petite shoulders that create perfectly

A beautiful frame in which sat

The face of an angel

Who broke down weathered walls

With a brightly lit smile

An eloquent touch, strong and delicate

That washed my wounds clean

Her kiss

So soft and sensual

A blissfully sweet waterfall

Warming a cold heart once shut from the world

Not a day, passing by ever so slowly

Will that image escape my mind

Countless girls pass me by on the street

And each time I look away

Fearful of seeing you in their eyes

As if I'm trying to place Cinderella's slipper

On someone else' foot

Already knowing the face of who it belongs to
Paul Murphy May 2012
That title wave coming fast

Tsunami of emotion crashing over me

Drowning my heart

The tears hidden behind water rushing over me

Endlessly churning, rolling

Rising to the surface, a feeling of warmth

But quickly sinking to the dark depths

Cold and empty

Fighting a battle

One I fear may soon end

Slowly the pressure collapses my chest

How much longer can I hold fast?

The will to continue draining

As each beat of my heart grows weaker
Paul Murphy May 2012
It's that bottle of pills I'd like to take

Staring me in the face

The easy way out

My Great Escape

Their evil encapsulated

In a small white cylinder

Sin ripe for the taking

A joy ride with no happy ending

Temptation brushes her soft *****

Gently across my cheek

But entombed they remain

Pain never ending

Motivation for resistance

To be felt by those held close

Dearly beloveds who matter most

What unknown effect is felt

Worth many times over

The suffering endured by an early end

By an absence of impact

Never to be known

By those still to learn Life's little lessons

The hole left unfilled

Weary wisdom left piled next to it

So silently war will rage

Rapture my soul

Tainted with the blood my heart beats

Behind closed walls

For none to see

Blissfully they remain ignorant

It is safer this way
Paul Murphy May 2012
And the world falls apart in a moment.

When your guard is down, as you step back to admire what beauty has been bestowed upon you.

In that moment, power beyond measure becomes real.

Pain and disappoint crash over you

Bringing the strongest to their knees

Darkness rains heavily on the heart

But in the darkest hour we find light

Shining in the hearts

Of caring individuals who give meaning

To a world apparently cold and empty

They share their strength

Bare your burden

Lift your chin and open arms wide

Wrapping you in Love’s warm embrace

Picking up the pieces scattered

Filling in the missing piece previously unseen

Completing the puzzle you once thought was complete

A beautiful masterpiece

Cohesive and full of life

Paul Murphy May 2012
Thoughts and fears becoming an obsession

Flowing like the sea

Beautiful waves creating what lies before me

Or untamed power

A force of Destruction

Worries of where it will take me

Dragging my life down in the undertow



Something that has the power

To push me far

Help me arrive in paradise

Will also take me down

To a cold, dark hell

Silent and alone

Overbearing pressure collapsing my lungs

Slowly stealing the warmth from my soul

It can make me feel alive

Or steal the life from my body

With each day, each hour, each moment

Not even the Lord knows not

Where I will end up
Paul Murphy May 2012
I missed that ship

Watched it set sail without me

Childish fears held me back

So like a statue I stood

As you boarded

Heading to warmer weather

The better life we both yearned for

Fulfilling dreams without me by your side

A single cloud has flown in

Positioned over me with a heavy rain

But it hides my tears

As you slowly fade in to the distance

So I wish you pleasant travels

And happier days

Waving goodbye

As my heart cries out for you

I just hope you always remember us

Send a postcard from Paradise
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