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Jan 2015 · 259
Paul Jack Jan 2015
i am a star in the constellation
i am so arrogant i am the brightest
i see my fellow stars falling
but i still here, i rise up as a matter of fact
i see the world underneath, floating like a boat in crystal waters
i see the dreams of every men
i see the souls going to heaven, i catch one sometimes
i am the highest star, high than the sun
the blue surround me and i love the silence that goes for miles
make a wish i won't grant it, because i m not falling
i will stay here for a while
Jan 2015 · 308
rattle ice
Paul Jack Jan 2015
in a quiet room i stand in the dark
the bright eyes are resting in the dark
the warmth of you breath
the cold of your skin
then a rattle sound
like a glorious symphony
cheers the loud silence
it's my glass full of ice
it's my desire full of spice
it's the rattle ice
Jan 2015 · 264
Paul Jack Jan 2015
i drink the cold air of the first spring's wind
i feed my eyes with the white and green
i glide in the clouds standing still
i  am not tired in this paths
i  am not scare in this woods
i am not sad in this calm
i am not alone
Jan 2015 · 231
Paul Jack Jan 2015
the thunder light  stroke at night
the street are empty like a white canvas
i brush it with the memories of those days
i feel my guts twisting, i feel my heart twitching
the road is wet, i can see my reflection
a long thin dark curved figure bearing all the weight
i came at the door...i wait
you are behind

— The End —