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Dec 2010 · 903
Paul Lockley Dec 2010
Golden disc retreating to a pallid horizon.
Tree tops bathed in fiery glow
Rendered starkly against brooding clouds.

Coal black shadows recumbent on a
slumbering landscape,
As summers prime colours sedately ebb away.

Pale silver orb awaits curtain call.
Whilst the first chilled kiss of Autumn caresses skin.
Dec 2010 · 2.0k
Black Choir
Paul Lockley Dec 2010
No time to stop,
They're always behind me.
Waiting for the moment.
I stumble and fall.
The voices have me.
"You're useless" comes a hissing whisper.
"Everybody hates you" spits another.
"You have no friends" screams a third.
A babble of Harpie like voices screaming around my head.
Voices joining in unison.
A choir of negativity screaming to a crescendo
Dec 2010 · 410
Paul Lockley Dec 2010
I stepped through a puddle today.
I smiled and said "Hello",
As i passed myself going the other way.
I like it here.
I think i'll stay.
Nov 2010 · 4.3k
Paul Lockley Nov 2010
Standing perplexed
Vigorously stabbing button
Scowling at passing traffic
Prodding repeatedly
Slapping neon display like
a defective vending machine
Arms flailing in impatience
Fidgeting on kerb edge.
He's the cross crossing man.
Nov 2010 · 1.5k
Me and creativity
Paul Lockley Nov 2010
Me and creativity,
We get on rather well.
We see the world with eyes of awe,
From an Elephant to a seashell.

Hearing the "Caw" of the Crow,so brusk.
Or gaze in wonder at the golden wheat husk.

Inhaling the dawn with enthused delight.
Feel sharp edged frost on a star strewn night.

And when the dark consumes daylight,
There's nought to dampen our delight.
Me and creativity

— The End —