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Patrick McCombs May 2012
Couldn't sleep. Watched the sun rise
It was no surprise
When you showed up
With a big coffee cup
We were sitting on the bleachers
Imitating nocturnal creatures
Your eyes flared
I think you were scared
That I wasn't sleeping
That some problem was creeping
From the background to the foreground
Without a notice or sound
And I wasn't telling you.
Because I refused to believe it was true
Patrick McCombs Apr 2012
Its a rainy afternoon in May
Its a slow slow day
The droplets weave a song as they fall upon the glass
I wonder when it will pass
Maybe it won't. Maybe it will just keep raining
Unrelenting and forever maintaining
I venture outdoors
Into everlasting downpours
I am drenched
I am entrenched
In the feeling
That rain is healing
And both concealing and revealing
To enshroud yourself in a cloak of rain
Is a way to keep sane
To feel alone and completely together at the same time
To wash away all the grime
The nature of rain is to be cleansing
Patrick McCombs Apr 2012
I've been listening to the wind get caught up in the chimes
As I try and find the pulse of the times
I try and turn my visions into substance
And gauge the type of resistance
That my attempts might receive
I try and perceive
The way the light passes right through the trees
And the direction of the breeze
Blows right through my ears
Whispering to me all my fears
Patrick McCombs Mar 2012
The cool air
The sun's glare
I trace the bumps on my skin
I wonder where to begin
I walk down the path
I probably need a bath
I avoid peoples gazes
I navigate my own personal mazes
I stumble into a convince store
My bare feet cold on the tile floor
No one says anything
There's a song on the radio, I sing
I find that one type of chips I will actually eat
I buy them and I'm out on the street
I find myself listening to the sea
Siting with eyes closed underneath the big oak tree
I think as the cool sea breeze cuts through my coat
I hear the long loud horn of a nearby boat
I sit there for a long time, then my phone rings
Annoyed by the sense of reality it brings
Though I still pick up the phone
And realize my mom wants me home
Patrick McCombs Mar 2012
My hands are shaking
There is no mistaking
That I am lost in the dark
I somehow ended up at this park
The swing set looks vaguely inviting  
And there is no use in fighting
My ever present notion to be in motion once more
To be still is to be at war
Patrick McCombs Mar 2012
The long winding roads leading out to the sea
The sun peaking through the steely grey clouds
The dirt on the old roads have barely settled
When the tanks moved through
The wildlife was gone
As tanks plowed through
Through the grassy fields
Soldiers stumbled behind
****** and disoriented
Shots pierce the silence
For one single moment everything is still
As you see the soldiers rise from the fields like spirits from the grave
You see the long cold barrel of a gun pointed down at you
In an instant you see the spark
Then you hear the sound
Then you feel the hot steel ripping through your skin
You look down at the ****** stump that was once your leg
You realize you are on the ground
You see the same scene replayed all down the road
Then you feel the same pain again
and again and again
Till you don't feel anymore
Patrick McCombs Mar 2012
We trace back our origins
As we breath in the toxic halogens
Time and space are deteriorating rapidly
And I’m losing all sense of me
Everything’s becoming intertwined
Nothing is easily defined
The lines are blurred
I do not know what has or has not occurred
I experience past present and future as one instance
My mind offers no resistance
I have become a conduit for all creation
Through that I have found salvation
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