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Coyote Nov 2010
The forest lingers
in the twilight
of God’s eternal
oblivion while
proud limbs
bend silently
in the cradle
of Autumn’s
loving embrace

The time of man’s
dominion over the
Yew and the Ash
is long past

The mighty Oak
no longer fears
the reaper’s foul
blade for we have
unleashed the sword
of ignorance upon
our own kind

In the end
all that will be left
is the serenity
of the trees
Coyote Nov 2010
Winds of unknowing
blowing through
my tattered memory
A clamorous howl
wailing in desperation
for understanding and
The well of compassion
dry and void of mercy
while realities fragile
tether long since severed
is left unattended to blow
madly in the tempest
of a meandering
- From Notes from the Abyss
Coyote Nov 2010
Calico Zombies wander
the neon gardens of the
American night grasping
aimlessly for connections
their erections ignored by
the ****** in the doorways
along 5th avenue.

“We are unique”.
“We are calico”.

The mantra of a hundred
million lemmings fading in
the moonlight as they slowly
drown beneath the waves of
their own exclusive ignorance.
Coyote Nov 2010
The fire burning.

The liar turning
away from realities
decomposing core
while the doors
of perception
remain barred to
all but a privileged
Truth lies not within
abandoned pews or
the Jew’s unread book
but in eyes willing to
look beyond the concept
of time and space to the
place where nothingness
and being coexist without
- From Notes from the Abyss
Coyote Nov 2010
Brothers and sisters
you’ve got it all wrong
You're humming the
chorus but don’t know
the song
Put down your Bibles
and get off your knees
Get out in the sunlight
and into the trees
The poor and the hungry
are waiting for you
The sick and the homeless
and downtrodden too.
For this is the message
you all fail to see
'What you do unto them,
you do unto Me.'
Coyote Oct 2010
My years spent
kneeling before
Holy words
amounted to naught
but absurd notions
of divinity.
Wasted time
lost to eternal
Better I had  spent
the time on the sublime
ramblings of Nietzsche
or Thomas rather than
the insane promise of
divinity’s celestial return

Wake up children.
The night has passed
and at last we are free
to hurl ignorance back
into the void from which
it came.

The game is on
It's called life
Go and play
Coyote Oct 2010
The lonely spider
Weaving strands in the moonlight
A vivid sermon
This little spider taught me that all things are connected. What is done to one strand in the web of life affects all the others. In the countless hours I spent in numerous churches, I never reached that level of understanding.
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