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Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
Your voice is lower than a whisper
A voice I strain to hear
To hear over the immeasurable strangling silence
To hear the sweet waves of flow and movement
The words rise up and smash on the shores of my mind
I feel the endless potential energy stored in the structure of your light phrasing
Chemical bonds ready to burst.
I grasp at them like a blind man grasping at straws.
I want to understand you
To understand the girl inside that painted armor
I love you.
I love the you I perceive
I just want to hold you deep in the ever expanding country of my arms
When we talk I see your eyes light up
Your whole face moves into the perfect position
I know that is you.
Your mouth is the opening of an endless river
As a stream of whispered beauty flows perpetually
I love this you.
The one who talks honestly and beautifully.
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
The moment is so fleeting
I can hear your heart beating
In this perfect silence
I've developed a realiance
To the frequency of your eyes
Shimmering like the bright blue skies
I listen to your breathing
I think your worth believing
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
We're drifting apart
Slowly but surely
Snipping the strings of the heart
I'm not speaking prematurely
I feel it in the words you speak
In the way you kiss
You're losing your mystique
I know something is amiss
The light that once lit up your face is fading
Sometimes it feels like talking to a stranger
Where I once felt at home, I now feel like I'm invading
I feel like I'm living in constant danger
At any moment you may deal the final blow
I don't want it to end
I want to continue to grow
And you will insist on still being my friend
Whatever the hell that means
Still the same messy end
I'm tearing at the seams
With the immanent evasion  
Awkward mono-syllable conversations
Just the balancing of the equations
The beginning and the end of relations
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
The torrential downpour slammed against the ship
The helmsman is losing his grip
The sails are in shambles
The captain has been reduced to rambles
The storm shows no sign of slowing
And that feeling in my stomach is rapidly growing
We are going to sink
Salty water is going to be my last drink
Thor's hammer strikes above
Only pure unadulterated fear
With my death so near
I gaze back into the past
Savoring every memory while it lasts
I look at it sweetly through rose tinted glass
I smile softly to myself as all things must pass
The water grabs me in an ice cold embrace
And I die with grace and a smile on my face
Through death i know what it means to live
All the pleasure and horrors it can give
So don't throw it away
Use and abuse everyday
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
My skin as white as house hold bleach
The stars are hopelessly out of reach
I munch on cheddar pringles
As I lay on roof shingles
The air cuts right through
The moon looks so blue
It's chilling
It's thrilling
Goosebumps dot my skin
And I don't know where to begin
Basking in the moon's heavenly glow
I feel things I shouldn't know
It surges through my veins
Moving faster than hypersonic jet planes
And it flies up my wind pipe
Oh the moment is ripe
And it erupts
It disrupts
The surrounding air
And I don't care
It's instantaneous
Utterly spontaneous  
My words are torrential
Unlimited potential
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
I remember that day
When it was too hot to hold hands but we did anyway
And the sunlight was streaming
And our smiles were gleaming
And the sunshine cascaded through your hair
And I remember the water bottle we had to share
The pavement was hot beneath our feet
And you looked so sweet
And we scouted for free air conditioning
And as if by predetermined positioning
We stumbled into a little tea shop
I watched your jaw drop
As I faithfully recited your favorite order
We sat in the booth by the window
That day was slow
We didn't talk much
We didn't need that crutch
I held your hand in mine
Sweet as grapes off the vine
We watch the great blue expanse above
And I remember what it meant to be in love.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
The cold air makes everything still
Like the whole world took a sleeping pill
And as we stumble through this frozen instant
Everything seems distant
Sounds seem duller
Fading color
Trees dead and bare
The world doesn't seem to care
Warmth's sweet and hard to find
The grayness batters the mind
The glorious white snow turns to grey slush
There is a sudden rush
For spring
And all the pleasures it brings
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