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Coyote Aug 2011
The decay of
and compassion.

What never
should have
been has become.

When the seed of love
is smothered by the weeds
of desperation and the fires
of Hell scorch in the breast
the withered heart of man
then you will understand.
Coyote Aug 2011
You mock me with
your translucent vanity
fashioning mythical
visions of a man beyond
my humble station
How can I hope to
fulfill your jaded
expectations when
my only unique
impulse is original sin
(which isn't all that
original anymore).
In a world of carbon
copied beige you expect
me to stand head and
shoulders above

Ok Father.
I'll try
In Nikos Kazantzakis' book "The Last temptation of Christ", Jesus is a reluctant savior who does all he can to get out of the job, only to realize that he cannot escape his destiny. He grudgingly goes about collecting apostles, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and raising the dead. At the end of the book, Jesus is on the cross, near death when Satan appears and offers him one last chance to escape his fate. Jesus is given a chance to return to his youth and live the normal life of a simple carpenter, complete with wife, children, grand-children, old age, and a painless yet unremarkable death. This is what Jesus has wanted throughout the book, never having asked to be the Messiah and resenting God for putting this burden upon his shoulders. In the final moments of his life, Jesus sees the big picture (so to speak) and rejects Satan's offer, choosing instead to die on the cross (thereby overcoming the 'last temptation'). I had Kazantzakis' story in mind when I wrote this.
(****! My explanation is longer than my poem)!!!
Coyote Jun 2011
In the days since our beginning
and the moments since our end
We accept the true reality
and forget how to pretend
And await the coming savior
or the latest fad and trend
but you find you can’t buy
happiness no matter what
you spend
Forgiveness is elusive
Redemption is sublime
And occasionally there’s
solace in the whiskey or
the wine
But you'll never find
salvation while kneeling
in the pew
Jesus left the building
but the Christ resides
in you.
Whether you want to call it ‘Christ’, ‘Buddha nature’, ‘Epiphany’, ‘the Self’ or just plain ‘Enlightenment’, it is something that resides no place outside of you. It is wholly to be found within, and every single religion is nothing but a road map to lead us to that goal. Sadly, we have been fighting over the map for 2000 years.
Coyote Jun 2011
Lost between the squalid scene
of sadness, blood and death the
dream surrounds.
Waking, shaking in the night
forsaken absence of sunlight
Silence lingers in the dark
a sudden flash, electric spark
In the shade the lemonade
trickles down the colonnade
Knowing that it isn’t real the
morning sun cannot conceal
Walking, talking, life and
death, reality is only an
Just experimenting with word structure (or lack of)
Coyote Jun 2011
The owl and the ***** cat
went to sea in a boat
without an oar
When the boat sailed home
the cat was alone
and the owl was no more

Hey ****** ******
I’ll tell you a riddle
and I bet you’ll never guess
That Jack B. Nimble
was Jack B. Quick
beneath Miss Muffet’s

Little Sol Hornstein
sat next to Maureen
eating his Christmas
He stuck in his fork
and pulled out some pork
And said ‘what a bad
Jew am I’.

Wee Willie Winkie
Tiptoes through the house,
Upstairs, downstairs
Quiet as a mouse.
Closing every window,
Locking every door,
Drinking all his daddy’s beer
And barfing on the floor

The hippy dippy spider
went uptown to score
He got a bag of ****
from the hippy dippy
He smoked up all that
**** with his hippy
dippy friends
So the hippy dippy spider
went uptown again

There was a crooked man
Who walked a crooked mile
He met a crooked woman
Who wore a crooked smile
He brought her to his crooked house
And upon his crooked bed
He had his crooked way with her
(And now the ***** is dead)

(And from an old restroom wall)

Georgie Porgie, puddin' and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry
When the boys came out to play
(He kissed them too cuz' he was gay)
Coyote Jun 2011
Upside down in the void.
Annoyed by priests and
politicians who feast at
the trough of the ignorance
of mankind, blind to the
devastation their righteous
proclamations heap upon
Eden’s polluted shore.
Babylon’s ***** holds firm
their fate in her celestial grasp.

Standing before perdition’s
impartial flame, the liar,
the killer, and salvation's thief...

Dante’s imagination could not
conceive a suitable torment for
your lamentable offenses.
Coyote Jun 2011
A bitter poison spiked with the blood of a
thousand sages ebbs in a chalice at the foot
of the altar.

These soft ripples guide fools the way to oblivion.

Liquid solitude cascades over the parishioners
leading many to believe in the myth of inner
By morning all will grasp reality for a transitory
instant, cursing their miserable lives while praying
in earnest for autumn's obscure redemption.

By nightfall, they will return to the temple...
Wrote this waaaayyy back in high school. At the time, I had just finished reading Macbeth and was beginning a Jim Morrison phase that would last the better part of five years. (I think both influences are evident here). It’s long winded and a bit preachy, but I was a typical teen who thought he knew everything.
Man, was I in for a shock…
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