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Paul Jones Feb 2012
Society says
What you see
Is what you get
Is the person you see
The actual person?
They wear so
Many masks
Disguise themselves
Personality alterations
To please the crowd
Change again
For a different crowd
Perfect girl
Maybe a cold-heared
Or a superficial *****?
It is not
Who are you?
Who do you have
To be to
Please a crowd?
The question
Begs an answer
Have we
Stopped being human?
Have we become
Slaves of
Socialogical pressure?
Be accepted
Or be on the outside
Destroy the
Essence of yourself
In order to fit in
Paul Jones Feb 2012
Caught my reflection
In the mirror
This morning
Seen something
That was not there
A calmness and
That I do not possess
How can that be?
It is impossible
My life is hectic
But in the mirror
It is mirrored
Just as left is rifgr
Frantic become calm
Question comes to me
Do people see me as me
Or the man in
The mirror?
I must know
As he is not me
He may look like me
But he is opposite
So what
You say looking
At my bad points
Forgetting the good
I fade out
The ultimate sign off
He steps in
Takes control
Stop him please
I cannot
As I am trapped
Behind glass
In the mirror
Paul Jones Jan 2012
When we were together
I was happy
I gave you my heart
You took it
Then you left me
Now there is
Emptiness inside of me
Caused by you
Leaving me
A gap
I am incomplete
Look at what
You have done
You have made this man
A wreck
There is pain
Pain like I have
Never felt before
In this gap
Which used to house
My heart
What use is a heart?
If it breaks so easily
And so readily?
They say it is
"Better to have love and lost
Than never to have loved at all"
But they never
Mentioned the pain
You were crying
When you said
It was over
You might be crying now
Like I am
But your tears will dry
When you find someone else
But how can I
Dry my eyes?
How can I find
Someone who will fill my life
As you once did?
Find someone who
Will fill the void
That exists in my heart
Paul Jones Jan 2012
Alone in my bed
Thinking of you
Waiting for sleep to come
Eyes heavy
No respite
Waves of sleep
Wash over me
But I always end up
On the  shore
In the island of dreams
Possibilites are infinite
On the shore
Looking towards the island
I want to be there
In dreams where
I can meet you
The sea of sleep stops me
It mocks me
All I want is to swim in it
Let the waves cover me
Carry me
Somewhere else
Where I am someone else
Unknown but loved
Like a young screen idol
Alone on the shore
Watching the island
Paul Jones Jan 2012
There are three phases
Of time
There is fast time
Experienced when we
Were young
Summertime were
Too short
That is what
Time feels like
When we are together
There is long time
Experinced in the now
Last ten minutes
Of last work day
Stretch out to eternity
This is what
Time feels like
For me
When we are apart
When I am alone
There is normal time
Experienced before
I met you
Never experienced since
Because of you
But I do not mind
I love you
Paul Jones Jan 2012
Cannot stop thinking
About you
Will not until you are mine
Until I am
The air that you breathe
I cannot eat
I cannot concentrate
You fill myevery waking hour
My thoughts always drift
Back to you
It is not love
It is obsession
A bad obsession
Messing with my mind
Stopping mw from living
No help from anyone
Beyond help
Beyond salvation
Please help me
Do not want to
Live like this
Mind is not right
I need you
Like a drug
Word goes through
My mind
Do not care
Past caring
Nothing matters
Except you
Paul Jones Jan 2012
Left on my own
Wanted by no-one
Left to my devices
Free to roam
People trap you in
Like a prison cell
Must please them
Be all surface
No feeling
Rather be all feeling
No surface
Must be free
Escape thsi prison cell
Loneliness is the key
Be alone
Then you are free
I am free
But ouside
An outsider
Excluded from humanity
Now truly alone
Did not want this
It all went wrong
Nothing else left
Must fade from view
Fade from others memories
Die  in exclusion
Die hidden from view
As no body loved me
Truly alone
That is the prison cell
There is no escape
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